SQL10002N The password supplied is too long.


The length of the password is expected to be 18 characters or less. However, if the password is to be verified for an APPC conversation, it must be 8 characters or less.

User response

Ensure that the password is not longer than the limit allowed.

sqlcode: -10002

sqlstate: 28000

SQL10003C There are not enough system resources to process the request. The request cannot be processed.


The database manager could not process the request due to insufficient system resources. The resources that can cause this error include:

  • The amount of memory in the system.
  • The number of message queue identifiers available in the system.
  • The number of connections at the cluster caching facility (CF).

User response

Stop the application. Possible solutions include:

  • Remove background processes.
  • Terminate other applications using the resources listed in this message's Explanation.
  • If you are using Remote Data Services, increase the Remote Data Services heap size (rsheapsz) in the server and client configuration because at least one block is used per application.

    NOTE: This is applicable only for releases of DB2 prior to Version 2.

  • Decrease the values of the configuration parameters that define allocation of memory, including ASLHEAPSZ if UDFs are involved in the failing statement.
  • Avoid accessing large files or use non-buffered I/O. To use non-buffered I/O, set the DB2 registry variable DB2NTNOCACHE to YES.
  • Deactivate another connected database before activating this database.

sqlcode: -10003

sqlstate: 57011

SQL10004C An I/O error occurred while accessing the database directory.


Either the system database directory or the local database directory cannot be accessed. This error may occur not only when the system is cataloging or uncataloging a database but also when the system is accessing a database that is cataloged in the directory.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

  • Run LIST DB DIRECTORY ON <path> (where path is where the databases were created).
  • If you are successfully able to list the databases with the above command, then only the instance level directory is having problems.
    • Move all the files under <inst_home>/sqllib/sqldbdir to another location (note: cataloging information will be lost).
    • Recatalog the databases on the same path. Test by running LIST DB DIRECTORY.
  • If you were unable to list databases with the LIST DB DIRECTORY ON <path> command, then the local database directories are the problem. Restore the databases that were cataloged there from backup versions and catalog them.

sqlcode: -10004

sqlstate: 58031

SQL10005N The mode parameter parameter in the CONNECT TO statement is not valid. It must be SHARE for shared access, EXCLUSIVE for exclusive use or EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE for exclusive use on single node. For DB2 Connect connections, only SHARE mode is supported. EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE is only supported in MPP configuration.


The mode parameter of the CONNECT TO statement must be SHARE for shared, EXCLUSIVE for exclusive use or EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE for exclusive use on single node. If connecting to a database usingDB2 Connect , only shared access is allowed. EXCLUSIVE MODE ON SINGLE NODE is only supported in MPP configuration.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Resubmit the command with a valid mode parameter.

SQL10007N Message msgno could not be retrieved. Reason code: code.


The requested message <msgno> could not be retrieved from the message file. Reason code <code> is one of the following:

  1. The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is either not set, or is set to an invalid instance. Correct it and try again.
  2. The message file was found, but the file could not be opened because of permissions. Check the file permissions of the files under the message directory.
  3. The message file could not be found. Either the file does not exist, or the directory the message file should be in does not exist. Check that either a default directory or a directory with the same name as the 'LANG' environment variable exists under the message directory.
  4. The requested message does not exist in the message file. Either the message file is outdated, or it is the wrong one.
  5. Either DB2CODEPAGE is set to a code page which the database does not support, or the client's locale is not supported by the database.
  6. An unexpected system error occurred. Try execution again. If problem persists, contact your IBM representative.
  7. Not enough memory. An attempt to get private memory failed. Try again.

User response

Reissue the command after verifying the following:

  • Ensure that the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is set to the correct literal string for the username attempting this command.
  • Ensure that correct home directory is specified for the username attempting this command (i.e., in the /etc/passwd file).
  • Ensure that the LANG environment variable is set to the correct value for the installed language, or is set to 'C', on the username attempting this command.
  • Even if the message file is outdated, you can still find up-to-date information about the message in the database server documentation.

If all of these things have been verified and the error still occurs, reinstall DB2.

SQL10009N The codeset codeset and/or territory territory that has been specified is not valid.


This version of the database manager does not support the active codeset or territory or both, as specified by the Create Database command.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

Refer to the Create Database command in the Administration Guide for details of valid codeset and territory pairs supported by the database manager.

SQL10010N The specified library, name, was loaded, but the function function could not be executed.


The function routine within the library cannot be found.

The command cannot be processed.

User response

  1. Ensure the library is built correctly. Make sure that the function routine is exported through the 'export file'.
  2. You might have to reinstall the database manager instance or the database manager product.

Federated system users: If the function name is "UnfencedWrapper_Hook" or "FencedWrapper_Hook", then verify that you specified the correct library name on the CREATE WRAPPER statement. Specify the library name that does not end in "U" or "F". For example, to create the DRDA wrapper on AIX, specify library 'libdb2drda.a', but not 'libdb2drdaU.a' or 'libdb2drdaF.a.'. If the wrapper library is supplied by a vendor, then contact the vendor to get an updated version of the wrapper library.

sqlcode: -10010

sqlstate: 42724

SQL10011N An interrupt was received while loading the specified library name.


When loading the library, the command was interrupted, perhaps by the interrupt key (usually Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C).

Processing is stopped.

User response

Resubmit the command.

sqlcode: -10011

sqlstate: 42724

SQL10012N An unexpected operating system error was received while loading the specified library name.


An unexpected error occurred when trying to load the library module specified in the program name field.

User response

Resubmit the current command. If the error continues, stop the database manager and start it again. If the error continues, reinstall the database manager.

If reinstallation does not correct the error, record the message number (SQLCODE) and all information in the SQLCA if possible.

If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Then contact IBM as specified in this guide.

sqlcode: -10012

sqlstate: 42724

SQL10013N The specified library name could not be loaded.


The library module could not be found.

User response

Ensure that the specified library is available.

  • If the client application uses a fully qualified path name to specify the library, the library must be stored in the given directory path. If the client application does not use the path name, the library must be stored in the default directory (<InstanceHomeDir>/sqllib/function). Where <InstanceHomeDir> is the home directory of the database manager instance.
  • If the error message occurs during database manager start time then the user will have to reinstall the database manager instance or the database manager product.

If the library identifies a wrapper module, that module must be installed, link-edited (as required), and available in the correct directory. The data source client libraries (used by the wrapper module) must also be installed and available in the correct directory.

sqlcode: -10013

sqlstate: 42724

SQL10014N The invoking program name name specified is not valid.


The library module or the program name syntax is not correct.

User response

Ensure that the library or program name is specified correctly.

sqlcode: -10014

sqlstate: 42724

SQL10015N There are not enough system resources to load the specified library name.


There is not enough memory to load the library module.

User response

Stop the application. Possible solutions are:
  • Remove background processes.
  • Decrease the values of the configuration parameters that define the allocation of memory.
  • Install more memory.

sqlcode: -10015

sqlstate: 42724

SQL10017N The SQL CONNECT RESET statement is not allowed in a this context.


The remote procedure contains an SQL CONNECT RESET statement.

User response

Remove the SQL CONNECT RESET statement and retry the remote procedure.

sqlcode: -10017

sqlstate: 38003

SQL10018N The disk is full. Processing was ended.


The disk is full. During the export to a PC/IXF file, either the PC/IXF data file is on a fixed disk, or the PC/IXF data file and the database are on the same file system , or the PC/IXF data file and the message file are on the same file system.

The EXPORT utility stops processing. The exported data is not complete.

User response

Provide more space on the disk or specify that the data file be located on a different file system than the database or the message file and resubmit the command.

SQL10019N The database cannot be accessed in the specified path.


The database cannot be accessed for one of the following reasons:
  • The path does not contain a database image.
  • Permissions on the path are incorrect.

User response

Ensure that the path references a valid database and that the permissions are correct.

sqlcode: -10019

sqlstate: 58031

SQL10021N The file permissions do not allow write access to the database.


A write operation was attempted to a database residing on a file system which does not allow write access.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Verify that the file permissions for the file system on which the database resides allow write access.

SQL16000N An XQuery expression cannot be processed because the context-component component of the static context has not been assigned. Error QName=err:XPST0001.


Static analysis of an expression relies on a component of the static context, context-component, that has not been assigned a value.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Assign a value to the context-component.

sqlcode: -16000

sqlstate: 10501

SQL16001N An XQuery expression starting with token token cannot be processed because the focus component of the dynamic context has not been assigned. Error QName=err:XPDY0002.


Evaluation of the expression starting with token token requires that the focus component of the dynamic context be assigned. The token is being considered as the beginning of a path expression which does not have an associated context item or context sequence. This might be the result of not defining or retrieving a sequence as a context for the path expression. Other common causes for this error:

  • The value in token token was intended to be a literal string but delimiting quotations characters are missing.
  • The value in token token was intended to be a function but the opening and closing parentheses are missing.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Investigate occurrences of token token in the XQuery expression. Correct the XQuery expression around an occurrence of this token to assign a focus component or make other changes so that the token is no longer expecting an assigned focus component.

sqlcode: -16001

sqlstate: 10501

SQL16002N An XQuery expression has an unexpected token token following text. Expected tokens may include: token-list. Error QName=err:XPST0003.


The token that follows text is not valid where it occurs in the expression. The token-list includes one or more possible tokens that are valid replacements for the unexpected token.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Use the correct syntax for the expression.

sqlcode: -16002

sqlstate: 10505

SQL16003N An expression of data type value-type cannot be used when the data type expected-type is expected in the context. Error QName=err:XPTY0004.


An XQuery expression includes a value of the type value-type in a context where the expected type is expected-type.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

The following rules apply to types that are used in expressions:

  • The operands of a range expression must each be convertible to a single integer.
  • The operands of a union, intersect, or except operator must contain items that are nodes only.
  • The operands of an arithmetic expression cannot be sequences of length greater than one.
  • The operands of a node comparison must be either single nodes or empty sequences.
  • In general, atomization must not result in more than one atomic value.
  • When atomization is applied to a comparison expression, the result of atomization must be single atomic values, where the value of the first atomized operand is comparable with the value of the second atomized operand.
  • When atomization is applied to a name expression, the result of atomization must be a single atomic value of type xs:QName, xs:string, or xdt:untypedAtomic.
  • The content sequence of a document node constructor cannot contain attribute nodes.
  • When (item(), item()+) appears as the value-type, a sequence of 2 or more items is being used in an expression where a single item is expected.
  • The orderspec values in an order by clause must be convertible to a common type.
  • A value that is bound to a variable must match the declared type (if a type is declared).
  • The cast of a value of source type value-type to target type expected-type must be a supported cast. In cases where SQL processing invokes XQuery to perform a cast from an XML data type to an SQL data type other than XML, an XQuery cast is performed with a temporary derived XML schema type that is generated using a name based on the SQL data type and associated size restrictions. For example, the target-type token value is "VARCHAR_50" for an XMLCAST to VARCHAR(50) and "DECIMAL_9_2" for an XMLCAST to DECIMAL(9,2).

User response

Specify a value of the correct type.

sqlcode: -16003

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16004N The fn:data function cannot be applied explicitly or implicitly to an XQuery node for which the type annotation denotes a complex type with element-only content. Error QName=err:FOTY0012.


An XQuery expression attempted to apply the fn:data function to an XQuery node either explicitly or implicitly as a result of atomization. However, because the type annotation of the node denotes a complex type with element-only content, the typed value of the node is undefined. The fn:data function raises a type error when applied to a node whose type is undefined.

XQuery expressions use atomization to convert items into atomic values in expressions such as: arithmetic expressions, comparison expressions, function calls with arguments whose expected types are atomic, cast expressions, constructor expressions for various kinds of nodes, order by clauses in FLWOR expressions, type constructor functions, source expressions in replace value of expressions, and new name expressions in rename expressions. Processing any of these these expressions will implicitly invoke the fn:data function which could result in this error.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Try one of the following actions:

  • Replace the call to the fn:data function with a function call that is appropriate for complex types with element only content.
  • Call the fn:data function on a node that is annotated as a simple type, or as a complex type that contains mixed content.
  • If the context of an XQuery expression requires a sequence of atomic values, ensure that the sequence consists only of items that can be atomized.

sqlcode: -16004

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16005N An XQuery expression references an element name, attribute name, type name, function name, namespace prefix, or variable name variable-name that is not defined within the static context. Error QName=err:XPST0008.


During the static analysis phase, the static context is used to resolve element names, attribute names, type names, function names, namespace prefixes, and variable names. If an expression uses an undefined-name that is not found in the static context, a static error is raised.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Use a name that is defined within the static context. If the QName includes a prefix, verify that the namespace prefix has been bound to a namespace through a namespace declaration. If the error resulted from a variable reference, verify that the variable is in-scope for the expression.

If the value of an SQL Procedural Language (SQL PL) variable is used in an XQuery expression of an XMLTABLE or XMLQUERY function, or XMLEXISTS predicate, verify that the variable name is specified in the PASSING clause that specifies input values for the expression.

sqlcode: -16005

sqlstate: 10506

SQL16006N XML schemas cannot be imported. Error QName=err:XQST0009.


DB2 XQuery does not support the Schema Import Feature.

The schema cannot be imported.

User response

Remove the schema import statement from the query prolog.

sqlcode: -16006

sqlstate: 10502

SQL16007N The XQuery path expression references an axis axis-type that is not supported. Error QName=err:XQST0010.


The axis-type that is specified is not supported because DB2 XQuery does not support the Full Axis Feature. The supported axes include: child, attribute, descendant, self, descendant-or-self, and parent.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify an axis that is supported.

sqlcode: -16007

sqlstate: 10505

SQL16008N XQuery library modules cannot be declared or imported. Error QName=err:XQST0016.


A module declaration or module import exists in an XQuery statement, but DB2 XQuery does not support the Module Feature.

The module cannot be declared or imported.

User response

Remove all module declarations or module imports from the query prolog.

sqlcode: -16008

sqlstate: 10502

SQL16009N An XQuery function named function-name with number-of-parms parameters is not defined in the static context. Error QName=err:XPST0017.


The expanded QName and number-of-parms in a call to the function function-name do not match the function name and number of parameters of a function signature in the static context.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Try one of the following actions:

  • Verify that you are passing the correct number of parameters to the function call.
  • If the function call uses a function name with no prefix, verify that the local name of the function matches a function that is in the default function namespace, or use the correct prefix.

sqlcode: -16009

sqlstate: 10506

SQL16010N The result of the last step in an XQuery path expression contains both nodes and atomic values. Error QName=err:XPTY0018.


The last step in the XQuery path expression contains at least one XQuery node and one XQuery atomic value. This combination of types is not allowed as the last step in an XQuery path expression.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the last step in each XQuery path expression returns only XQuery nodes or only XQuery atomic values.

sqlcode: -16010

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16011N The result of an intermediate step expression in an XQuery path expression contains an atomic value. Error QName=err:XPTY0019.


Each intermediate step in an XQuery expression must evaluate to a (possibly empty) sequence of XQuery nodes. Such sequences must not include any XQuery atomic values.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the expression to ensure that each intermediate step in an XQuery expression returns a sequence of nodes.

sqlcode: -16011

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16012N The context item in an axis step must be an XQuery node. Error QName=err:XPTY0020.


In an axis step, the context item (the item currently being processed) must be an XQuery node.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the axis step or the input to ensure that the context item is a node.

sqlcode: -16012

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16014N The value of the namespace declaration attribute must be a literal string. Error QName=err:XQST0022.


An XQuery expression contains a namespace declaration attribute that is not a literal string. The value of a namespace declaration attribute must be either a literal string containing a valid URI, or a zero-length string.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a literal string for the value of the namespace declaration attribute.

sqlcode: -16014

sqlstate: 10502

SQL16015N An element constructor contains an attribute node named "node-name" that follows an XQuery node that is not an attribute node. Error QName=err:error-name.


The sequence used for constructing element content contains an attribute node named node-name that follows an XQuery node that is not an attribute node. The particular context where this occurs is based on the error QName.
The content sequence of an element constructor contains an attribute node named node-name that follows an XQuery node that is not an attribute node. Attribute nodes can only occur at the beginning of the content sequence.
The content of an insertion sequence based on the source expression of an insert expression contains an attribute node named node-name that follows an XQuery node that is not an attribute node. Attribute nodes can only occur at the beginning of the insertion sequence.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the content sequence to ensure that attribute nodes follow other attribute nodes.

sqlcode: -16015

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16016N The attribute name attribute-name cannot be used more than once in an element constructor. Error QName=err:XQDY0025.


An XQuery expression uses an attribute-name more than once in an element constructor. This is not allowed because the attribute names that are used in an element constructor must be unique.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a unique name for each attribute.

sqlcode: -16016

sqlstate: 10503

SQL16017N The string "?>" is not allowed in the name expression or content expression of a computed processing instruction. Error QName=err:XQDY0026.


The name expression or content expression of a computed processing instruction cannot contain the string "?>" because these characters are reserved for use as end delimiters in XML processing instructions.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Remove the string "?>" from the name expression or content expression.

sqlcode: -16017

sqlstate: 10508

SQL16018N For the target data type type-name, a string literal is not specified as the operand of a cast expression or as the argument of a constructor function. Error QName=err:XPST0083.


The target data type type-name is either xs:QName or a type derived from the xs:QName or xs:NOTATION predefined XML schema types. For any of these types, a string literal must be specified as the operand of a cast expression or as the argument of a constructor function.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Perform one of the following actions:

  • If type-name is the target data type of a cast expression, change the operand to a string literal or specify a different target data type.
  • If type-name is used as the name of a constructor function, change the argument to a string literal or use a different constructor function.

sqlcode: -16018

sqlstate: 10510

SQL16020N The context node in a path expression does not have an XQuery document node root. Error QName=err:XPDY0050.


The root node above the context node in a path expression must be an XQuery document node.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Change the each path expression so that the context node has a root node that is an XQuery document node.

sqlcode: -16020

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16021N The XQuery version declaration specifies a number version-number that is not supported. Error QName=err:XQST0031.


