Configuring Db2 instances for hostname validation

For hostname validation to work on your Db2® clients, the TLS certificates on the Db2 instances to which they will connect need to include the required hostname information. You include this information when creating the certificate signing request (CSR) for a CA-signed certificate or when creating a self-signed certificate. The hostnames you include when creating this certificate depends on the configuration of the Db2 server.

Applications beyond single server connections

Hostname validation is also supported for client connections to the following non-serial Db2 server environments:
  • Client connections to Db2 pureScale® clusters.
  • Client connections to HADR servers.
  • Client connections to Db2 pureScale clusters in an HADR environment.
  • Client connections to Database Partitioning Feature (DPF) clusters.
  • Client connections to Db2 for z/OS® servers.
  • Outbound connections to Federated data sources.
  • Client connections to Db2 servers with multiple host names (multi-homed).