Creating temporary table spaces

Temporary table spaces hold temporary data required by the database manager when performing operations such as sorts or joins, since these activities require extra space to process the results set. You create temporary table spaces using a variation of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement.

About this task

A system temporary table space is used to store system temporary tables. A database must always have at least one system temporary table space since system temporary tables can only be stored in such a table space. When a database is created, one of the three default table spaces defined is a system temporary table space called "TEMPSPACE1". You should have at least one system temporary table space of each page size for the user table spaces that exist in your database, otherwise some queries might fail. See Table spaces for system, user and temporary data for more information.

User temporary table spaces are not created by default when a database is created. If your application programs need to use temporary tables, you must create a user temporary table space where the temporary tables will reside. Like regular table spaces, user temporary table spaces can be created in any database partition group other than IBMTEMPGROUP. IBMDEFAULTGROUP is the default database partition group that is used when creating a user temporary table.


For system temporary table spaces in a partitioned environment, the only database partition group that can be specified when creating a system temporary table space is IBMTEMPGROUP.


  • To create a system temporary table space in addition to the default TEMPSPACE1, use a CREATE TABLESPACE statement that includes the keywords SYSTEM TEMPORARY.
    For example:
         MANAGED BY SYSTEM       
         USING ('d:\tmp_tbsp','e:\tmp_tbsp') 
  • To create a user temporary table space, use the CREATE TABLESPACE statement with the keywords USER TEMPORARY.
    For example:
  • To determine the temporary table space size required, use the following table.
    Page size of temporary
    table space
    Row size limit Column count limit
    4K 4 005 500
    8K 8 101 1 012
    16K 16 293 1 012
    32K 32 677 1 012
    A temporary table space can support row sizes up to 1048319 bytes, if the temporary table contains at least one varying length string column (VARCHAR, VARBINARY, or VARGRAPHIC) and the extended_row_sz database configuration parameter is set to ENABLE.