DB2 XQuery does not support the XQuery version-number that is specified in a version declaration.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a version-number that is supported by DB2 XQuery. DB2 XQuery currently supports XQuery version 1.0.

sqlcode: -16021

sqlstate: 10502

SQL16022N A value of type value-type is not valid in an expression that uses operation operator. Error QName=err:XPTY0004.


The type value-type that is defined for an operand of an XQuery expression is not valid because the expression uses the constructor or operator operator.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a value that is the correct type to use with the constructor or operator operator.

sqlcode: -16022

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16023N The XQuery prolog cannot contain multiple declarations for the same namespace prefix ns-prefix. Error QName=err:XQST0033.


The prolog contains multiple declarations for the namespace prefix ns-prefix. Although a namespace declaration in a prolog can override a prefix that has been predeclared in the static context, the same namespace prefix cannot be declared more than once in the prolog.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Remove any extra declarations for the prefix from the prolog, or change the prefix that is assigned to the extra declarations. Verify that the prefixes used in the query reference the correct namespaces.

sqlcode: -16023

sqlstate: 10503

SQL16024N The prefix prefix-name cannot be redeclared or cannot be bound to the URI http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Error QName=err:XQST0070.


A namespace declaration or a namespace declaration attribute cannot redeclare the predefined namespace prefixes "xml" or "xmlns".

  • If the namespace prefix prefix-name is one of these predefined namespace prefixes, it is being used in a namespace declaration or namespace declaration attribute, which is not allowed.
  • If the prefix name is not "xml" or "xmlns", the declaration of the prefix prefix-name specifies the namespace URI associated with the prefix "xml", which can only be bound to the namespace prefix "xml".

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Perform one of the following actions:

  • If the prefix name is "xml" or "xmlns", change the prefix name to a different namespace prefix.
  • If the prefix name is not "xml" or "xmlns", change the namespace URI specified in the declaration of the namespace prefix.
  • Remove any namespace declaration or namespace declaration attribute that specifies the prefix prefix-name.

sqlcode: -16024

sqlstate: 10503

SQL16025N The result of the content expression of an XQuery computed comment constructor contains two adjacent hyphens or ends with a hyphen character. Error QName=err:XQDY0072.


The content specified for an XQuery computed comment constructor includes combinations of characters that are not allowed. This could be two adjacent hyphen (or dash) characters or the last character is a hyphen.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Remove the invalid uses of hyphen characters from the content expression of each XQuery computed comment constructor.

sqlcode: -16025

sqlstate: 10508

SQL16026N The name attribute-name is used for more than one attribute in the constructor for the element named element-name. Error QName=err:XQST0040.


The name attribute-name in element-name cannot be used more than once because element constructors must use unique names for attributes.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Use unique names for all attributes in element-name.

sqlcode: -16026

sqlstate: 10503

SQL16027N The value of the name expression value in a computed processing instruction constructor is not valid. Error QName=err:XQDY0041.


The atomized value of the name expression value is of type xs:string or xdt:untypedAtomic, but the value cannot be cast to xs:NCName.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Change the value of the name expression to a value that can be atomized and then cast to the type xs:NCName.

sqlcode: -16027

sqlstate: 10508

SQL16029N Two or more namespaces within the same XQuery element constructor use the same namespace prefix prefix-name. Error QName=err:XQST0071.


The namespace prefix prefix-name cannot be used more than once in the same XQuery computed element constructor. If prefix-name is "xmlns", then more that one default namespace is specifed in the XQuery computed element constructor.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Use unique namespace prefixes for local namespace declarations in the computed element constructor. Also, verify that the expression does not include more than one local namespace declaration that has no prefix.

sqlcode: -16029

sqlstate: 10503

SQL16030N The value value returned by the name expression of a computed attribute constructor is in the namespace for the prefix xmlns, or is in no namespace and has the local name xmlns. Error QName=err:XQDY0044.


It is an error for the name expression of a computed attribute constructor to return a QName that is in the namespace http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ (corresponding to namespace prefix xmlns), or return a QName that is in no namespace and has the local name xmlns. The namespace prefix xmlns is used in XQuery to identify namespace declaration attributes.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the name expression of the computed attribute constructor to return a value that is not in the namespace for the prefix xmlns.

sqlcode: -16030

sqlstate: 10508

SQL16031N XQuery language feature using syntax string is not supported.


The XQuery expression includes the syntax indicated in string that is defined by the standard XQuery language specifications but is not supported in DB2 XQuery.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Remove the unsupported expression starting with the syntax string from the XQuery expression.

sqlcode: -16031

sqlstate: 10509

SQL16032N The string string is not a valid URI. Error QName=err:XQST0046.


A namespace declaration or namespace declaration attribute specifies a string value that is not a valid URI.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a string value that is a valid URI. A valid URI must conform to the generic URI syntax specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

sqlcode: -16032

sqlstate: 10504

SQL16033N The target data type type-name of a cast or castable expression is not an atomic data type defined for the in-scope XML schema types or is a data type that cannot be used in a cast or castable expression. Error QName=err:XPST0080.


The cast or castable expression specifies a target data type type-name that cannot be used. The predefined XML schema types xs:NOTATION, xs:anySimpleType, and xdt:anyAtomicType cannot be used as the target type of a cast or castable expression. If type-name is not one of these restricted types, then either the data type is not defined for the in-scope XML schema types or the data type is not an atomic type.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Perform one of the following actions:

  • If the target data type is xs:NOTATION, xs:anySimpleType, or xdt:anyAtomicType, specify a different target data type or remove the cast or castable expression.
  • If the target data type is not defined by the in-scope XML types, specify a data type that is in-scope or change the XML schema to include the data type.
  • If the target data type is not atomic, specify a different target data type or remove the cast or castable expression.

sqlcode: -16033

sqlstate: 10507

SQL16034N The QName qname is used as an atomic type in a sequence type, but is not defined in the in-scope schema type definitions as an atomic type. Error QName=err:XPST0051.


The QName qname cannot be used as an atomic type because it is not defined in the in-scope schema type definitions as an atomic type. Error QName=err:XPST0051.

User response

Use a QName that is defined as an atomic type.

sqlcode: -16034

sqlstate: 10503

SQL16035N A validate expression is not supported in DB2 XQuery. Error QName=err:XQST0075.


The validation feature is not supported in DB2 XQuery, so a validate expression cannot be used as an XQuery expression.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Remove all validate expressions from the XQuery expression.

sqlcode: -16035

sqlstate: 10509

SQL16036N The URI that is specified in a namespace declaration cannot be a zero-length string. Error QName=err:XQST0085.


The URI that is specified in a namespace declaration must be a valid URI that conforms to the generic URI syntax specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The URI cannot be a zero-length string.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a valid URI in the namespace declaration.

sqlcode: -16036

sqlstate: 10504

SQL16038N The arguments of fn:dateTime have different timezones. Error QName=err:FORG0008.


The function fn:dateTime includes arguments that have different timezones. The timezone of both arguments could be explicitly part of the value or may be result from the use of the implicit timezone for the XQuery execution environment for one of the arguments.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the same timezone is used for both arguments of fn:dateTime.

sqlcode: -16038

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16039N The function function name expected a string literal for argument argument-number.


The function identified by function name requires that the argument number argument-number be specified as a string literal. The XQuery expression includes an invocation of function function name that does not use a string literal.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Change argument argument-number of function function name to a string literal.

sqlcode: -16039

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16040N The argument of function function name does not identify a single column with SQL data type XML.


The function function name requires that the argument specify an SQL result table with a single column of data type XML. For db2-fn:xmlcolumn this is done by specifying a column within a table or view with the SQL data type XML. For db2-fn:sqlquery, the SQL query provided as an argument must specify a single column in the outer fullselect that has an SQL data type of XML.

User response

Correct the argument of function function name to return a single column with SQL data type XML.

sqlcode: -16040

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16041N An implicit or explicit invocation of the fn:boolean function in the XQuery expression could not compute the effective boolean value of the sequence. Error QName=err:FORG0006.


This error occurs if the effective boolean value of the sequence operand of an explicit or implicit invocation of the fn:boolean function cannot be computed for the sequence operand. The effective boolean value can be computed only if the sequence operand is one of the following sequences:

  • An empty sequence
  • A sequence where the value of the first item is a node
  • A singleton sequence with a value of type xs:string, xdt:untypedAtomic, or a type derived from one of these types
  • A singleton sequence with a value of any numeric type or derived from any numeric type

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Determine the possible expressions within the XQuery expression where an effective boolean value is calculated either implicitly or explicitly. An implicit invocation of the fn:boolean function can occur when processing the following types of expressions:

  • Logical expressions (and, or)
  • An fn:not function invocation
  • The where clause of a FLWOR expression
  • Certain types of predicates, such as a[b]
  • Conditional expressions, such as if
  • Quantified expressions (some, every)

Ensure that the sequence operand of each effective boolean value calculation would have a valid sequence operand (one described in the explanation).

sqlcode: -16041

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16042N The name expression in a computed processing instruction constructor cannot be equal to "XML" in any combination of upper and lower case characters. Error QName=err:XQDY0064.


The NCName that results from the name expression of a computed processing instruction constructor cannot be equal to the string of characters XML in any combination of upper or lower case characters.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the name expression to result in an NCName that is not equal to XML.

sqlcode: -16042

sqlstate: 10508

SQL16045N An unidentified error was issued from an XQuery expression. Error QName=err::FOER0000.


An XQuery expression resulted in an unidentified error.

User response

Fix the problem in the XQuery expression.

sqlcode: -16045

sqlstate: 10611

SQL16046N A numeric XQuery expression attempted to divide by zero. Error QName=err:FOAR0001.


A division or modulus operation attempted to divide an integer or decimal value by zero.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Use a value for the divisor that is not equal to zero.

sqlcode: -16046

sqlstate: 10601

SQL16047N An XQuery expression resulted in arithmetic overflow or underflow. Error QName=err:FOAR0002.


An arithmetic operation resulted in a number that either exceeded the maximum or was below the minimum value allowed.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the expression to result in a number that does not result in an arithmetic overflow or underflow.

sqlcode: -16047

sqlstate: 10601

SQL16048N An XQuery prolog cannot contain more than one declaration-type declaration. Error QName=err:error-qname.


Declaring more than one declaration-type declaration in a prolog results in an error. The declaration-type declaration type is one of the following declarations that can be specified in an XQuery prolog:

  • copy-namespaces
  • ordering
  • default element namespace
  • default function namespace
  • construction
  • boundary-space
  • default empty order

This error could be returned for a variety of error QNames such as err:XQST0055, err:XQST0065, err:XQST0066, err:XQST0067, err:XQST0068, and err:XQST0069.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Remove the extra declaration of type declaration-type from the prolog.

sqlcode: -16048

sqlstate: 10502

SQL16049N The lexical value value is not valid for the date-type data type in the function or cast. Error QName=err:FOCA0002.


A cast expression or function call includes a value that does not have the correct lexical form for the type-name data type.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Try one of the following actions:

  • If the error results from a function invocation, verify that the string parameters used for QNames or local names have the correct lexical form.
  • If the error results from a cast expression, verify that the source value is not one of the special float or double values NaN, INF, or -INF.

sqlcode: -16049

sqlstate: 10602

SQL16051N The value "value" of data type "source-type" is out of range for an implicit or explicit cast to target data type "target-type". Error QName=err:error-name.


An XQuery expression requires that the value value with a data type of source-type be cast, either implicitly or explicitly to the target data type target-type. The value is outside the defined range of values for that data type. If the target-type is xs:dateTime or a data type derived from xs:dateTime, then the range applies to the value in the specified timezone and to the value converted to UTC using the timezone component of the value.

This error could be returned for a variety of error QNames such as err:FOAR0002, err:FOCA0001, err:FOCA0003, err:FODT0001, err:FODT0002, and err:FORG0001.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Change the XQuery expression to use a target data type with a range that supports the specific value value, or change the value to be within the defined range of the target data type target-type.

sqlcode: -16051

sqlstate: 10602

SQL16052N NaN cannot be used as a float or double value in a datetime operation. Error QName=err:FOCA0005.


NaN was passed as an argument to a datetime operation, but NaN is not a valid parameter value for datetime operations.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Pass a valid float or double value to the datetime operation.

sqlcode: -16052

sqlstate: 10602

SQL16053N The codepoint codepoint is not valid in a character string. Error QName=err:FOCH0001.


A value that was passed to the fn:codepoints-to-string function in an XQuery expression contains a codepoint that is not a legal XML character.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the argument to pass in valid codepoints only, or remove the expression.

sqlcode: -16053

sqlstate: 10603

SQL16054N The normalization form form that is specified as an argument of the function fn:normalize-unicode is not supported. Error QName=err:FOCH0003.


The effective value form that was passed as the normalization form argument to the fn:normalize-unicode function is not supported. The effective value of the normalization form is computed by removing leading and trailing blanks, if present, and converting to upper case.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Pass a supported normalization form to the fn:normalize-unicode function.

sqlcode: -16054

sqlstate: 10603

SQL16055N An arithmetic operation involving a datetime value resulted in overflow. Error QName=err:FODT0001.


An arithmetic operation involving a datetime value resulted in a number that exceeded the maximum value allowed.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the XQuery expression to result in a number that does not exceed the maximum value allowed.

sqlcode: -16055

sqlstate: 10605

SQL16056N An arithmetic operation involving a duration value resulted in overflow. Error QName=err:FODT0002.


An arithmetic operation involving a duration value resulted in a number that exceeded the maximum value allowed.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the XQuery expression to result in a number that does not exceed the maximum value allowed.

sqlcode: -16056

sqlstate: 10605

SQL16057N A timezone value value is not valid. Error QName=err:FODT0003.


An XQuery expression specifies a timezone value that is less than -PT14H00M or greater than PT14H00M.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Specify a timezone value that is greater than -PT14H00M or less than PT14H00M.

sqlcode: -16057

sqlstate: 10605

SQL16058N No context item is defined for the function or operation function-or-operation. Error QName=err:FONC0001.


The function or operation name relies on a context item, but no context item is defined.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the XQuery expression to ensure that a context item is defined for the function or operation name. If the function or operation uses the context item because an argument is omitted, then modify the expression to ensure that the context item is defined before the function is invoked.

sqlcode: -16058

sqlstate: 10606

SQL16059N No statically known namespace exists for the prefix in the value value cast to xs:QName. Error QName=err:FONS0003.


An XQuery expression that casts to xs:QName specifies a value that uses a prefix, but the prefix cannot be mapped to a URI because there is no statically known namespace for the specified prefix.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

In the cast expression, specify a prefix in the value that exists as a statically known namespace. If the prefix is correct, ensure that there is a namespace declaration for the specified prefix.

sqlcode: -16059

sqlstate: 10607

SQL16060N No namespace was found for the prefix in the QName qname. Error QName=err:FONS0004.


The expanded QName of an element could not be resolved because no namespace exists for the prefix that is specified in the QName.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Add a namespace declaration to bind the prefix to a URI, or specify a different prefix in the QName.

sqlcode: -16060

sqlstate: 10607

SQL16061N The value value cannot be constructed as, or cast (using an implicit or explicit cast) to the data type data-type. Error QName=err:FORG0001.


An XQuery expression attempted to use the value value as a data-type value but the value is not valid for the data type. The following situations might cause this error:

  • A value was passed to a constructor function that required a value of data type data-type.
  • A value was explicitly passed to a cast function or specified in a cast expression with a target data type of datatype.
  • An expression that included value implicitly cast the value to the target data type of data-type. Many XQuery expressions use implicit casting to process the expressions. For example, implicit casting is used in general comparisons of numeric values that require the values to be of data type xs:double.
  • In cases where SQL processing invokes XQuery to perform a cast from an XML value value to an SQL data type other than XML, an XQuery cast is performed with a temporary derived XML schema type that is generated using a name based on the SQL data type and associated size restrictions. For example, the data-type token value is "VARCHAR_50" for an XMLCAST to VARCHAR(50) and "DECIMAL_9_2" for an XMLCAST to DECIMAL(9,2).

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Try one of the following actions:

  • Use a value in the constructor or cast expression that is valid for the data type data-type.
  • If the error occurs in an expression that casts from one primitive type to another, verify that casting from the source type to the target type is supported. If the cast is not supported, either remove the expression or cast the value to a different data type.
  • Check for expressions that would result in implicit casting with values that may not conform to the data type of the implicit cast and add conditions to the expression to avoid the error.

sqlcode: -16061

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16062N The argument passed to the function fn:zero-or-one is not valid because the sequence contains more than one item. Error QName=err:FORG0003.


A sequence that was passed as an argument to the function fn:zero-or-one contains more than one item.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Modify the expression to ensure that the sequence passed to the function fn:zero-or-one contains only one item or is an empty sequence.

sqlcode: -16062

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16063N The argument passed to the function fn:one-or-more is not valid because the sequence is empty. Error QName=err:FORG0004.


A sequence that was passed as an argument to the function fn:one-or-more is empty.

User response

Modify the expression to ensure that the sequence passed to the function fn:one-or-more is not an empty sequence.

sqlcode: -16063

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16064N The argument passed to the function fn:exactly-one is not valid because the sequence is empty or contains more than one item. Error QName=err:FORG0005.


A sequence that was passed as an argument to the function fn:exactly-one does not contain exactly one item.

User response

Modify the expression to ensure that the sequence passed to the function fn:exactly-one contains exactly one item.

sqlcode: -16064

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16065N An empty sequence cannot be constructed as, or cast to, the data type datatype. Error QName=err:FORG0006.


The data type datatype that is specified in a constructor or cast expression does not support casting or constructing an empty sequence of the specified type.

User response

Pass a value that is not an empty sequence to the constructor or cast expression.

sqlcode: -16065

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16066N The argument passed to the aggregate function function-name is not valid. Error QName=err:FORG0006.


