Creating schemas

You can use schemas to group objects as you create those objects. An object can belong to only one schema. Use the CREATE SCHEMA statement to create schemas. Information about the schemas is kept in the system catalog tables of the database to which you are connected.

Before you begin

To create a schema and optionally make another user the owner of the schema, you need DBADM authority. If you do not hold DBADM authority, you can still create a schema using your own authorization ID. The definer of any objects created as part of the CREATE SCHEMA statement is the schema owner. This owner can GRANT and REVOKE schema privileges to other users.


To create a schema from the command line, enter the following statement:
CREATE SCHEMA schema-name [ AUTHORIZATION schema-owner-name ]

Where schema-name is the name of the schema. This name must be unique within the schemas already recorded in the catalog, and the name cannot begin with SYS. If the optional AUTHORIZATION clause is specified, the schema-owner-name becomes the owner of the schema. If this clause is not specified, the authorization ID that issued this statement becomes the owner of the schema.

For more information, see the CREATE SCHEMA statement. See also Schema name restrictions and recommendations.