Protecting recovery objects from being deleted

Automated recovery object management saves administration time and storage space. However, you might want to prevent certain recovery objects from being automatically deleted. You can prevent key recovery objects from being deleted by setting the status of the associated recovery history files entries to do_not_delete.

About this task

If you set the auto_del_rec_obj database configuration parameter to ON, then recovery objects get deleted when their associated recovery history file entries get pruned. Recovery history file entries get pruned when one of the following happens:

  • You invoke the PRUNE HISTORY command with the AND DELETE parameter

  • You call the db2Prune API with the DB2PRUNE_OPTION_DELETE flag

  • The database manager automatically prunes the recovery history file, which happens after every successful table space or database full backup.

Whether you invoke the PRUNE HISTORY command, call the db2Prune API, or configure the database manager to automatically prune the entries in the recovery history file, entries that are marked do_not_delete are not pruned, and the associated recovery objects are not deleted.


  • You can set the status of only backup images, load copy images, and log files to do_not_delete.

  • The status of a backup entry is not propagated to log files, load copy images, or non-incremental backups related to that backup operation. If you want to save a particular database backup entry and its related log file entries, you must set the status for the database backup entry and the entry for each related log file.


Use the UPDATE HISTORY command to set the status for associated recovery file entries to do_no_delete.