The argument that was passed to the aggregate function function-name is not valid because the argument does not meet any of the conditions that are required for arguments to the function function-name.

User response

Try one of the following actions:

  • If the function is fn:avg, verify that the following conditions are met: If the input sequence contains duration values, the values must be either all xdt:yearMonthDuration values or all xdt:dayTimeDuration values. If the input sequence contains numeric values, the values must all be promotable to a single common type that is one of the four numeric types, xdt:yearMonthDuration or xdt:dayTimeDuration or one if its subtypes.
  • If the function is fn:max or fn:min, verify that the following conditions are met: All items in the input sequence must be numeric or derived from a single base type for which the gt operator (for fn:max) or lt operator (for fn:min) is defined. If the input sequence contains numeric values, the values must all be promotable to a single common type and the values in the sequence must have a total order. If the input sequence contains duration values, the values must be either all xdt:yearMonthDuration values or all xdt:dayTimeDuration values.
  • If the function is fn:sum, verify that the following conditions are met: All items in the input sequence must be numeric or derived from a single base type. The type must support addition. If the input sequence contains numeric values, the values must all be promotable to a single common type. If the input sequence contains duration values, the values must be either all xdt:yearMonthDuration values or all xdt:dayTimeDuration values.

sqlcode: -16066

sqlstate: 10608

SQL16067N The flags argument value passed to the function function-name is not valid. Error QName=err:FORX0001.


The function function-name includes a value that was passed to the function as a regular expression flag parameter. However, the string that was passed to the function includes characters that are not defined as flags.

User response

Modify the function call to pass in a string argument that contains only characters that are defined as flags. Valid characters include s, m, i, or x.

sqlcode: -16067

sqlstate: 10609

SQL16068N The regular expression argument value passed to the function function-name is not valid. Error QName=err:FORX0002.


The value that was passed to the function function-name is not valid according to the rules that are specified for regular expressions in XQuery. These rules are based on the regular expression syntax specified in XML Schema, with some extensions added to the syntax to accommodate XQuery. See the product documentation for a description of XQuery-specific extensions to the regular expression syntax for XML Schema.

User response

Specify a valid value for the regular expression.

sqlcode: -16068

sqlstate: 10609

SQL16069N A regular expression argument value passed to the function function-name matches a zero-length string. Error QName=err:FORX0003.


The value that was specified for the pattern parameter in a call to the function function-name matches a zero-length string. A zero-length string is not a valid pattern for this function because the pattern will never match a substring in the input string.

User response

Pass a valid pattern to the function call, or remove the function call from the expression.

sqlcode: -16069

sqlstate: 10609

SQL16070N The replacement string argument value passed to the function fn:replace is not valid. Error QName=err:FORX0004.


The value that was specified for the replacement string parameter in a call to the function fn:replace is not valid because the value includes one or more of the following invalid characters:

  • A "$" character that is not immediately followed by a digit 0-9 and not immediately preceded by a "\".
  • A "\" character that is not part of a "\\" pair or immediately followed by a "$" character.

User response

Use a value for the replacement string that includes valid characters only.

sqlcode: -16070

sqlstate: 10609

SQL16071N The function function-name cannot be processed because the context item assumed to be the argument is not an XQuery node. Error QName=err:FOTY0011.


The function function-name relies on a context node, but the context item is not a node.

User response

Modify the XQuery expression to ensure that the context item is a node. If the function uses the context item because an argument is omitted, then modify the expression to ensure that the context item is a node before the function is invoked.

sqlcode: -16071

sqlstate: 10610

SQL16072N The items of the sequence argument of function fn:index-of are not comparable with the search argument. Error QName=err:FOTY0012.


The sequence argument that was passed to the fn:index-of function is not valid because the items in the sequence are not comparable with the search argument.

User response

Pass a sequence to the function fn:index-of that contains items that are comparable with the search argument.

sqlcode: -16072

sqlstate: 10610

SQL16074N An XQuery atomic value with the lexical representation starting with value of type type-name cannot be processed in the XQuery operation or function name because the length exceeds the operation or function limit of size bytes.


An XML document contains an atomic value with the lexical representation starting with value that exceeds size bytes, which is the size limit for the XQuery data type type-name when used in the XQuery operation or function indicated by name. The statement attempts to use the atomic value in name.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Possible ways to avoid this length limitation include:

  • Change the value in the XML document to a length no greater than size bytes, possibly by using the fn:substring function.
  • Avoid using the value in the XQuery operation or function name that limits the length.

sqlcode: -16074

sqlstate: 10902

SQL16075N The sequence to be serialized contains an item that is an attribute node. Error QName=err:SENR0001.


A request was made to serialize an XML value. The XML value is a sequence containing an item that is an XQuery attribute node. There is no defined sequence normalization for an attribute node as an item in a sequence and therefore the sequence cannot be serialized.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

Remove any items in the sequence containing just an attribute node or do not attempt to serialize the sequence.

sqlcode: -16075

sqlstate: 2200W

SQL16076N The internal identifier limit of limit has been exceeded for the number of matched XQuery nodes.


An XQuery expression that is matching XQuery nodes is limited to limit matching nodes. The XQuery expression that returned this error has exceeded the limit for the number of matching XQuery nodes.

The statement cannot be processed.

User response

The XQuery expression should be modified to avoid the use of wildcards, the node() kind test, or descendant axes. Alternatively, the XQuery expression should be performed over a value with a reduced number of XQuery nodes, possibly by splitting the value into smaller values.

sqlcode: -16076

sqlstate: 10903

SQL16077N The value of a name expression name-string in a computed element constructor, a computed attribute constructor, or a rename expression cannot be converted to an expanded QName. Error QName=err:XQDY0074.


The value of name-string has a data type of xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic that must be converted to an expanded QName. The conversion fails if the string does not conform to the lexical form of an xs:QName value or if the namespace prefix of the value is not found in the statically known namespaces of the XQuery.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the name expression returns a valid string-name in the lexical form of an xs:QName that can be converted to an expanded QName in the XQuery expression. If the namespace prefix is not in the statically known namespaces, add a namespace declaration in the XQuery prolog to associate a namespace URI with the namespace prefix in the string-name.

sqlcode: -16077

sqlstate: 10508

SQL16080N An XQuery expression includes one or more expression-type expressions outside the modify clause of a transform expression. Error QName=err:XUST0001.


A basic updating expression is specified in an expression that is not part of the modify clause of a transform expression. One or more expression-type expressions results in an updating expression in a context where only a non-updating expression can be specified.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Remove the expression-type expression and any other basic updating expressions from any expression that is not contained in the modify clause of a transform expression.

sqlcode: -16080

sqlstate: 10701

SQL16081N An XQuery expression in the modify clause of a transform expression is not an updating expression or an empty sequence expression. Error QName=err:XUST0002.


The expression in the modify clause of a transform expression is a non-updating expression other than an empty sequence expression. The expression in the modify clause of a transform expression must be an updating expression or an empty sequence expression.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the expression in the modify clause of every transform expression includes a basic updating expression or is the empty sequence expression.

sqlcode: -16081

sqlstate: 10702

SQL16082N A target node in one or more expression-type expressions is not a node that was newly created in the copy clause of the transform expression. Error QName=err:XUDY0014.


A target node of a basic updating expression must be a node that was newly created by the copy clause of the transform expression. One or more expression-type expressions has a target node that is not newly created.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that the target nodes for every expression-type expression and any other basic updating expressions are newly created by the copy clause of the transform expression.

sqlcode: -16082

sqlstate: 10703

SQL16083N Incompatible "expression-type" expressions exist in the modify clause of a transform expression. Error QName=err:error-name.


The modify clause of a transform expression includes multiple expression-type expressions that operate on the same target node. These basic updating expressions are not compatible since the result would be nondeterministic based on the order of processing the expression-type expressions.

The following list gives the reason for the error based on the error QName:

If the value of expression-type is "rename", then there exists more than one rename expression that applies to the same target node.
If the value of expression-type is "replace", then there exists more than one replace expression, without the value of keywords specified, that applies to the same target node.
If the value of expression-type is "replace value of", then there exists more than one replace expression, with the value of keywords specified, that applies to the same target node.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Change the expression in the modify clause of the transform expression to ensure that no two expression-type expressions have the same target node.

sqlcode: -16083

sqlstate: 10704

SQL16084N An assigned value in the copy clause of a transform expression is not a sequence with exactly one item that is a node. Error QName=err:XUTY0013.


The evaluation of the copy clause of a transform expression resulted in one or more invalid assignments. At least one assigned value was an empty sequence, a sequence with multiple items, or an atomic value. The assigned value must be a sequence with exactly one item that is a node.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Ensure that every copy source expression in the copy clause of the transform expression returns a sequence with exactly one item that is a node.

sqlcode: -16084

sqlstate: 10705

SQL16085N The target node of an XQuery expression-type expression is not valid. Error QName=err: error-name.


The following list describes the reasons why the target node of a basic updating expression is not valid based on the error QName:


The value of expression-type is "insert into", "insert as first into", or "insert as last into" and the target node of an insert expression is not a single element node or document node.


The value of expression-type is "insert before" or "insert after" and the target node of an insert expression that specifies before or after is not a single element, text, processing-instruction, or comment node whose parent property is not empty.


The value of expression-type is "delete" and the target expression does not return a sequence of zero or more nodes.


The value of expression-type is "replace" or "replace value of" and the target node of a replace expression does not qualify any node, qualifies a sequence of two or more nodes, or qualifies a document node. It must qualify exactly one node that is not a document node.


The value of expression-type is "replace" and the parent property of the target node of a replace expression is empty.


The value of expression-type is "rename" and the target node of a rename expression is not a single element, attribute, or processing instruction node.


The value of expression-type is "delete" and the parent property of the target node of a delete expression is empty.


The value of expression-type is "insert before" or "insert after", the insertion sequence includes attribute nodes and the parent node of the target node is a document node. Otherwise, the value of expression-type is "insert into", "insert as first into", or "insert as last into" the insertion sequence includes attribute nodes and the target node of an insert expression is a document node.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the expression-type expression to use a valid target node as described in the explanation.

sqlcode: -16085

sqlstate: 10703

SQL16086N The replacement sequence of a replace expression contains invalid nodes for the specified target node. Error QName=err:error-name.


A node in the replacement sequence cannot be used to replace the target node. The reason is listed based on the error Qname:

The value of keywords are not specified and the target node is not an attribute node. The replacement sequence must contain only element, text, comment, or processing instruction nodes but at least one item in the sequence is an attribute node.
The value of keywords are not specified and the target node is an attribute node. The replacement sequence must contain only attribute nodes but at least one item in the sequence is not an attribute node.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the source expression in the with clause of the replace expression to ensure that the replacement sequence contains only valid nodes for the target node.

sqlcode: -16086

sqlstate: 10706

SQL16087N The result of an XQuery transform expression is not a valid instance of the XQuery and XPath data model. Additional information: token1, token2. Error QName=err:XUDY0021.


The result of applying the updating expressions contained in a transform expression would result in an invalid instance of the XQuery and XPath data model (XDM). The specific constraint violation in the XDM instance can be identified from the additional information included in the tokens.

If token1 is "attribute", then token2 is the name of an attribute that has occurred more than once in a target element, after applying the updating expressions in the transform expression.

The XQuery expression cannot be processed.

User response

Correct the transform expression to ensure that the resulting instance of the XDM is correct.

If token1 is "attribute" ensure that any updating expressions involving attributes do not use the name of an attribute that already exists in the target element and is not deleted or replaced within the same transform.

sqlcode: -16087

sqlstate: 10707

SQL16088N An expression-type expression has a binding of a namespace prefix prefix-string to namespace URI uri-string, introduced to an element named element-name, that conflicts with an existing namespace binding of the same prefix to a different URI in the in-scope namespaces of that element node. Error QName=err:XUDY0023.


An expression-type expression has introduced a new namespace binding for prefix prefix-string using URI uri-string into an element node named element-name that conflicts with one of the existing namespace bindings of the in-scope namespaces of that node. The element node could be the target in the updating expression or the parent of the target in the updating expression. For example, an insert expression might insert an attribute into an existing element. If the QName of the inserted attribute binds prefix P to some URI, but an in-scope namespace of the element node binds the same prefix P to a different URI, a conflict is detected and this error is raised.

User response

If the expression-type expression is intentionally introducing a new namespace binding, modify the expression so that it uses a namespace prefix that is different from all existing prefixes of the in-scope namespaces of the element named element-name. Alternatively, modify the expression so that the binding of prefix-string uses the same URI as the existing namespace binding of the in-scope namespaces of the element named element-name.

sqlcode: -16088

sqlstate: 10708

SQL16089N An expression-type expression and possibly other updating expressions in the modify clause of a transform expression introduce conflicting namespace bindings into an element named element-name. The prefix prefix-string is bound to uri-string1 while another binding of the same prefix uses a different namespace URI. Error QName=err:XUDY0024.


The combined effect of the updating expressions in the modify clause of a transform expression has been to introduce conflicting namespace bindings into element node named element-name. For example, two attributes might have been inserted whose QNames have the same namespace prefix but different namespace URIs.

If expression-type is 'insert' or 'replace' the conflicting namespace bindings may be between 2 attribute nodes in the sequence of attribute nodes in the insertion sequence or replacement sequence. The conflict could also be with a namespace binding introduced to the element element-name for an attribute node that was inserted, replaced or renamed by another updating expression in the same modify clause of the transform expression.

If expression type is 'rename', the namespace binding for the new name conflicts with a namespace binding also introduced to the element element-name for a node that was inserted, replaced or renamed by another updating expression in the same modify clause of the transform expression.

User response

If the expression-type expression is intentionally introducing a new namespace binding, modify the expression so that it uses a namespace prefix that is different from all other prefixes used in the updating expressions of the same transform expression that have the element named element-name as the target or parent of an attribute node target. Alternatively, modify the expression so that the binding of prefix-string uses the same URI as the other namespace bindings used in the updating expressions of the same transform expression that have the element named element-name as the target or parent of an attribute node target.

sqlcode: -16089

sqlstate: 10708

SQL16090N The target of a rename expression is a processing instruction node and the namespace prefix of the QName qname-string is not empty. Error QName=err:XUDY0025.


A transform expression includes a rename expression that has a target node that is a processing instruction node. The new name expression in the rename expression results in the QName qname-string that has a prefix that is not empty. The name of a processing instruction must not include a prefix.

User response

Change the new name expression of the rename expression so that the resulting QName has an empty prefix.

sqlcode: -16090

sqlstate: 10709

SQL16100N XML document contains duplicate declarations for <!notation notation-name>.


While parsing an XML document the XML parser encountered more than one declaration for the notation with name notation-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Remove the duplicate notations from the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16100

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16101N XML schema contains an attribute attribute-name that has been declared more than once for element element-name.


While parsing an XML document, two or more attributes with the same name attribute-name were found for an element named element-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML schema and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16101

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16102N XML document contains a notation declaration with name notation-name that is not found, is not a valid notation declaration, or does not have a valid QName.


While parsing an XML document, the declaration for the identified XML notation identified by notation-name was not found in the document or associated schema/DTD, is incorrectly declared, or does not have a valid QName.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML notation identified by notation-name and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16102

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16103N A character was found in an XML document that is invalid or cannot be represented in the document encoding.


While parsing an XML document the parser found a character that was invalid or is not represented in the document encoding.

Parsing did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16103

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16104N Internal error encountered in XML parser. Parser error is parser-error.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an internal error parser-error. The value of parser-error is the internal parser error code.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Try the operation again and if the error persists, contact IBM service.

sqlcode: -16104

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16105N Incorrect XML data. Expected data of type type-name and found value value which is not a valid value for that type.


While processing an XML document or XML schema the XML parser expected to find data of a certain type and found a value that could not be converted to that type.

If the data type is listed as 'datetime' the data type is one of the date or time data types such as date, time, duration, gDay, gMonth, gMonthDay, gYear.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16105

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16106N Invalid XML facet specified for data type type-name of the node.


While parsing an XML document the parser found a facet specified that was not legal or supported for the specified data type of the node.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16106

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16107N XML schema contains an error in facet facet-name. One reason is reason-code.


While processing an XML schema the XML parser found an error with the specified facet. One or more of the following reasons hold true:
  1. The value of the facet is not legal or supported for that facet
  2. The facet was specified multiple times for the same object. A given facet may only be specified once per object.
  3. The facet name is invalid or unknown
  4. The value of that facet of a complex type was invalid. Valid values are '#all' or 'list(restriction, extension)'
  5. The value of that facet of an element was invalid. Valid value are '#all' or 'list(restriction, extension)'
  6. The only allowable value of the whitespace facet in this context is 'collapse'

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16107

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16108N XML schema contains an invalid combination of facets facet1 and facet2. One reason is reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser found specified facets identified by facet1 and facet2 that are either mutually exclusive or have conflicting or invalid values. The reason-code indicates one of the possible reasons as described here.

