Mimicking databases using db2look

There are many times when it is advantageous to be able to create a database that is similar in structure to another database. For example, rather than testing out new applications or recovery plans on a production system, it makes more sense to create a test system that is similar in structure and data, and to then do the tests against it instead.

This way, the production system will not be affected by the adverse performance impact of the tests or by the accidental destruction of data by an errant application. Also, when you are investigating a problem (such as invalid results, performance issues, and so on), it might be easier to debug the problem on a test system that is identical to the production system.

You can use the db2look tool to extract the required DDL statements needed to reproduce the database objects of one database in another database. The tool can also generate the required SQL statements needed to replicate the statistics from the one database to the other, as well as the statements needed to replicate the database configuration, database manager configuration, and registry variables. This is important because the new database might not contain the exact same set of data as the original database but you might still want the same access plans chosen for the two systems. The db2look command should only be issued on databases running on Db2® Servers of Version 10.5 and later releases.

The db2look tool is described in detail in the Db2 Command Reference but you can view the list of options by executing the tool without any parameters. A more detailed usage can be displayed using the -h option.

Using db2look to mimic the tables in a database

To extract the DDL for the tables in the database, use the -e option. For example, create a copy of the SAMPLE database called SAMPLE2 such that all of the objects in the first database are created in the new database:

C:\>db2 create database sample2
DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.
C:\>db2look -d sample -e > sample.ddl
-- USER is:
-- Creating DDL for table(s)
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful
Note: If you want the DDL for the user-defined spaces, database partition groups and buffer pools to be produced as well, add the-l flag after -e in the preceding command. The default database partition groups, buffer pools, and table spaces will not be extracted. This is because they already exist in every database by default. If you want to mimic these, you must alter them yourself manually.

Bring up the file sample.ddl in a text editor. Since you want to run the DDL in this file against the new database, you must change the CONNECT TO SAMPLE statement to CONNECT TO SAMPLE2. If you used the -l option, you might need to alter the path associated with the table space commands, such that they point to appropriate paths as well. While you are at it, take a look at the rest of the contents of the file. You should see CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and CREATE INDEX statements for all of the user tables in the sample database:

-- DDL Statements for table "DB2"."ORG"
		  "LOCATION" VARCHAR(13) )   

Once you have changed the connect statement, run the statements, as follows:

C:\>db2 -tvf sample.ddl > sample2.out

Take a look at the sample2.out output file -- everything should have been executed successfully. If errors have occurred, the error messages should state what the problem is. Fix those problems and run the statements again.

As you can see in the output, DDL for all of the user tables are exported. This is the default behavior but there are other options available to be more specific about the tables included. For example, to only include the STAFF and ORG tables, use the -t option:

C:\>db2look -d sample -e -t staff org > staff_org.ddl

To only include tables with the schema Db2, use the -z option:

C:\>db2look -d sample -e -z db2 > db2.ddl

Mimicking statistics for tables

If the intent of the test database is to do performance testing or to debug a performance problem, it is essential that access plans generated for both databases are identical. The optimizer generates access plans based on statistics, configuration parameters, registry variables, and environment variables. If these things are identical between the two systems then it is very likely that the access plans will be the same.

If both databases have the exact same data loaded into them and the same options of RUNSTATS is performed on both, the statistics should be identical. However, if the databases contain different data or if only a subset of data is being used in the test database then the statistics will likely be very different. In such a case, you can use db2look to gather the statistics from the production database and place them into the test database. This is done by creating UPDATE statements against the SYSSTAT set of updatable catalog tables as well as RUNSTATS commands against all of the tables.

The option for creating the statistic statements is -m. Going back to the SAMPLE/SAMPLE2 example, gather the statistics from SAMPLE and add them into SAMPLE2:

C:\>db2look -d sample -m > stats.dml
-- USER is:
-- Running db2look in mimic mode 

As before, the output file must be edited such that the CONNECT TO SAMPLE statement is changed to CONNECT TO SAMPLE2. Again, take a look at the rest of the file to see what some of the RUNSTATS and UPDATE statements contain:

-- Mimic table ORG


As with the -e option that extracts the DDL, the -t and -z options can be used to specify a set of tables.

Extracting configuration parameters and environment variables

The optimizer chooses plans based on statistics, configuration parameters, registry variables, and environment variables. As with the statistics, db2look can be used to generate the necessary configuration update and set statements. This is done using the -f option. For example:

c:\>db2look -d sample -f>config.txt
-- USER is: DB2INST1
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful
-- Binding package automatically ...
-- Bind is successful
The config.txt contains output similar to the following example:
-- This CLP file was created using DB2LOOK Version 9.1
-- Timestamp: 2/16/2006 7:15:17 PM
-- Database Name: SAMPLE         
-- Database Manager Version: DB2/NT Version 9.1.0          
-- Database Codepage: 1252
-- Database Collating Sequence is: UNIQUE


-- Database and Database Manager configuration parameters

UPDATE DBM CFG USING cpuspeed 2.991513e-007;
UPDATE DBM CFG USING intra_parallel NO;
UPDATE DBM CFG USING comm_bandwidth 100.000000;


-- Environment Variables settings


Note: Only those parameters and variables that affect Db2 compiler will be included. If a registry variable that affects the compiler is set to its default value, it will not show up under "Environment Variables settings".