Altering automatic storage table spaces

Much of the maintenance of automatic storage table spaces is handled automatically. The changes that you can make to automatic storage table spaces are limited to rebalancing, and reducing the size of the overall table space.

Automatic storage table spaces manage the allocation of storage for you, creating and extending containers as needed up to the limits imposed by storage paths. The only maintenance operations that you can perform on automatic storage spaces are:
  • Rebalancing
  • Reclaiming unused storage by lowering the high water mark
  • Reducing the size of the overall table space.
  • Changing an automatic storage table space's storage group

You can rebalance an automatic storage table space when you add a storage path to a storage group. This causes the table space to start using the new storage path immediately. Similarly, when you drop a storage path from a storage group, rebalancing moves data out of the containers on the storage paths you are dropping and allocates it across the remaining containers.

Adding new storage paths, or dropping paths is handled at the storage group level. To add storage paths to a database, you use the ADD clause of the ALTER STOGROUP statement. You can rebalance or not, as you prefer, though if you do not rebalance, the new storage paths are not used until the containers that existed previously are filled to capacity. If you rebalance, any newly added storage paths become available for immediate use.

To drop storage paths, use the DROP clause of the ALTER STORGOUP statement. This action puts the storage paths into a drop pending state. Growth of containers on the storage path you specify cease. However, before the path can be fully removed from the database, you must rebalance all of the table spaces using the storage path using the REBALANCE clause on the ALTER TABLESPACE command. If a temporary table space has containers on a storage path in a drop pending state, you can either drop and re-create the table space, or restart the database to remove it from the storage path.
Restriction: You cannot rebalance temporary automatic storage table spaces; rebalancing is supported only for regular and large automatic storage table spaces.

You can reclaim the storage below the high water mark of a table space using the LOWER HIGH WATER MARK clause of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement. This has the effect of moving as many extents as possible to unused extents lower in the table space. The high water mark for the table space is lowered in the process, however containers remain the size they were before the operation was performed.

Automatic storage table spaces can be reduced in size using the REDUCE option of the ALTER TABLESPACE statement. When you reduce the size of an automatic storage table space, the database manager attempts to lower the high water mark for the table space and reduce the size of the table space containers. In attempting to lower the high water mark, the database manager might drop empty containers and might move used extents to free space nearer the beginning of the table space. Next, containers are resized such that total amount of space in the table space is equal to or slightly greater than the high water mark.