The length facet and maxLength facet are both specified and are mutually exclusive.
The length facet and minLength facet are both specified and are mutually exclusive.
The maxInclusive facet and maxExclusive facet are both specified and are mutually exclusive.
The minInclusive facet and minExclusive facet are both specified and are mutually exclusive.
The value of the maxLength facet must be greater than the value of the minLength facet.
The value of the maxExclusive facet must be greater than the value of the minExclusive facet.
The value of the maxExclusive facet must be greater than the value of the minInclusive facet.
The value of the maxInclusive facet must be greater than the value of the minExclusive facet.
The value of the maxInclusive facet must be greater than the value of the minInclusive facet.
The value of the totalDigits facet must be greater than the value of the fractionDigits facet.
The value of the maxInclusive facet for a derived type is greater than or equal to the value of maxExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxInclusive facet for a derived type is greater than the value of the maxInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxInclusive facet for a derived type is less than the value of the minInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxInclusive facet for a derived type is less than or equal to the value of the minExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxExclusive facet for a derived type is greater than the value of the maxExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxExclusive facet for a derived type is greater than the value of the maxInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxExclusive facet for a derived type is less than or equal to the value of the minInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxExclusive facet for a derived type is less than or equal to the value of the minExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minExclusive facet for a derived type is greater than or equal to the value of the maxExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minExclusive facet for a derived type is greater than the value of the maxInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minExclusive facet for a derived type is less than or equal to the value of the minInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minExclusive facet for a derived type is less than or equal to the value of the minExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minInclusive facet for a derived type is greater than or equal to the value of the maxExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minInclusive facet for a derived type is greater than the value of the maxInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minInclusive facet for a derived type is less than the value of the minInclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the minInclusive facet for a derived type is less than or equal to the value of the minExclusive facet for the base type.
The value of the maxInclusive facet for a derived type is not equal to the value of the maxInclusive facet for the base type. The maxInclusive facet for the base type was defined with the fixed attribute set to "true".
The value of the maxExclusive facet for a derived type is not equal to the value of the maxExclusive facet for the base type. The maxExclusive facet for the base type was defined with the fixed attribute set to "true".
The value of the minInclusive facet for a derived type is not equal to the value of the minInclusive facet for the base type. The minInclusive facet for the base type was defined with the fixed attribute set to "true".
The value of the minExclusive facet for a derived type is not equal to the value of the minExclusive facet for the base type. The minExclusive facet for the base type was defined with the fixed attribute set to "true".
The value of the minOccurs attribute exceeds the value of the maxOccurs attribute.
The totalDigits facet value of a derived type must be less than or equal to the totalDigits facet value for the corresponding base type.
The fractionDigits facet value of a derived type must be less than or equal to the totalDigits facet value for the corresponding base type.
The fractionDigits facet value of a derived type must be less than or equal to the fractionDigits facet value for the corresponding base type.
The totalDigits facet value of a derived type must be equal to the value of the totalDigits facet with the fixed attribute set to "true" for the corresponding base type.
The fractionDigits facet value of a derived type must be equal to the value of the fractionDigits facet with the fixed attribute set to "true" for the corresponding base type.
The maxLength facet value of a derived type must be equal to the value of the maxLength facet with the fixed attribute set to "true" for the corresponding base type.
The minLength facet value of a derived type must be equal to the value of the minLength facet with the fixed attribute set to "true" for the corresponding base type.
The length facet value of a derived type must be equal to the value of the length facet with the fixed attribute set to "true" for the corresponding base type.
The whiteSpace facet value of a derived type must be equal to the value of the whiteSpace facet with the fixed attribute set to "true" for the corresponding base type.
A fractionDigits facet value exceeded the totalDigits facet value. The fractionDigits facet value represents the number of digits to the right of the decimal and cannot exceed that totalDigits facet value.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16108

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16109N XML document contains an invalid comment. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid comment. Possible values for reason-code include:
  1. Comment did not start with <!--
  2. Comment contained --
  3. Comment was not terminated.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16109

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16110N XML syntax error. Expected to find construct.


While parsing an XML document, the parser expected to find a certain construct and did not. The XML is either not well formed, or not valid depending on the operation.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16110

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16111N XML Document contains an invalid CDATA section. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid or ill formed CDATA section indicated by reason-code. Possible reason codes are:
  1. There are nested CDATA sections,
  2. A CDATA section is not terminated
  3. a CDATA section contains the sequence ']]<'
  4. a CDATA section is found outside the root element.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16111

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16112N XML schema contains an element or attribute definition in error because 'name' or 'ref' was missing and required. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing an XML schema the XML parser encountered an incorrect element or attribute definition. Value for reason-code corresponds to one of the following reasons:
  1. A globally declared attribute in an XML schema had no name. All globally declared attributes must have a name.
  2. An attribute declared in an XML schema without a name or a ref. All attributes must have a name or a ref.
  3. A globally declared element in an XML schema had no name. All globally declared elements must have a name.
  4. An attribute declared in an XML schema without a name or a ref.. All elements must have a name or a ref.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16112

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16113N XML document or XML schema contains an attribute attribute-name that is in error. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an attribute that is not correctly defined or used. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
The attribute had both a name and a ref specified. An attribute may have either a name or a ref but not both.
The attribute has previously been declared within the same scope. Attribute names must be unique within their scope.
The attribute should be qualified and was not
The attribute was qualified and should not have been
The attribute is already defined in a base and should not appear in derivation by extension
The ID attribute was referenced but never declared
The attribute does not match its defined enumeration or notation list
The values for the attribute must be names or name tokens
The attribute does not support multiple values
No data type validator was found for this attribute
The attribute must not be changed by normalization in a standalone document
The value of the attribute is invalid. Prefixed namespace bindings may not be empty
This attribute is a top level attribute and it could not be found
An attribute list in a DTD is missing the type definition for the attribute type, which must be one of the following: 'CDATA', 'ID', 'IDREF', 'IDREFS', 'ENTITY', 'ENTITIES', 'NMTOKEN', or 'NMTOKENS'.
The attribute refers to an unknown entity
The content of the attribute is invalid. The content must conform to the format (annotation?, (simpletype?))
The attribute has a default value. That value must be specified in a standalone document.
The attribute has already been used in the element. An attribute name must be unique within it's parent element.
The attribute has both 'fixed' and 'default' facets specified for it. Either one or the other can be specified but not both.
The value of the attribute did not match any of the allowable enumerated values for that attribute.
The attribute is not defined within the element
The attribute has an invalid value
The attribute was not defined in the associated schema.
The attribute was not declared
There is a bad ID value for this attribute
The attribute is required but was not found
The simple type of the attribute is not found
The value of the attribute does not match a 'fixed' value.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16113

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16114N XML document contains an ID with a duplicate value value.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an ID value value that had previously been declared with the document. ID values must be unique with a document.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16114

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16115N XML document contains an element or attribute named name with an unresolved namespace prefix.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an element or attribute, identified by the name name, whose namespace prefix cannot be resolved to a URI.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16115

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16116N XML document contains a duplicate value value in a type declaration.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a duplicate value in the type declaration. A type declaration can only specify 'substitution', 'union', 'extension', 'list', or 'restriction' once.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16116

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16117N XML document declares an entity entity-name that is not terminated.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an entity declaration for entity-name without the expected termination character.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16117

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16118N XML document declares an element with name element-name that is not terminated.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an element declaration with name entity-name without the expected termination character.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16118

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16119N XML document contains an entity reference to entity-name that is not terminated.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an entity reference to entity-name without the expected termination character.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16119

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16120N Document Type Definition (DTD) contains a content model specification for element element-name that was not terminated.


While processing a DTD, the XML parser encountered a content model that was not terminated for an element named element-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the DTD and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16120

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16121N XML document contains an entity literal that is not terminated for an entity named entity-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an entity literal that was not terminated that is associated with an entity named entity-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16121

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16122N XML document contains an invalid character reference codepoint.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid character reference that has the code point value of codepoint.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16122

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16123N XML document contains an element element-name with empty content where the content model requires content for this element.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an element named element-name that included no content. The content model for the element does not allow empty content.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Add content to the element or remove the element from the document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16123

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16124N XML document contains an end tag that is not terminated for a tag with name tag-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an end tag that was not terminated that is associated with an tag named entity-name.. Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16124

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16125N XML document contains an invalid character with code point codepoint in the internal subset.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid character defined with code point codepoint in the internal subset.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16125

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16126N Document Type Definition (DTD) contains an element element-name in the content model that was not declared.


While parsing a DTD the parser encountered an element with name element-name in the content model that was not declared.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the DTD and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16126

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16127N A DTD contains unexpected whitespace before the character '?', '*', or '+'.


While parsing a DTD, the parser encountered unexpected whitespace before an occurrence of the character '?', '*', or '+'. Whitespace is not allowed in this context.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Remove the unexpected whitespace characters and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16127

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16128N XML document contains an invalid character with code point codepoint in attribute value attribute-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid character with code point codepoint in an attribute value identified by attribute-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16128

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16129N XML document expected end of tag tag-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser expected to encounter the end of a tag with name tag-name and did not.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Add or correct the missing end tag and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16129

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16130N XML document contains an invalid or not terminated processing instruction. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing an XML document or XML schema the XML parser encountered an processing instruction that is not valid. One or more of the following reasons make the processing instruction not valid:
  1. The processing instruction was not terminated
  2. The processing instruction starts with the characters 'xml' (in any combination of upper or lower case), which is prohibited.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML processing instruction and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16130

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16131N XML document contains a start tag tag-name that is not terminated.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a start tag identified by tag-name that is not terminated. The content following the start tag may be missing the end tag or the content is not well-formed between the start tag and the end tag.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16131

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16132N XML document contains an invalid document structure.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid document structure. The parser encountered non-whitespace character data in the prolog of an instance document or in the external subset of a DTD.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16132

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16133N XML document contains an invalid namespace declaration.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid namespace declaration in a DOM instance. The namespace has the prefix "xmlns" and the URI http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16133

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16134N XML document contains an invalid target namespace associated with name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an attribute declaration with ncname name with a target namespace that matched the XML schema namespace for instance documents ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'). This URI cannot be used as a target namespace in an attribute declaration.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the element or attribute name and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16134

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16135N XML document contains an attribute list that references an element element-name that is not declared.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered and attribute list with a reference to an element named element-name that was not declared.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16135

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16136N XML schema contains a facet error. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an error with a facet. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
  1. The only valid 'constraining' facet for a boolean data type is PATTERN
  2. An invalid facet tag was encountered
  3. The value of an 'enumeration' facet in a derived object is not from the value space of the corresponding base object.
  4. The value of a 'whiteSpace' facet must be one of 'preserve', 'replace', or 'collapse'
  5. The value of a 'whiteSpace' facet must not be 'preserve' or 'replace' if the value of the 'whiteSpace' facet of the corresponding base type is 'collapse'
  6. The value of a 'whitespace' facet of a derived object must not be 'preserve' if the value of the whitespace facet of the corresponding base object is 'replace'

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16136

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16137N XML document contains an unknown simpleType type-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a type name type-name that is an unknown simple type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the type name and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16137

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16138N XML document contains an unknown complexType type-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a type name type-name that is an unknown complex type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the type name and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16138

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16139N XML schema contains an error in the content of simpleType type-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an error in the content of simpleType with name type-name. The simpleType element definition is only allowed one of restriction, list or union. In some cases, the token may not be available.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16139

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16140N XML document contains a <group> or <attributeGroup> specification without a name or ref attribute.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a <group> or <attributeGroup> specification that did not have a name or ref attribute.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16140

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16141N XML schema contains an invalid derivation by RESTRICTION or EXTENSION. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing an XML schema the XML parser encountered a problem with a type derived by RESTRICTION or EXTENSION. The possible reasons are described by the reason-code values that follow.
There is an invalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in a simpleContent definition.
There is an invalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in a complexContent definition.
The BASE attribute was not specified for the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION. Every derivation by RESTRICTION or EXTENSION must include an identification of the base type for that derivation.
Derivation by RESTRICTION or EXTENSION is prohibited by the base type or by XML schema.
The schema contains a forbidden restriction of 'any'. Valid restrictions for 'any' include 'choice', 'sequence', 'all', and 'element'
The schema contains a forbidden restriction of 'all'. Valid restrictions for 'all' include 'choice', 'sequence', and 'element'
The schema contains a forbidden restriction of 'choice'. Valid restrictions for 'choice' include 'sequence', 'all', and 'leaf'
The schema contains a forbidden restriction of 'sequence'. Valid restrictions for 'sequence' include 'element'.
The schema attempts to use a simple type in a derivation by RESTRICTION for a complexType
The schema attempts to use a simple type with a value of 'final' in a derivation by EXTENSION.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML schema and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16141

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16142N XML document contains an undefined entity entity-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an entity identified by entity-name that is not defined.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16142

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16143N XML document contains an unexpected end of entity entity-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an end of entity named entity-name that was not expected.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the entity and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16143

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16144N XML document contains an open angle bracket character ('<') in the attribute attribute-name without specifying it as an entity.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an open angle bracket character ('<') in an attribute value for attribute named attribute-name. If the open angle bracket character is desired, it must be specified as the entity '&lt;'. It cannot be specified as the character literal '<'.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the attribute value and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16144

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16145N XML document contains a hex radix character reference specified using "X" and not "x".


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a hex radix character reference where the value was specified with upper case "X" instead of lower case "x". A hex radix character reference must use the lower case "x".

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the hex radix character reference to use lower case "x" and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16145

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16146N The main XML document is empty.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an empty main XML document. The main XML document cannot be empty.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16146

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16147N XML document contains an invalid use of the namespace for xmlns or the namespace prefix 'xmlns'.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered either an attempt to explicitly bind a reserved prefix such as 'xml' or 'xmlns' to a namespace, or an attempt to explicitly bind a reserved namespace such as the namespace for xml or xmlns to a prefix. Reserved prefixes cannot be explicitly bound to any namespace but their own, nor can any reserved namespaces be bound to any prefix but their own.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16147

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16148N XML document contains an invalid element element-name1 with abstract set to true and substitutionGroup to element-name2.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered element element-name1 with abstract set to true and defined as a member of a substitution group of element element-name. The abstract is required to be false for element-name1 as a member of the substitution group with head element element-name2.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16148

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16149N XML document contains a empty targetNamespace attribute value.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an empty targetNamespace attribute value. The attribute must be absent or contain a value that is not empty. Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16149

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16150N XML document contains a keyref field keyref-name that refers to key field key-name with a different cardinality.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a mismatch in the cardinality of a keyref field keyref-name that refers to key field key-name. The cardinality in the kweyref must match the key.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the cardinality of the keyref field or the key field in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16150

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16151N XML document contains a keyref field keyref-name that refers to key with name key-name that is not found.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a keyref field keyref-name that refers to a key field key-name that is not known in the document.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the name of the key field in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16151

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16152N XML document contains multiple attributes derived from one type ID in the same complex type or attribute group. One of the attributes is attribute-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered multiple attributes derived from one type ID in the same complex type or attribute group. One of the attributes with this property is identified by attribute-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the attributes of the complex type or attribute in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16152

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16153N XML schema contains an attribute type definition with a default value or a fixed value that is different from the fixed value constraint of the reference type type-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a mismatch in the value constraint of the attribute and attribute reference type. Either the attribute specified a default and the reference type is fixed or the attribute specified a different fixed value than specified in reference type type-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the value constraint of the attribute reference in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16153

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16154N XML schema contains an element element-name that has more than one attribute defined with the ID property.


While parsing an XML schema (or DTD), two or more attributes with the ID property were declared for the element named element-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML schema or DTD and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16154

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16155N XML document contains an incorrectly specified or invalid URL. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an incorrectly specified or invalid URL. The reason-code indicates which of the following conditions was found.
The URL was not correctly formed.
The URL uses an unsupported protocol.
Only 'localhost' is supported at this time.
No protocol prefix is present.
Expected // after protocol.
% must be followed by two hex digits.
The host component is not terminated.
The base part of the URL cannot be relative.
A relative URL could not be resolved using the specified base URL because the base URL does not contain enough path segments.
The port field must be a 16 bit decimal value.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16155

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16156N XML document has a primary document entity that could not be opened. System Id=system-id.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a primary document entity that could not be opened. The document is identified by the system identifier system-id.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16156

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16157N XML schema contains invalid relationships involving inclusion or exclusion facet value value of a derived type and the value space of the base type. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing an XML schema the XML parser encountered an invalid relationship between inclusion facet values or exclusion facet values for a derived type and the value space of the base type. The reason-code indicates which of the following conditions was found. One or more of the following conditions hold true:
  1. The maxInclusion value value for the derived type is not in the value space for the base type.
  2. The maxExclusion value value for the derived type is not in the value space for the base type.
  3. The minInclusion value value for the derived type is not in the value space for the base type.
  4. The minExclusion value value for the derived type is not in the value space for the base type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the facet value that is outside the value space of the base type and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16157

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16158N XML schema contains an invalid relationship involving minLength, maxLength, or length facet value dt-length in a derived type compared to the base type value base-length. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid relationship between facets of a derived type and the base type. The reason-code indicates which of the following conditions was found.
  1. The length value dt-length of the derived type is not equal to the length value base-length of the base type.
  2. The minLength value dt-length of the derived type is less than or equal to the minLength value base-length of the base type.
  3. The minLength value dt-length of the derived type is greater than the maxlength value base-length of the base type.
  4. The maxLength value dt-length of the derived type is greater than the maxLength value base-length of the base type.
  5. The maxLength value dt-length of the derived type is less than or equal to the minLength value base-length of the base type.
  6. The length value dt-length of the derived type is less than the minLength value base-length of the base type.
  7. The length value dt-length of the derived type is greater than the maxLength value of base-length the base type.
  8. The minLength dt-length of the derived type is greater than the length value base-length of the base type.
  9. The maxLength value dt-length of the derived type is less then the length value base-length of the base type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16158

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16159N XML document contains an anonymous complex type with a name attribute in element element-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an anonymous complex type in an element named element-name, yet the complexType had a name attribute. The combination of complexType and name attribute is not permitted in this context.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16159

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16160N XML document contains an anonymous simple type in element element-name with a name attribute.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an anonymous simple type in an element named element-name, yet that element had a name attribute. The combination of anonymous type and name attribute is not permitted.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16160

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16161N XML document contains an element with an information item that is not expected.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an information item that does not match (annonation?, (simpletype | complextype)?, (unique | key | keyref)*).

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16161

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16162N XML document contains an element element-name that cannot be part of the substitution group headed by substitution-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an element element-name that cannot be part of the specified substitution group substitution-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16162

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16163N XML document contains a duplicate element declaration for element-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered duplicate element declaration in the same scope for the specified element.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16163

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16164N XML document contains duplication <annotation> elements in the content.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered duplicate <annotation> elements in the contents. At most one <annotation> element is expected.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document to remove the duplicate <annotation> and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16164

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16165N XML document contains unexpected text before the root element.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered unexpected text before the root element.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16165

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16166N XML document contained partial markup in an entity value.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered partial markup in an entity value. The parser was expanding an entity in the XML document and the resulting XML mark up is not well-formed XML.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16166

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16167N XML document contained NDATA for a parameter entity.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered NDATA for a parameter entity. NDATA is not legal for parameter entities.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16167

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16168N XML document contained an invalid XML declaration. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing an XML document or XML schema the XML parser encountered a missing or invalid XML declaration. The reason-code indicates which of the following conditions was found.
The XML declaration strings must be in the order 'version', 'encoding', and 'standalone'.
The declaration must start <?xml, not <?XML. The string 'xml' must be in lower case.
The XML or text declaration must start at the first column of the first line.
The XML declaration must include the 'version=' string.
The XML declaration is required and not present.
The specified XML version is unsupported, or invalid.
The specified document encoding was invalid or contradicts the automatically sensed encoding.
The XML declaration is not terminated.
The value of the standalone attribute is invalid or unsupported.
Only attributes 'version', encoding', and 'standalone' are supported.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16168

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16169N XML document contained an element or attribute name that is invalid with respect to namespaces. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid XML element or attribute name caused by namespaces. The reason-code indicates which of the following conditions was found.
  1. When namespaces are enabled, a name can only have one colon character.
  2. When namespaces are enabled the colon cannot be the first or last character.
  3. When namespaces are enabled colons are not allowed in names except to separate the name from the namespace prefix.
  4. If namespaces are enabled, it is invalid for an attribute of type ID, IDREF, IDREFS, ENTITY, ENTITIES, or NOTATION to contain a colon.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16169

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16170N XML document contains a type type-name1 with an unknown base type type-name2.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a type type-name1 with an unknown base type type-name2.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the base type for type-name1 in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16170

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16171N XML document contained an error in the content of derivation by list for simple type type-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an illegal specification of the 'list' derivation in the declaration of simpleType type-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the type declaration in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16171

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16172N XML document contains a declaration-type declaration that has both a ref attribute and child contents.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an declaration-type declaration that included a ref attribute and child contents. A ref attribute and child contents cannot both be included in a declaration-type declaration.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16172

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16173N XML document contains an attribute attribute-name that is not allowed.


While parsing an XML document, an attribute attribute-name was encountered that is not allowed in the element.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16173

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16174N XML document contains an XML schema uri1 whose target namespace does not match the one specified in the instance document uri2.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a target namespace mismatch. The target namespace in the XML schema does not match the target namespace in the instance document.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the target namespace in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16174

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16175N XML document contains a schema where the root element element-name could not be resolved.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a problem resolving the root element of a schema document.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16175

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16176N XML Schema contains an illegal use of List, Union, or Restriction content for type type-name.


While parsing an XML document, the specified type type-name is not permitted to be declared with List, Union, or Restriction. A list or union cannot be used with a type that is not a simple type. A simple type that derives from another type requires that the other type must also be a simple type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16176

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16177N XML schema contains a derived type whose base type type-name could not be found.


While parsing an XML document, a derived type was encountered and the base type type-name for that derived type could not be found.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16177

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16178N XML document contains a derived attribute attribute-name that is inconsistent with the definition for the base attribute. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document, a derived attribute was discovered that is inconsistent in some way with the base type for that attribute. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
  1. The REQUIRED setting is inconsistent
  2. The derived type cannot be validly derived from the base type
  3. The value is not fixed or has a different value from the base
  4. The target namespace is invalid with respect to a base wildcard constraint, or the base has no wildcard.
  5. Cannot modify the 'use' attribute of the derived type if the base attribute use is prohibited.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16178

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16179N XML document contains an element or attribute name with a derivation-type declaration that expected a simpleType.


While parsing an XML document, a derivation-type declaration was expecting a simpleType for the specified element or attribute name. A type other than a SimpleType was found.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16179

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16180N XML document contains empty simpleType content.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a simpleType that has no children. There must be one child defined for the simpleType.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16180

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16181N XML document contains invalid simpleContent.


While parsing an XML document, some invalid simpleContent was encountered. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSION.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16181

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16182N XML document contains invalid complexContent.


While parsing an XML document, some invalid complexContent was encountered. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSION.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16182

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16183N XML document contains an invalid child in a complexType. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document an invalid child was found in a complexType. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
  1. Found an invalid child following the simpleContent child in the complexType
  2. Found an invalid child following the complexContent child in the complexType

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16183

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16184N XML document contains duplicate annotation for type type-name.


While parsing an XML document, duplicate annotation for the type type-name was encountered. A type can be annotated at most once.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16184

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16185N XML document contains a syntax error. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a syntax error. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
Expected [ to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE
The document contains a top level complexType with no name
The 'standalone=' string is only allowed in the main XML entity
The 'encoding=' string is required in a text declaration
The Root element is different from DOCTYPE
ID attributes must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED
Attributes of type ENTITY/ENTITIES must refer to an external, unparsed, entity
No character data is allowed by the content model
Element types cannot be duplicated in mixed content models
The content attribute must be 'textOnly' if you specify a type attribute
Next element declarations are only allowed in elementOnly content
Element reference are only allowed in mixed or elementOnly content
Can only have one of 'type' and 'ref' attributes
The type of the element has already been declared
Illegal xml:space declaration
Error in content of <schema> element information item
Attribute declarations may not contain both a type and simpleType declaration
Ref cannot appear with any of 'type', 'abstract', 'block', 'final', 'nilable', 'default', or 'fixed'
Ref is present and simpleType/form/type found
The base type specified in the complexContent element must itself be a complexType.
'anyAttribute' elements can contain at most one 'annotation' element in their children
The namespace of an <import> element must be different from the targetNamespace of the <import>ing schema
If the namespace on an <import> element is not present, the <import>ing schema must have a targetNamespace
The content of a complexType that is derived by restriction is empty, but the base type is not empty and cannot be made empty using a derivation by restriction.
The content type is not a valid restriction of the content type of the base
The {item type definition} must have {variety} of atomic or union (where all member types must be atomic)
The {member type definition} must all have {variety} of atomic or list
The child of a model group definition must not specify either the minOccurs or maxOccurs attribute
A group whose content is 'all' must only appear as the content type of a complex type definition.
When a model group has {compositor} 'all' which constitutes the {content type} of a complex type, minOccurs=maxOccurs=1
In an 'all' schema component, the value of minOccurs/maxOccurs of an element must be '0' or '1'
The intentional intersection of {attribute wildcard}s must be expressible
The base type definition does not have any attributes
An attribute wildcard is present in the derived type, but not in the base
The attribute wildcare in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base
The wildcard attribute in the derived type must be identical to, or stronger than, the one in the base
A simpleType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction element as a child
The base attribute of the restriction child of a simpleType must be the same as the redefine simpleType's name attribute.
A complexType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction of extension element as a grandchild.
The base attribute of a restriction/extension must be the same as the complexType
If a group child of a <redefine> element contains a group referencing itself, it must have exactly one reference.
If an attributeGroup of a <redefine> element contains a reference to itself, such reference must be exactly 1
The content of an identity constraint must match (annotation?, selector, field+)
The XPath expression is either missing or empty
An <xs:all> model group that is part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content type of the complex type definition.
An <annotation> can only contain <appinfo> and <documentation> elements
The root element name of an XML schema should be 'schema'
Repetition of individual elements is not legal for mixed content models
Bad default attribute declaration
Expected default attribute declaration
Attribute list syntax error
Not valid after content
No root element in DOCTYPE
Unterminated DOCTYPE declaration
Text declaration not legal here
Conditional section in internal subset
A parameter entity propagated out of the internal or external subset
Parameter entity references are not allowed inside markup in the internal subset
An entity propagated out of the content section into Miscellaneous
External entities cannot be referred to from attribute values
If 'default' and 'use' are both present, 'use' must have the value 'optional'
Only numeric character entities or special character entities are legal here
The schemaLocation attribute does not contain pairs of values
Partial markup in parameter entity replacement text in a complete declaration
The start and the end tag were in different entities
The document contained a recursive entity expansion
Facets are inconsistent with base type
Whitespace must not occur between externally declared elements with element content in a standalone document.
Partial markup in parameter entity replacement text.
Field matches more than one value within the scope of its selector; fields must match unique values
Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements other than 'appinfo' and 'documentation'
The index given was beyond the max attribute index
The passed AttTypes value is not known
The passed DefAttType value is not known
The binary operation node had a unary node type
The content type must be mixed or children
PCDATA nodes are not valid here
The unary operation node had a binary node type
Unknown content model type
Unknown content spec type
The parent element has no content spec node
The creation reason enum has an unknown value
The enumerator contain no more element
The auto encoding enum has an unknown value
Unbalanced start/end tags found, cannot continue
Wildcard's occurrence range not a restriction of base wildcard's range
Wildcard is not a subset of corresponding wildcard in base
Group's occurrence range not a restriction of base wildcard's range
There is not a complete function mapping between the particles
There is not a complete functional mapping between the particles
Invalid content spec node type
Empty string encountered
String contains whitespace only
More than one decimal points encountered
Invalid chars encountered
Null pointer encountered
Occurrence range of a group is not a valid restriction of occurrence range of base group
There is not a complete functional mapping between the particles
The document contained an unterminated character reference
The number of entity expansions exceeded the allowed limit
This type of attribute cannot have an empty value
Complex type definition representation is ok - <restriction> must have a <simpleType> child
The element name/uri in the restriction does not match that of the corresponding base element
Selectors cannot select attributes
Not allowed to have '|' at the beginning of an XPath value
Not allowed to have '||' in an XPath value
Missing attribute name in XPath
Not allowed to have double colon in the XPath expression
Expected step following token 'AXISNAME_CHILD::'
Expected step following '//' in XPath
Expected step following '/' in XPath
'/' not allowed after '//' in XPath
'//' only allowed after '.' At the beginning of an XPath
Not allowed to have '/' at the beginning of an XPath value
Not allowed to select the root of an XPath
Empty XPath expression
The XPath expression cannot end with '|'
Invalid character following '.' in XPath
XPath token not supported
Enabling the NEL options
No scheme was found in the URI
The derived complexType has content while the base type is empty
The parser expected to find an XML notation name and did not.
An unterminated notation declaration was found
The parser did not find a document encoding but one was required.
The document contained more end tags than start tags

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16185

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16186N XML document encountered invalid unparsed entity reference entity-name.


While parsing an XML document, an unparsed entity reference entity-name was encountered. That is invalid.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16186

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16187N XML document contains an abstract type type-name used in an xsi:type attribute.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered use of an abstract type type-name in an xsi:type attribute.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16187

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16188N XML document contains an invalid content annotation specification for type type-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered Content (Annotation?...) which is incorrect for the data type type-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16188

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16189N XML document contains a ref element element-name not found in the XML schema.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a ref element element-name that is not found in the XML schema.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16189

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16190N XML document contains a type "prefix:type-name" that is not found in the namespace.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a type that is not found in the namespace. The type is identified by prefix:type-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the use of the type in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16190

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16191N XML document contained an invalid child in the complex type type-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid child in the complex type type-name. A child of a completType can be a group, sequence, choice, all, attribute, or attributeGroup.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16191

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16192N XML document contains a circular attributeGroup reference for attribute-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a circular attributeGroup reference. This use is disallowed outside a <redefine>.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16192

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16193N XML document contains a prefix prefix-name that has not been mapped to any URI.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a prefix prefix-name that has not been mapped to any URI.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16193

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16194N XML document contains a type type-name that is used in an xsi:type attribute but is not derived from the type of the element element-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an xsi:type attribute that specified type-name but this type is not derived from the type of the element element-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the type used in the xsi:type attribute in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16194

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16195N XML document contains an invalid redefine. namespace-uri has already been included or redefined.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid redefine. The namespace namespace-uri has already been included or redefined.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16195

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16196N XML document contains an element element-name that is not correctly specified. Reason code = reason-code


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an error with an element named element-name. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
The element is nillable in the restriction but not in the base
The element is either not fixed, or is fixed but does not have the same value as the base
The disallowed substitutions for the element are not a superset of those of the base
The element has a type that does not derive from the base
The element belongs to a group of a variety different from that of the base
The key for the identity constraint of the element is not found
The element is declared with a type that is abstract. Use xsi:type to specify a type that is not abstract
The element has a blocking constraint and does not permit substitution
The element cannot have both a type attribute and a child with a type that is a simpleType or complexType
The element must have a fixed or default value and must have a simple or mixed simple content model
The element must have a schemaLocation attribute specified
The namespace of the element must be from the schema namespace
The element has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group.
The element is globally declared and cannot have a ref attribute
No content specification expression was found for the element
Expected ',' or ')' characters or close parenthesis in the content model of the element
The element cannot have 'xmlns' as a prefix
The element has already been declared
The element cannot have element children within simple type content.
The element has a simpletype but no data type validator was found
The element has a key that matches an element that has nillable set to true
There is a duplicate key value declared for the identity constraint of the element
There is a duplicate unique value declared for the identify constraint of the element
The element has a key with no value
There are not enough values specified for the unique identify constraint of the element
The element was used in the DOCTYPE but never declared
The content model for the element is ambiguous
The particle of the content type is not emptiable but the content type of the element is mixed.
Content for the element is different from the fixed attribute value in the schema declaration of the element
There is a circular substitution group for the element
The element is not valid for the associated content model
The value of the element is 'xsi:nil'. This is inconsistent with the elements declaration as non-nillable.
The element is untyped
The specified element must be qualified
The specified element cannot be qualified
The specified element was not empty yet specified xsi:nil=true. Any element specifying xsi:nil=true should be empty.
The element is not defined.
The element has both 'fixed' and 'default' facets specified for it. Either one or the other can be specified but not both.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16196

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16197N XML document contains key or keyref name name identity constraint that does not have enough values specified for element element-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an element element name where the key or keyref name identity constraint does not have enough values specified.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16197

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16198N XML document contains the declaration of an object-type object with an invalid name name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a declaration for an object-type object with a name name that is not valid.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16198

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16199N XML document contains a type type-name which has complexContent and cannot be specified as the base in a simpleContent element.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a type type-name which has complexContent specified as the base in a simpleContennt element.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document to specify a different type as the base and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16199

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16200N XML document contains a duplicate reference attribute "prefix:name" in a complexType.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a duplicate reference attribute named prefix:name in a complexType.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16200

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16201N XML document contains invalid Unicode character hex-value in a public identifier.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid Unicode character in a public id. The invalid character is identified by the hexadecimal value hex-value.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16201

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16202N XML document contains invalid digit value for the associated radix.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid digit value for the associated radix. The radix could be base 10 or base 16.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16202

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16203N XML document input ended before all started tags were ended. Last tag started was tag-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an end of input before all start tags were closed. The last tag that was started is indicated by tag-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16203

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16204N XML document contains reference to an external entity declaration ext-entity-name in a standalone document.


While parsing an XML document the parser referenced an external entity identified by ext-entity-name in a standalone document.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16204

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16205N XML document contains too few elements to match content model name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser did not find enough elements to match the content model identified by name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16205

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16206N XML document contains reference to a URI uri-string for which no grammar is available.


While parsing an XML document the parser attempted to locate a grammar for the URI uri-string. The grammar is not available.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16206

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16207N XML document contains an entity entity-name that was not defined.


While parsing an XML document, the parser found an entity identified by entity-name that was not defined.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16207

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16208N XML document contains an invalid type type-name in xsi:type.


While parsing an XML document, the parser found an invalid type type-name in an xsi:type definition. Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16208

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16209N XML document requires specification of a member of the substitution group for abstract element element-name.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a missing member of a substitution group for the abstract element element-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16209

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16210N XML document contained a value value that violates a facet constraint. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing an XML document, the XML parser encountered a value that failed a facet constraint test. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
The length of the value exceeds the maxLen facet
The length of the value was less than the minLen facet
The length of the value was not equal to the len facet.
The value was not in the enumeration
The total digits in the value exceeded the totDigits facet
The fractal digits in the value exceeded the fractDigits facet
The value was greater than the maxInclusive facet
The value was greater than or equal to the maxExclusive facet
The value was less than the minInclusive facet
The value was less than or equal to the minExclusive facet
The value is not whitespace replace
The value is not whitespace collapsed
The value does not match the regular expression facet
The value does not match any member types of the union
The value exceeds the scale facet
The value exceeds the precision facet

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the value that violates the constraint facet in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16210

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16211N XML document contained an invalid URI. Token 1=token1. Token 2=token2. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid URI. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
The URI token1 must have all required components.
The URI token1 contains component token2 that is only valid for generic URIs
The URI token1 contains invalid escape sequence token2.
The URI token1 contains an invalid character token2.
The URI contains a non-nullable component that is set to null
The URI token1 contains a non-conformant component token2.
The URI token1 contains a component token2 that is not valid if the 'host' component is not specified
The URI token1 contains a component token2 that is not valid if the 'path' component is not specified.
The URI token1 contains component token2 that cannot be included in a path specification.
A URI contains a port value token1 that is not in the range (0, 65535).

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the URI in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16211

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16212N XML document does not allow circular definitions for name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered the a use of name within the definition of name. XML does not allow circular definitions.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16212

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16213N XML schema contains an element element-name that must not have a constraint-type constraint because the type is derived from ID.


While parsing an XML schema, the parser encountered an element that must not have a constaint-type constraint because it is derived from ID.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16213

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16214N XML document contains an imported schema import-uri that has a different targetNameSpace targetns-uri than what is declared declared-uri.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a namespace mismatch. The XML schema that was imported import-uri has a target namespace targetns-uri that is different from the declared namespace declared-uri in the XML document.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the mismatch in namespaces for the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16214

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16215N XML document contains an included schema include-uri that has a different target namespace targetns-uri.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a namespace mismatch. The XML schema that was included with URI include-uri has a different target namespace URI targetns-uri.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the mismatch in namespaces for the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16215

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16216N XML document is missing attribute attribute-name that must appear in element-type element-name declarations.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an element-type element-name declaration that is missing a required attribute attribute-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Add the missing attribute to the global or local declaration in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16216

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16217N XML document contains attribute attribute-name that cannot appear in element-type element-name declarations.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an attribute named attribute-name that is not allowed in a element-type element-name declaration.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Remove the attribute from the global or local declaration in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16217

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16218N XML document contains a global declaration for component named name1 that is declared more than once.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a duplicate global declaration for a component identified by name. The component could be an "element", "group", or "attributeGroup".

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Remove the duplicate declaration from the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16218

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16219N XML document contains a global type declaration for a type1 named name that is declared more than once or also declared as type2


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered a duplicate global type declaration for a type1 identified by name or name is also declared as a type2. The global type declarations could be a simpleType or a complexType.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16219

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16220N XML document contains an element or attribute name where NOTATION was used directly in the schema for that element or attribute.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an element or attribute where the schema used NOTATION directly for that element or attribute..

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16220

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16221N XML document contains a mismatch in the definition of the base type base-type-name and the derived type derived-type-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a mismatch in the definition of a base type base-type-nameand the derived type derived-type-name. If the content type of the base type is mixed then the derived type must also be mixed content. If the content of the base type is element-only, then the derived type must also be element-only content.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16221

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16222N XML document contains a global declaration-type declaration without a name


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a global declaration-type declaration without a name. The global declaration must have a name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the global declaration in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16222

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16223N XML document contained a <redefine> element with a child of type type-name that is not allowed.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a redefine element with a child defined with data type type-name. A <redefine> element cannot contain a child of that type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the <redefine> element in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16223

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16224N XML document contains a mismatch in the definition of the base element base-element-name and the derived element derived-element-name. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a mismatch in the definition of a base element with name base-element-name and an associated derived element with name derived-element-name. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
  1. The derived element has fewer identify constraints than the base element
  2. The derived element has an identity constraint that does not appear on the base element.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the base element or the derived element in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16224

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16225N XML document contains a namespace of namespace-uri that is not allowed by a wildcard in the base type.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid namespace caused by a type which is derived from a base type with an "any" element that has an element definition with a namespace URI that does not match namespace-uri.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16225

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16226N XML schema contains an invalid group specification for group group-name. Reason code = reason-code.


While processing an XML schema the XML parser encountered an invalid group specification. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
  1. The group must contain (all | choice | sequence)
  2. The group contains a reference to a group being redefined that must have minOccurs = maxOccurs = 1.
  3. The attribute group specification does not match (annotation?.((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16226

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16227N XML document contains object "object-type" named "uri:object-name" that was not found in the schema.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an object of type object-type with name uri:object-name that could not be found in the XML schema.

User response

Correct the XML document or the XML schema and try the operation again.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

sqlcode: -16227

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16228N The content of <all> is restricted to <xs:element> but tag-name was encountered.


While parsing an XML schema document, the parser encountered the element tag-name. XML Schema restricts the content of <all> to <xs:element>.

User response

Correct the XML schema document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16228

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16229N XML document contains a redefine schema schema-uri with a different target namespace targetns-uri.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a redefine schema with a different target namespace.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16229

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16230N XML document contains more than one identity constraint named constraint-name.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered multiple identity constraints that used the name constraint-name.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Change the duplicate identity constraint names in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16230

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16231N XML document contains a reference to namespace uri without an <import> declaration.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered a reference to namespace uri without an import declaration for that namespace.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Include and import for the namespace in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16231

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16232N XML document contains a duplicate setting of attribute-name in the XML declaration.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered duplicate declaration settings of attribute-name in the XML declaration. The XML declaration can only have one setting ot "version", "encoding" and "standalone" attributes.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Remove the duplicate attribute setting in the XML declaration for the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16232

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16233N XML document contains a duplicate ID value ID-value.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered duplicate ID value ID-value.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Change the duplicate ID values to unique ID values in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16233

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16234N XML document contains an invalid declaration for data type type-name. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid data type declaration. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
  1. There is no validator for the data type type-name
  2. It is an incorrect data type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16234

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16235N XML document contained a value value that is out of range. Range value 1=rvalue1. Range value 2=rvalue2. Reason code = reason-code.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered an invalid value. Possible reasons given by reason-code are:
  1. The value value is less than the maximum negative value rvalue1.
  2. The value value is greater than the maximum positive value rvalue1.
  3. The number value is outside the allowed range of rvalue1 to rvalue2.
  4. The number value is required to have an exponent.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the out of range value in the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16235

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16236N Error encountered processing regular expression. Reason code = reason-code. Possible token = token.


While processing a regular expression an error was encountered. The reason-code provides further information regarding the error along with a description of the possible token token if it is not empty.
There was an invalid category name token in the regular expression.
There was an unknown option in the regular expression.
There was an unknown keyword token in the regular expression.
ComplementRanges - Argument must be a RangeToken
Reference number must be more than zero.
Unknown token type.
Invalid child index.
Invalid or zero length replace pattern.
Invalid Unicode hex notation or Unicode code point.
The range end code point token is less than the start code point.
Invalid regular expression syntax. Expected to find a string or character listed in token.
Overflow in a hex notation.
An unexpected character was found in a regular expression.
Invalid reference number.
A character is required after the back slash character ('\').
Unexpected end of the pattern in a modifier group, conditional group, or a character class.
A back reference, an anchor, a lookahead, or a lookbehind is expected in a conditional pattern.
There are more than three choices in a conditional group.
A character in U+0040 to u+005f must follow \c.
Unexpected meta character.
Unknown property.
Unknown name of a POSIX character class.
Invalid use of '-' character in a regular expression.
An anchor is not in the correct position in the regular expression.
An expression is used that is not supported in the current option setting.
An invalid quantifier was used in token. Possible problems are an expected digit, expected '}' character, invalid quantity, a minimum quantity that exceeds the maximum quantity, or a quantity value overflow.
token is not a valid character range.
token is an invalid escape character.
Internal regular expression processing error. Error code token. Retry and if problem occurs again contact IBM support with this message and the value of token.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the regular expression and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16236

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16237N XML schema contains an occurrence range for element element-name that is not a valid restriction of range for the base element.


While parsing an XML schema, the parser encountered an occurrence range in the element element-name that is not a valid restriction of the occurrence range for the base element.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16237

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16238N XML schema contains a prefix prefix-name that is not bound to a namespace URI in an XPath value.


While processing an XML schema, the XML parser encountered a prefix prefix-name without a corresponding URI in an XPath value.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML schema and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16238

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16239N XML document contains a redefine for a type type-name that does not already have an existing declaration.


While parsing an XML document, the parser did not encounter a declaration corresponding to type-name in the schema. The redefine request cannot be performed without a prior declaration.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16239

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16240N XML document contained tag which is only allowed in elementOnly content.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered contents that are only valid in elementOnly content.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16240

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16241N XML document has tag content in a choice model group which is limited to 'element', 'group', 'choice', 'sequence', and 'any'.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered invalid content. A choice model group include the content tag that is not one of 'element', 'group', 'choice', 'sequence', or 'any'.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16241

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16242N XML document has name1 and name2 which violate the unique particle attribution rule.


While parsing an XML document the parser encountered values that violate the unique particle attribution rule.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16242

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16243N XML document contains keyref value referencing a key or unique constraint that is out of scope.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an invalid keyref. The keyref value is the name of a key ior unique constraint that is defined but is not in the scope of the keyref.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16243

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16244N XML document contains an operation operation-name that is invalid for the spec type.


While parsing an XML document, the parser encountered an operation that is invalid for the spec type.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the XML document and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16244

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16245N Unqualified SQL identifier string found at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri.


The identifier string is missing a relational schema name and there is no global annotation db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema specified in the XML schema. The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Either the global annotation db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema must be defined or any table or nickname used in any mapping must be declared with a db2-xdb:table annotation that specifies a relational schema.

sqlcode: -16245

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16246N Incomplete annotation mapping at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri. Reason code = reason-code.


The annotation mapping the XML schema item near line in uri, to a database object is missing some information. Possible values for reason code include:

  1. A rowset name is not specified or is not fully qualified.
  2. Any mapping must specify either a target column or a condition. Neither a target column nor a condition is specified.
  3. Processing of XML content is specified, but no target column specified. Mapping indicates that the content from the XML document is to be truncated, normalized or transformed via an expression but the mapping does not indicate where the processed content is to be stored.

The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Modify the annotations in the XML schema. Possible actions based on the reason-code include:

  1. Specify a rowset name or fully qualify the rowset name.
  2. Specify either a target column or a condition.
  3. Specify a target column for XML content that has associated processing specified.

Consult annotated XML schema documentation on the specified annotation to make sure that all required components have supplied values.

sqlcode: -16246

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16247N Source XML type source-data-type cannot be mapped to target SQL type target-data-type in the annotation at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri.


Annotation at or around line lineno in XML schema document uri maps a XML schema type source-data-type to an incompatible SQL type target-data-type. The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Consult annotated XML schema documentation on compatibility between XML schema types and SQL types. Correct the annotation appropriately.

sqlcode: -16247

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16248N Error in annotation at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri. Additional information for the error includes errordetails.


The annotated XML schema document uri contains an error in the annotation at or near line number lineno. Types of errors include: invalid value, unknown elements or attributes inside an annotation, mal-formed XML. Any available additional information on the type of error or the erroneous value is provided in errordetails.

The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Consult annotated XML schema documentation for list of legal annotations and their syntax. Correct or remove the unknown annotation.

sqlcode: -16248

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16249N The db2-xdb:expression or db2-xdb:condition annotation annotation-string at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri is invalid according to reason code reasoncode.


The identified db2-xdb:expression or db2-xdb:condition annotation is not valid, as indicated by one of the following reason codes:

  1. String length of the specified expression exceeded the maximum allowed.
  2. The number of occurrences of the keyword $DECOMP_CONTENT or $DECOMP_ELEMENTID in the expression exceeded the maximum of 10 occurrences.

The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Consult annotated XML schema documentation regarding the syntax and limits for db2-xdb:expression or db2-xdb:condition annotations. Correct the expression appropriately.

sqlcode: -16249

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16250N The db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema with value schema-name at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri conflicts with another db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema specified in one of the XML schema documents within the same XML schema.


There can only be one value for the db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema annotation across all XML schema documents that comprise an annotated XML schema. The specified SQL schema name schema-name at or near the line number lineno in the XML schema document uri conflicts with another value for db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema annotation in this or another XML schema document of the XML schema. The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Correct the annotated XML schema such that all specifications of db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema are consistent.

sqlcode: -16250

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16251N Duplicate db2-xdb:table annotation defined for table or nickname table-name at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri.


There is more than one db2-xdb:table annotation for the table or nickname table-name in the annotated XML schema. A second db2-xdb:table annotation has been found for this table or nickname at or around line lineno in XML schema document uri. The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Correct the annotated XML schema by removing any duplicate db2-xdb:table annotations for the table or nickname table-name from the XML schema documents of the XML schema.

sqlcode: -16251

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16252N The db2-xdb:rowSet name rowset-name specifed at or near line lineno in the XML schema document uri is already associated with another table or nickname.


A rowset in an annotated XML schema must correspond to exactly one table or nickname. The rowset declaration at or near line lineno declares an association between rowset rowsetname and the table or nickname specified in the enclosing db2-xdb:table annotation. The specified rowset has already been associated to a different table or nickname in another db2-xdb:table annotation. The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Correct the annotated XML schema such that each rowset name is uniquely associated with exactly one table or nickname across the annotated XML schema documents of the XML schema.

sqlcode: -16252

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16253N The db2-xdb:condition annotation condition at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri is too long.


The length of the string associated with db2-xdb:condition that starts with condition exceeds the maximum allowed. The db2-xdb:condition is found at or around line number lineno in XML schema document uri. The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Reduce the size of the condition string for db2-xdb:condition in the XML schema document. Consult annotated XML schema documentation on the limit for strings specified in db2-xdb:condition annotations.

sqlcode: -16253

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16254N A db2-xdb:locationPath locationpath at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri is not valid with reason code reason-code.


A value specified in the annotated schema for db2-xdb:locationPath is not valid. Possible values for reason code include:
  1. Some element or attribute has a namespace prefix that is not mapped to a URI. All namespace prefixes used in the location path must have been associated with a namespace in the XML schema document containing the annotation specifying this location path.
  2. Invalid syntax for a location path.
  3. The specified path does not match any possible path from a root node to a location where the element or attribute may appear in an instance document.
  4. An element or attribute name in the locationPath does not correspond to any element or attribute name in the XML schema.
  5. The number of location steps in the location path exceeds the maximum allowed.

The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Modify the annotations in the XML schema. Possible actions based on the reason-code include:
  1. Ensure that namespace prefixes in the db2-xdb:locationPath are correct or add a declaration for the missing namespace.
  2. Ensure that the syntax of the value for db2-xdb:locationPath is valid syntax for a location path.
  3. Ensure that the value for db2-xdb:locationPath corresponds to a possible path from the root node to the element or attribute at the end of the location path.
  4. Make sure all element and attribute names in the locationPath correspond to valid element and attribute names in the XML schema.
  5. Consult annotated XML schema documentation regarding the limits for db2-xdb:locationPath and reduce the number of location steps in the location path to within the limit.

sqlcode: -16254

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16255N A db2-xdb:rowSet value rowset-name used at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri conflicts with a db2-xdb:table annotation with the same name.


The annotated XML schema contains a db2-xdb:table annotation which declares a table or a nickname named rowset-name, but the annotated XML schema does not have any db2-xdb:rowSet annotation declaration to associate rowset-name to any table or nickname. If a rowset is not declared in any db2-xdb:table annotation, it is implicitly associated to a table or nickname with the same name qualified by the value of db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema. The annotated XML schema cannot use a db2-xdb:rowSet annotation that relies on an implicit association between a rowset and a table or a nickname with the same name of rowset-name, and at the same time declare a table or nickname named rowset-name using a db2-xdb:table annotation. The XML schema document can be determined by matching uri to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Correct the annotated XML schema by adding a db2-xdb:rowSet child element to the db2-xdb:table element with name rowset-name. This will explicitly associate the rowset to the table or nickname.

sqlcode: -16255

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16256N XML schema is missing a global complexType required to enable for decomposition.


The XML schema has no global elements of complexType which would serve as a potential root element for instance documents. The XML schema must contain at least one global element of complexType in order to be enabled for decomposition.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Ensure that the XML schema contains at least one global element of complexType before attempting to enable the XML schema for decomposition.

sqlcode: -16256

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16257N Feature feature-number at or near line lineno in XML schema document uri, is not supported for decomposition. Any additional information on the error includes error-details.


An unsupported feature was detected, as indicated by one of the following feature numbers:
  1. A mapping to a column of a type not supported by decomposition. Consult annotated XML schema documentation for the allowed target column types.
  2. A mapping of an element in a choice model group containing a condition or expression.
  3. A mapping of an element or attribute to a nickname identifying a table at a data source that is not DB2 for LUW. Any nickname referenced in an annotated XML schema must identify a table that is at a DB2 for LUW data source.
  4. The annotated xml schema contains a reference to a table whose code page is different from the database code page. Decomposition is not supported in a configuration where any of the target tables are in a different code page from that of the database.

In some cases, the presence of the unsupported feature in the XML schema results in failure to enable for decomposition. In other cases, having annotations in the decomposition namespace on the unsupported feature results in failure to enable for decomposition. Any additional available information pertaining to the error is given in error-details.

User response

Remove the feature from the XML schema or remove the decomposition annotations associated with the feature, as appropriate. Consult decomposition documentation on the restrictions on use of the specified XML schema feature.

sqlcode: -16257

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16258N The XML schema contains a recursive element which is an unsupported feature for decomposition. The recursive element is identified as "elementnamespace:elementname" of type "typenamespace:typename".


XML schemas with recursive elements are not supported for decomposition. At least one recusive element was found identified as elementnamespace:elementname of type typenamespace:typename.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Remove the use of recursion from the XML schema.

sqlcode: -16258

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16259N Invalid many-to-many mappings detected in XML schema document uri1 near line lineno1 and in XML schema document uri2 near line lineno2.


The two identified annotations specify an invalid many-to-many relationship between elements that map to the same rowset. If two element declarations have a sequence model group as their lowest common ancestor then only one of the paths from the element declaration up to that model group can have maxOccurs>1 on one or more elements declarations or modelgroups in that path. The XML schema documents can be determined by matching uri1 and uri2 to the SCHEMALOCATION column of catalog view SYSCAT.XSROBJECTCOMPONENTS.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Correct the annotations such that there are no many-to-many mappings. Consult annotated XML schema documentation for rules on mapping elements and attributes.

sqlcode: -16259

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16260N XML schema annotations include no mappings to any column of any table or nickname.


The XML schema contains no annotations that map an XML element or attribute to any column of any table or nickname.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition since it provides no information for performing decomposition.

User response

Add annotations to the XML schema so that at least one XML element or attribute is mapped to a column of a table or nickname.

sqlcode: -16260

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16261N The number of namespace constraints specified for the wildcard exceeds the limit of max-namespaces.


The number of namespaces explicitly listed in the namespace attribute of <xsd:any> or <xsd:anyAttribute> is more than the limit of max-namespaces namespaces. If the list contains the special values ##targetNamespace or ##local, these also count toward the limit.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Reduce the number of namespace constraints specified in the wildcard definition to not more than max-namespaces namespaces.

sqlcode: -16261

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16262N The annotated XML schema has no columns mapped for rowset rowsetname.


The set of annotations involving rowset rowsetname contain no mappings to any column. In order for a rowset to be target for decomposition, at least one column must be mapped to some XML element or attribute.

User response

Add an annotation that maps a column of the specified rowset to some XML element or attribute. If the rowset is not intended to be a target for decomposition, remove references to the rowset from the annotated XML schema.

sqlcode: -16262

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16263N The rowSet name string at or near line lineno in the XML schema document uri is not used in any mapping.


The rowSet name string at line lineno in the XML schema document uri must be specified in at least one mapping in the XML shema.

User response

Ensure that the rowSet name string is specified in mapping at least one element or attribute in the XML schema.

sqlcode: -16263

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16264N The rowSet name string at or near line lineno in the XML schema document uri cannot be used more than once under annotation-name.


A rowSet name can be used only once under annotation-name. It can participate in only one hierarchy of operation orders.

User response

Verify that using the same rowSet name under multiple instances of the element db2-xdb:order under annotation-name is part of your design.

If by design, combine the affected db2-xdb:order elements such that the resulting order is consistent with the required order of insertion.

sqlcode: -16264

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16265N The XML document cannot be decomposed using XML schema xsrobject-name which is not enabled or is inoperative for decomposition.


The XML schema identified by xsrobject-name is not in the correct state to perform decomposition. The XML schema could be in one of the following states:
  • Not enabled for decomposition (possibly never enabled)
  • Disabled for decomposition
  • Inoperative for decomposition because of changes to the definitions of one or more tables specified in the annotations.
Decomposition can only be performed using XML schemas that are enabled for decomposition.

XML decomposition was not started.

User response

Ensure that the XML schema is enabled for decomposition before attempting to use it for decomposition of an XML document. The decomposition status of an XML schema can be checked by selecting the DECOMPOSITION column of SYSCAT.XSROBJECTS for the XML schema identified by xsrobject-name.

sqlcode: -16265

sqlstate: 225D1

SQL16266N An SQL error occurred during decomposition of document docid while attempting to insert data. Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE sqlcode, SQLSTATE sqlstate, and message tokens token-list.


An SQL error occurred during decomposition of an XML document with document identifier docid. The error occurred while attempting an SQL insert operation based on some piece of data from the XML document. Some possible causes: format of data is incompatible with the target column's data type; length of data exceeds column size; providing null value for a column defined as non-null. The sqlcode, sqlstate and message token list (each token is separated by the vertical bar character) are provided. The message tokens may be truncated. See the corresponding message for the sqlcode for further explanation of the error.

The XML document docid was not decomposed.

User response

Check the message associated with the SQLCODE. Follow the action suggested by that message. See the db2diag log file for complete information about the error condition.

sqlcode: -16266

sqlstate: 225D2

SQL16267N An XML value string at or near line lineno in document docid is not valid according to its declared XML schema type type-name or is outside the supported range of values for the XML schema type.


The specified XML value string is not supported as a value of data type type-name. This error could occur for one of the following reasons:
  • The XML value is not in the value space of the XML schema type type-name. In this case, the XML document is not valid according to the XML schema that is used for decomposition.
  • The XML value is outside the range of values supported in DB2 for the XML schema type type-name. In this case, the XML value cannot be inserted into its currently mapped column. However, the lexical representation of the XML value can be inserted if the value is mapped to a column of character type.

The XML document docid was not decomposed.

User response

Consult the W3C recommendation on XML schema to determine the value space of the XML schema type. Validate that the XML document is consistent with the annotated XML schema you are using for decomposition. If the value appears to be in the value space for the type, check the range limits for the value in DB2 as documented in the XQuery Reference. If the XML value is out of range for the data type, map the elements or attributes that contains such values to a character string column. If the XML schema requires correction, it must be registered again in the XML schema respository (XSR) and enabled for decomposition. Then retry the decomposition.

sqlcode: -16267

sqlstate: 225D3

SQL16268N The special numeric values INF, -INF, or NaN found at or near lineno of document docid cannot be assigned to a column.


Decomposition processing found one of the special numeric values INF, -INF, or NaN at or near line number lineno in the document with identifier docid. These special values for XML schema floating point types are not valid values for assignment to numeric columns.

The XML document docid was not decomposed.

User response

Possible methods of resolution:
  • Substitute any occurrence in the instance document of XML schema floating point special values with a valid DB2 floating point value
  • Map the XML floating point to a character column, instead of a double or float column
  • Write special purpose user-defined functions that can be called using the expression annotation to transform these values into a numeric value that can be assigned to a numeric column.

sqlcode: -16268

sqlstate: 225D4

SQL16269N Element "namespace:elementname" at or near line "lineno" in document "docid" is not recognized.


The element namespace:elementname at or near line lineno in document docid is not recognized based on the annotated XML schema in use for decomposition. Possible causes:
  • The element was not defined in the registered annotated XML schema
  • A member of a substitution group appears in the instance document, in a position where the group head appears in the XML schema
  • Another element of compatible type was substituted in the instance document for the element expected at that position according to the XML schema.

The XML document docid was not decomposed.

User response

Check that the XML document docid is consistent with the annotated XML schema you are using for decomposition. One method of checking is to run XML decomposition again with validation turned on to ensure that document is valid. You should also check for use of features that are not supported for decomposition, such as substitution groups and xsi:type.

If the annotated XML schema requires correction, it must be registered again in the XML schema respository (XSR) and enabled for decomposition.

sqlcode: -16269

sqlstate: 225D5

SQL16270N Element "namespace:elementname" at or near line "lineno" in document "docid" is not valid in the context where it was found.


The location with respect to the root element in the XML document of the element namespace:elementname at or near line lineno in document docid does not correspond to its position relative to the root as specified in the annotated XML schema used for decomposition or the element might be unreachable because it violates the cardinality specified in the annotated XML Schema.

The XML document docid was not decomposed.

User response

Check that the XML document docid is consistent with the annotated XML schema you are using for decomposition. One method of checking is to run XML decomposition again with validation turned on to ensure that document is valid.

If the annotated XML schema requires correction, it must be registered again in the XML schema respository (XSR) and enabled for decomposition.

sqlcode: -16270

sqlstate: 225D5

SQL16271N Unknown attribute "namespace:attributename" at or near line "lineno" in document "docid".


The specified attribute encountered in the document is not found the in the annotated XML schema you are using for decomposition.

The XML document docid was not decomposed.

User response

Check that the XML document is consistent with the annotated XML schema you are using for decomposition. One method of checking is to run XML decomposition again with validation turned on to ensure that document is valid.

If the annotated XML schema requires correction, it must be registered again in the XML schema respository (XSR) and enabled for decomposition.

sqlcode: -16271

sqlstate: 225D5

SQL16272N Annotated XML schema requires migration from version xdbversion to the current version.


The generated meta data for the annotated XML schema is from version xdbversion which is not valid for the current version of DB2. Decomposition cannot be performed for XML documents using this annotated XML schema until it has been migrated to the current version.

Decomposition of the XML document was not started.

User response

Run db2xdbmig to migrate the meta data to the current version and then try the decomposition operation again.

sqlcode: -16272

sqlstate: 225D6

SQL16273N For the XML document, docid, the XML schema identifier xml-schema-id contains no valid mappings for root element namespace:element-name or its descendants.


Possible reasons for this error condition include:

  1. The root element namespace:element-name has a mapping to a rowSet and column, but is of simpleType. In this case, decomposition of a document containing only the root element is trivial and using annotated XML schema decomposition is not necessary.
  2. Some mappings for the root element namespace:element-name and its descendants specified an incorrect locationPath.
  3. None of the element or attribute declarations for the root element namespace:element-name and its descendants have annotations.

The XML document docid was not decomposed.

User response

Check the annotations in the registered XML schema for the possible errors indicated in this message's Explanation. Additionally, check that the mapped items, as reflected by the data in the column MAPPINGDESCRIPTION of the view SYSCAT.XDBMAPSHREDTREES for the row corresponding to xml-schema-id, are as intended. Correct any erroneous annotations, register the XML schema again, and try decomposing the document again.

sqlcode: -16273

sqlstate: 225D7

SQL16274N An SQL error occurred while preparing to insert data for rowset rowsetname. Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE sqlcode, SQLSTATE sqlstate, and message tokens token-list.


An SQL error occurred preparing to perform the operation on the table or nickname associated with the specified rowset rowsetname based on the annotated XML schema. Some possible causes are:

  • The syntax of a db2-xdb:expression or a db2-xdb:condition specified for the rowset is not a valid SQL expression or predicate.
  • A declared parameter for an SQL function or user-defined function invoked in an expression or predicate is incompatible with the type of the argument passed to the function.

The sqlcode, sqlstate and message token list (each token is separated by the vertical bar character) are provided. The message tokens may be truncated. See the corresponding message for the sqlcode for further explanation of the error.

Decomposition of the XML document was not started.

User response

Check the message associated with the SQLCODE. Follow the action suggested by that message. See the db2diag log file for complete information about the error condition.

sqlcode: -16274

sqlstate: 225D2

SQL16275N A name starting with string is not a valid QName. It was intended as a QName for structure-type.


During parsing of an XML document or XML schema for a QName, a string starting with string was encountered that is not a valid QName. It may have started with an invalid character or contained invalid characters for a QName.

Parsing or validation did not complete.

User response

Correct the invalid QName in the XML document or XML schema and try the operation again.

sqlcode: -16275

sqlstate: 2200M

SQL16276N The number of tables and nicknames that are mapped in the annotated XML schema exceeds the limit of maxtables.


The total number of distinct tables or nicknames referenced in <db2-xdb:table> and db2-xdb:rowSet (where this refers to an actual database table or nickname, rather than a rowSet) annotations in the entire XML schema exceeds the maximum number maxtables.

The XML schema is not enabled for decomposition.

User response

Reduce the number of distinct tables and nicknames referenced in these annotations to not more than maxtables.

sqlcode: -16276

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16277N The global annotation string appears more than once in the XML Schema. Another occurrence of this annotation appears at or near line lineno in xml schema document uri.


An annotated XML schema can contain at most one occurrence of the annotation string.

User response

Combine the contents of the multiple string annotations into a single annotation, and ensure that the resulting annotation does not contain any duplicate information.

sqlcode: -16277

sqlstate: 225DE

SQL16278W One or more documents could not be decomposed. The number of documents successfully decomposed was number-successful. The number of documents attempted was number-attempted.


Error conditions prevented one or more documents from being decomposed. For more details on the status of each document, refer to the result_report output parameter.

User response

To decompose the XML documents that were not successfully decomposed:

  1. Review the error message information in the result_report output parameter. If necessary, see the db2diag log file for more details about each error. The pertinent entries in the db2diag log file are identified by the document ID.
  2. Correct the errors described in the result_report parameter.
  3. Rerun the decompose procedure as follows:
    • If you specified a positive commit_count value, resubmit the procedure only for the documents that were not successfully decomposed.
    • If you specified a commit_count value of 0, use one of the following options:
      • Perform a rollback, and then invoke the procedure for all the documents.
      • Commit the changes, and then invoke the procedure only for the documents that were not successfully decomposed.
  4. See the db2diag log file for more details about the error if the warning was returned by the EVMON_FORMAT_UE_TO_TABLES procedure. The RESULTREPORT has been dumped to file "db2EvmonErrReport_applid.xml" in the sqllib/db2dump/evmon directory. Correct the problems described in the RESULTREPORT and try to decompose the document again.

sqlcode: +16278

sqlstate: 01H53

SQL16280N The XSLT processor returned the following error: error-message.


The XSLT processor returned the error text error-message because it cannot transform the XML document. There may be a problem with the XML document itself, with the associated stylesheet document, or with the parameter document.

The statement cannot be processed.

If the error text of error-message appears to be truncated and you need to see the rest of the message, set the database manager configuration parameter, diaglevel, to 4 using, db2 update dbm cfg using diaglevel 4, prior to reissuing the XSLTRANSFORM function. Then consult the db2diag log file for message DIA11500E to find the complete error message.

User response

Examine your input documents as indicated by the error text of error-message. Correct the problem and resubmit the statement that invoked the XSLT processor.

sqlcode: -16280

sqlstate: 225X0

SQL16402N JSON data is not valid.


A value does not contain correctly formatted JSON data.

User response

Ensure the value contains valid JSON data.

sqlcode: -16402

sqlstate: 22032

SQL16405N Result contains no SQL/JSON item.


Using the specified SQL/JSON path, an item could not be found.

User response

Change the path expression so it will return an item.

sqlcode: -16405

sqlstate: 22035

SQL16407N JSON object has non-unique keys.


Two keys within a JSON object contain the same name.

User response

Correct the JSON object so all the keys have unique names.

sqlcode: -16407

sqlstate: 22037

SQL16410N SQL/JSON member not found.


The specified member could not be found using the SQL/JSON path expression in strict mode.

User response

Specify a JSON expression that includes the member or use lax mode.

sqlcode: -16410

sqlstate: 2203A

SQL16413N SQL/JSON scalar required.


An SQL/JSON expression resulted in an SQL/JSON array, object or multiple matches. An SQL/JSON array or object cannot be converted to an SQL type.

User response

Specify an SQL/JSON expression that returns a scalar value.

sqlcode: -16413

sqlstate: 2203F

SQL16500N An internal error occurred.


The spatial operation encountered an unexpected internal error.

User response

Repeat the command. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

sqlcode: -16500

sqlstate: 38S01

SQL16501N The spatial operation could not access its memory pool. Reason code: reason-code.


The spatial operation tried unsuccessfully to access its memory pool.

User response

Note the reason code reason-code and contact IBM Software Support.

sqlcode: -16501

sqlstate: 38S02

SQL16502N The spatial operation could not allocate <number> bytes of memory.


Not enough memory was available. Possible reasons are that the supply of memory was too low, or that memory was being used by other applications.

User response

Resolve the memory shortage and repeat the command.

sqlcode: -16502

sqlstate: 38S03

SQL16503N An internal parameter error occurred.


The spatial operation encountered an unexpected error in a parameter passed to an internal function. The operation cannot be completed successfully.

User response

Repeat the command. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

sqlcode: -16503

sqlstate: 38S04

SQL16504N The spatial column, schema-name.table-name.column-name, could not be registered with the spatial reference system srs-name because it is already registered with another spatial reference system.


A spatial reference system is already registered with the spatial column. It cannot be registered again unless it is unregistered first.

User response

Either unregister the spatial column and then register it with the spatial reference system you want or do not attempt to register it again.

sqlcode: -16504

sqlstate: 38S53

SQL16505N The spatial column schema-name.table-name.column-name is not registered.


This spatial column was not registered with a spatial reference system. Therefore, it cannot be unregistered.

User response

Specify a spatial column that is already registered, or do not attempt to unregister the column.

sqlcode: -16505

sqlstate: 38S56

SQL16506N Invalid SRS identifier srs-id.


The spatial reference system identifier srs-id that was provided to the spatial function or method does not identify an existing spatial reference system.

User response

Specify an existing numeric spatial reference system identifier or create a spatial reference system that is identified by srs-id. To check for existing reference systems, refer to the SYSCAT.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS catalog view.

sqlcode: -16506

sqlstate: 38SU1

SQL16507N Null unit name.


A null was specified as a unit of measure. The specification for a unit of measure must be the unit itself (for example, “meter”). It cannot be a null.

User response

Either omit the unit of measure when calling the spatial function or method, or specify an existing unit of measure. Consult the spatial catalog view SYSCAT.ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE for supported units.

sqlcode: -16507

sqlstate: 38SU2

SQL16508N Unknown unit unit-name.


The unit unit-name that was provided to the spatial function or method does not identify an existing unit of measure.

User response

Either omit the unit of measure when calling the spatial function or method, or specify an existing unit of measure. Consult the spatial catalog view SYSCAT.ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE for supported units.

sqlcode: -16508

sqlstate: 38SU3

SQL16509N Unsupported conversion to unit unit-name.


The conversion to the unit unit-name is not supported.

The functions ST_Area, ST_Buffer, ST_Length, and ST_Perimeter cannot accept a linear unit of measure if the given geometry is not in a projected coordinate system.

User response

Use one of the following methods:
  • Omit the unit of measure when calling the spatial function or method.
  • Specify an angular unit of measure.
  • Project the geometry into a projected coordinate system using the ST_Transform function. Consult the spatial catalog view SYSCAT.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS for applicable spatial reference systems.

sqlcode: -16509

sqlstate: 38SU4

SQL16510N No unit in SRS.


The spatial reference system for the geometry does not have an associated linear or angular unit. The operation cannot be performed in the requested unit of measure.

User response

Either represent the geometry in a correct spatial reference system, which does have an associated linear or angular unit of measure, or omit the unit parameter when you request the operation.

sqlcode: -16510

sqlstate: 38SU5

SQL16511N Unknown internal type id type-id.


The value of the internal type identifier type-id for the geometry is not valid.

This error can occur if the internal representation of the geometry is corrupted, or if the geometry was not constructed by one of the supported constructor functions or methods.

User response

Construct the geometry again by using one of the supported constructor functions or methods.

sqlcode: -16511

sqlstate: 38SU7

SQL16512W Invalid part number part-number.


The specified part number part-number is not valid. A null value was returned.

User response

If the geometry is not empty, then specify a valid part number, which should be greater than 0 (zero) and less then or equal to the maximum number of parts in the geometry collection.

You can use the ST_NumGeometries function to determine the number of parts of the geometry collection.

If the geometry is empty, the method should not be applied.

sqlcode: +16512

sqlstate: 01HS0

SQL16513W Invalid ring number ring-number.


The specified number ring-number for an internal ring is not valid. A null value was returned.

User response

If the polygon value is not empty, then specify a valid ring number, which should be greater than or equal to 1 (one) and less than or equal to the maximum number of interior rings in the polygon.

If the polygon is empty, the function or method should not be applied. You can use the function ST_NumInteriorRings to determine the number of interior rings of the polygon.

sqlcode: +16513

sqlstate: 01HS1

SQL16514W Invalid point number point-number.


The specified point number point-number is not valid. A null value was returned.

User response

If the curve value is not empty, then specify a valid point number, which should be greater than 0 (zero) and less than or equal to the maximum number of points in the curve. If the curve is empty, the function or method should not be applied.

You can use the ST_NumPoints function to determine the number of points used to define the curve.

sqlcode: +16514

sqlstate: 01HS2

SQL16515N Invalid DE9-IM matrix.


The intersection matrix matrix specified for the ST_Relate function is not valid. The matrix must be exactly 9 characters long, and each character in the matrix must be one of the following: T, F, 0, 1, 2, or *.

User response

Specify a valid intersection matrix.

sqlcode: -16515

sqlstate: 38SU9

SQL16516N Transformation to SRS srs-id failed. Reason code: reason-code.


The geometry could not be transformed from the spatial reference system it is represented into the spatial reference system with the numeric identifier srs-id. The transform failed with reason code reason-code.

The reason codes have the following meanings:
The geometry is invalid.
Not enough memory is available to successfully complete the transformation.
The spatial reference systems are not compatible. Both spatial reference systems must be based directly or indirectly on the same geographic coordinate system. Use ST_Transform() to transform the geometries to a compatible spatial reference system.
One or more points of the resulting geometry would be outside the maximum possible extent for the new spatial reference system. The resulting geometry cannot be represented in the new spatial reference system.
The definition of the new spatial reference system is not valid.
An internal error occurred during the projection of the geometry.
The spatial reference systems are not compatible. No transformation is available to transform the geometries into the new spatial reference system.

User response

Represent the geometry in a spatial reference system that can be transformed into the spatial reference system identified by srs-id, or specify a different spatial reference system identifier to transform the geometry into.

sqlcode: -16516

sqlstate: 38SUC

SQL16517N Unsupported cast type-id1, type-id2.


The attempted cast operation from the data type with the internal type identifier type-id1 to the data type with the internal type identifier type-id2 is not supported. The geometry cannot be processed further.

User response

Specify a supported cast operation. For more information, refer to the IBM Db2 SQL Reference for the supported cast functions.

sqlcode: -16517

sqlstate: 38SUD

SQL16518N The geometry was not converted to ST_Linestring because it is not a MultiPoint geometry. Internal type type-id.


The conversion to LineString is only supported for MultiPoint geometries.

User response

Make sure to use a MultiPoint geometry as input for the conversion.

sqlcode: -16518

sqlstate: 38SUE

SQL16519N The spatial operation was unable to register a column named schema-name.table-name.column-name because it is not a spatial column.


Either this column does not have a spatial data type, or it does not belong to a local table.

User response

Define a spatial data type for column schema-name.table-name.column-name, or specify a column with a spatial data type as declared type.

sqlcode: -16519

sqlstate: 38S5E

SQL16520N A geometry was not created from the specified KML document because of an error in the KML document. Reason code: reason-code. Content near the error in the KML file: fragment.


The KML document cannot be converted into a geometry object due to the following reason:
No geometry type found.
Missing coordinates.
Invalid KML format.
Missing end-tag.
Measures are not supported.
Invalid coordinate format.
Multi-Geometries can only contain the same geometry type.
Document not marked as multi-geometry, but includes multiple geometries.

User response

Review the KML document and fix the format.

sqlcode: -16520

sqlstate: 38SUF

SQL16521N Representation too short (length bytes).


The representation of the geometry in well-known binary (WKB) representation or the shape representation is only length bytes long. It needs to have at least 4 bytes for the shape representation, exactly 5 bytes for the well-known binary representation for empty geometries, and at least 9 bytes for the well-known binary representation for non-empty geometries. The binary representation must also be long enough to contain all of the geometry points.

User response

Provide a valid well-known binary representation or shape representation to the function or method.

sqlcode: -16521

sqlstate: 38SUK

SQL16522N Internal geometry too short.


The internal representation of the geometry is too short. It could not be processed further.

This error can occur if the internal representation of the geometry is corrupted, or if the geometry was not constructed by one of the supported constructor functions or methods.

User response

Construct the geometry again using one of the supported constructor functions or methods.

sqlcode: -16522

sqlstate: 38SUL

SQL16523N Geometry inconsistent.


The geometry value is inconsistent and cannot be processed any further.

User response

Recreate the geometry from a valid binary or text representation.

sqlcode: -16523

sqlstate: 38SUM

SQL16524N Point is empty.


It is invalid to specify an X-coordinate, Y-coordinate, Z-coordinate, or measure for an empty point.

If the point is constructed by the constructor function ST_Point, the point's X and Y-coordinates must both be null. Furthermore, no Z-coordinate or measure should be specified unless it is a null value.

If the mutators ST_X, ST_Y, ST_Z, or ST_M are used to modify an empty point, the point's X and Y-coordinates must both be null. No Z-coordinate or measure should be specified unless it is null.

User response

Use mutators ST_X, ST_Y, ST_Z, or ST_M to modify points that are not empty, or construct the point by specifying both X and Y-coordinates with values that are not null.

sqlcode: -16524

sqlstate: 38SUO

SQL16525N Inconsistent coordinates.


If a new point is constructed, both the X and Y coordinates must be specified. Both coordinates must be either null or not null.

If both coordinate values are null, the resulting point will be empty. In that case, no Z-coordinate or measure should be specified unless it is null.

User response

Specify null values for both the X and Y-coordinates, or specify values that are not null for both coordinates.

sqlcode: -16525

sqlstate: 38SUP

SQL16526N Invalid byte order byte-order.


The byte order in the binary representation of the geometry must be either 0 (zero) or 1 (one), but it is byte-order.

In the well-known binary representation, a byte order of 0 (zero) indicates big endian format, and a byte order of 1 (one) indicates little endian format.

User response

Correct the byte order in the binary representation so that it is either 0 (zero) or 1 (one).

sqlcode: -16526

sqlstate: 38SUQ

SQL16527N Invalid number of points num-points in geometry.


The geometry has an invalid number of points num-points. This number must be greater than or equal to 0 (zero).

If the geometry is not empty, then the following conditions must be met:
The geometry must have exactly one point.
The geometry must have 2 or more points defining it.
The geometry must have 3 or more points defining it.

User response

Construct the geometry by using the functions or methods supported by the spatial feature.

sqlcode: -16527

sqlstate: 38SUR

SQL16528N Invalid extent (min-coord versus max-coord) in geometry.


The extent of the geometry in one of the dimensions is invalid. The minimum coordinate min-coord must be less than or equal to the maximum coordinate max-coord for all dimensions of the geometry.

User response

Construct the geometry by using the functions or methods supported by the spatial feature.

sqlcode: -16528

sqlstate: 38SUS

SQL16529N Invalid text data (type ids type-id1, type-id2).


A text representation that is passed as input to this spatial function or method has to represent a geometry whose data type identifier is type-id2. But the representation that was actually passed to the function represents a geometry whose data type identifier is type-id1. No geometry could be constructed.

User response

Either call the correct function which constructs geometries of type type-id1 or correct the text representation to represent a geometry of type-id2.

sqlcode: -16529

sqlstate: 38SUV

SQL16530N Invalid GML, expecting char instead of string at position position.


A character char was expected in the Geography Markup Language of the geometry, but the text string was found instead at position position. The GML representation is not valid. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the GML representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16530

sqlstate: 38SUW

SQL16531N Invalid GML, expecting expected-tag instead of given-tag at position position.


The tag given-tag was found in the Geography Markup Language of the geometry at position position, but a tag expected-tag was expected. The GML representation is not valid. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the GML representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16531

sqlstate: 38SUX

SQL16532N Invalid GML, expecting number instead of text at position position.


Unexpected text text was found in the Geography Markup Language of the geometry at position position. A number representing a coordinate was expected instead. The GML representation is not valid. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the GML representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16532

sqlstate: 38SUY

SQL16533N Invalid GML type type.


An unknown type type was specified in the Geography Markup Language of the geometry. The GML supports points, linestrings, polygons, multipoints, multilinestrings, and multipolygons. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the GML representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16533

sqlstate: 38SUZ

SQL16534N GML point has been incorrectly specified.


The problem occurred due to one of the following reasons:
  • A point, represented using the Geography Markup Language, can only have one set of coordinates. The given point had either no set of coordinates or more than one set.
  • The set of coordinates is not enclosed by corresponding gml:coord or gml:coordinates tags.

The GML representation is not valid. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the GML representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16534

sqlstate: 38SV0

SQL16535N Invalid part offset part-offset in shape.


An invalid offset part-offset for a part in the shape representation of the geometry was encountered. A part offset must be larger than or equal to 0 (zero), and each part offset must be larger than the preceding one. The shape representation is not valid. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the shape representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16535

sqlstate: 38SV4

SQL16536N Invalid type ID type-id in shape.


The shape representation of the geometry contains an invalid type identifier type-id. The shape data is possibly corrupted. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Verify and correct the shape representation of the geometry.

sqlcode: -16536

sqlstate: 38SV5

SQL16537N Invalid length shape-length of shape encoding for type type, expecting only expected-length bytes.


The shape encoding contains shape-length bytes, which is too long. To encode a geometry of the specified type type, only expected-length bytes are required. The shape data is possibly corrupted. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Verify and correct the shape representation of the geometry.

sqlcode: -16537

sqlstate: 38SV6

SQL16538N Invalid WKT format, expecting char instead of string.


A character char was expected in the well-known text representation of the geometry, but the text string was found instead. The well-known text representation is not valid. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the well-known text representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16538

sqlstate: 38SV7

SQL16539N Invalid WKT format, expecting a number instead of text.


An unexpected text text was found in the well-known text representation of the geometry. A number representing a coordinate was expected instead. The well-known text representation is not valid. The spatial operation cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the well-known text representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16539

sqlstate: 38SV8

SQL16540N Unexpected parenthesis in WKT format at text.


An unexpected opening or closing parenthesis was found in the well-known text representation of the geometry at text. The well-known text representation is not valid. Spatial Analytics cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the well-known text representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16540

sqlstate: 38SV9

SQL16541N Parenthesis mismatch in WKT format, expecting parenthesis.


The end of the well-known text representation was reached unexpectedly. A parenthesis parenthesis was expected. The well-known text representation is not valid. Spatial Analytics cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the well-known text representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16541

sqlstate: 38SVA

SQL16542N Unknown type type in WKT.


The well-known text representation of the geometry contains an unknown type name of type. The well-known text representation is not valid. Spatial Analytics cannot construct the geometry successfully.

User response

Correct the well-known text representation and construct the geometry again.

sqlcode: -16542

sqlstate: 38SVB

SQL16543N Invalid type id type-id in WKB.


The well-known binary representation of the geometry contains an invalid type identifier type-id. The data is possibly corrupted. Spatial Analytics cannot construct the geometry successfully. The type identifiers of separate parts in a geometry collection (multipoint, multilinestring, or multipolygon) must have the same indicators for the Z and M coordinates as the geometry collection itself.

User response

Verify and correct the well-known binary representation of the geometry.

sqlcode: -16543

sqlstate: 38SVC

SQL16544C Unknown error error-code.


An internal error with code error-code was encountered when a geometry was processed.

User response

Note the error and contact IBM Software Support.

sqlcode: -16544

sqlstate: 38SS0

SQL16545C Insufficient memory.


Not enough memory was available for the spatial function or method that you invoked.

User response

Make more memory available to the database manager process that executes the function or method.

sqlcode: -16545

sqlstate: 38SS2

SQL16546N Invalid geometry type


An invalid type of geometry was passed to the function or method that you invoked.

User response

Specify a valid geometry. For more information, refer to the IBM DB2 Spatial Extender and Geodetic Data Management Feature User's Guide and Reference.

sqlcode: -16546

sqlstate: 38SS3

SQL16547N Too many parts specified.


The number of parts indicated in the binary or text representation of the geometry is greater than the actual number of parts supplied. Either the number of parts indicated is too high or not all the parts were supplied.

User response

Specify the correct number of parts or supply all parts for the geometry.

sqlcode: -16547

sqlstate: 38SS5

SQL16548N Incorrect geometry type.


The wrong type of geometry was passed to the function or method that you invoked. For example, a linestring might have been passed to a function or method that takes only polygons as input.

User response

Either pass to the function or method a type of geometry that it can process, or use a function or method that accepts the type of geometry that you want to pass.

sqlcode: -16548

sqlstate: 38SS6

SQL16549N Text is too long.


The geometry contains too much detail to be converted to its well-known text representation. The well-known text representation exceeds the maximum allowable length (2 gigabytes).

User response

Simplify the geometry - for example, by using the ST_Generalize function - or convert the geometry to its well-known binary representation.

sqlcode: -16549

sqlstate: 38SS7

SQL16550N Invalid parameter value.


An invalid parameter was encountered.

User response

Refer to the IBM DB2 Spatial Extender and Geodetic Data Management Feature User's Guide and Reference for the function's correct syntax and retry the operation. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

sqlcode: -16550

sqlstate: 38SS8

SQL16551N Invalid geometry produced.


The parameters provided for the function or method have produced an invalid geometry; for example, an invalid shape representation. An invalid geometry is one that violates a geometry property.

User response

Construct the geometry again from a valid representation.

sqlcode: -16551

sqlstate: 38SS9

SQL16552N Incompatible geometries.


The function or method expected two geometries of a certain type and did not receive them. For example, the ST_AddPoint function expects two geometries, one a representation and the other a point.

User response

Specify geometries that the function or method accepts as valid input. To determine what types of geometries are valid for this function or method, refer to the IBM DB2 Spatial Extender and Geodetic Data Management Feature User's Guide and Reference.

sqlcode: -16552

sqlstate: 38SSA

SQL16553N Invalid geometry.


The function or method cannot process the geometry passed to it because one or more properties of the geometry violate the geometry's integrity.

User response

Use the ST_IsValid function to validate the geometry. Construct the geometry again from a correct representation if it is not valid.

sqlcode: -16553

sqlstate: 38SSB

SQL16554N Too many points.


The construction of a geometry has exceeded the 1-megabyte storage limit; the geometry has too many points.

User response

Construct a geometry that contains fewer points. Or, if possible, remove some points. For performance and storage considerations, include only those points that are needed to render a geometry.

sqlcode: -16554

sqlstate: 38SSC

SQL16555N Geometry too small.


The geometry returned by the ST_Difference, ST_Intersection, ST_SymDifference, or ST_Union function is too small to be represented accurately in the current spatial reference system.
For example, this can happen if the internal computation constructs a very thin polygon, but the scale factor of the spatial reference system is so low that the geometry would collapse to a linestring if it were to be represented in this spatial reference system. It would lose its property as a polygon.

User response

Use a spatial reference system for the calculation which allows for a higher resolution. The ST_Transform function can be used to convert a geometry from one spatial reference system into another.

sqlcode: -16555

sqlstate: 38SSD

SQL16556N Buffer out of bounds.


The ST_Buffer function has created a buffer around the provided geometry that is outside the range of the coordinates to which the spatial reference system applies.
Refer to the catalog view SYSGEO.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS to determine the minimum and maximum absolute values for each of the dimensions. These values must not be exceeded by the calculated buffer.

User response

Either reduce the distance to be used for the buffer calculation, or change the spatial reference system in which the calculation is done. The ST_Transform function can be used to convert geometries from one spatial reference system into another.

sqlcode: -16556

sqlstate: 38SSE

SQL16557N Invalid scale factor.


A scale factor for any of the four dimensions (X, Y, Z, and M) must be greater than or equal to 1 (one).

User response

Use a correctly defined spatial reference system to represent the geometry.

sqlcode: -16557

sqlstate: 38SSF

SQL16558N Coordinate out of bounds.


A coordinate cannot be represented in the spatial reference system because, in at least one dimension, it exceeds the possible minimum or maximum absolute value within the system's range of values.
Refer to the catalog view SYSGEO.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS to determine the minimum and maximum absolute values for each of the dimensions.

User response

Determine whether the coordinate is correct. If it is, determine whether it fits within the extent of the spatial reference system that you are using. For information about this spatial reference system, consult the SYSGEO.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS catalog view.

sqlcode: -16558

sqlstate: 38SSG

SQL16559N Invalid coordinate system definition.


There are one or more errors in the text representation of the definition of the coordinate system on which the geometry's spatial reference system is based. The representation cannot be converted into a valid projection.

User response

Verify the coordinate system definition of the spatial reference system. Alternatively, construct the geometry in a spatial reference system that is associated with a valid coordinate system. The ST_EqualCoordsys function can be used to verify the coordinate system definition by comparing it with itself.

sqlcode: -16559

sqlstate: 38SSH

SQL16560N Projection error.


An error occurred during an attempt to project a geometry to another spatial reference system.

User response

Make sure that the geometry is within the legal domain of the projection.

sqlcode: -16560

sqlstate: 38SSI

SQL16561N Polygon rings overlap.


The rings of a polygon overlap. By definition, the inner and outer rings of a polygon must not overlap. They can intersect only at a tangent, which means the rings can only touch but not cross each other.

User response

Specify the coordinates for the polygon that will not produce overlapping rings. Note that the scale factors of the spatial reference system for the geometry have an influence on the precision.

sqlcode: -16561

sqlstate: 38SSJ

SQL16562N Too few points.


The error is a result of one of the following:
  • Linestrings must consist of at least two points, and polygons must consist of at least four points.
  • The geometry cannot be constructed from the points that you have specified.
Note that if the geometry to be constructed is empty, these rules do not apply.

User response

Construct the geometry again from a valid set of points.

sqlcode: -16562

sqlstate: 38SSK

SQL16563N Polygon is not closed.


The inner and outer rings that define the polygon must be closed. A ring is closed if the start and end points are identical in the X and Y dimensions. If the polygon has Z coordinates, then the start and end points must also be identical to the Z coordinates. Note that this rule does not apply to measures, which can be different for the start and end points.

User response

Specify inner and outer rings for the polygon that have the same points for the start and end points in the X and Y dimension. If the polygon has Z coordinates, the start and end points of the Z coordinate points also have to be identical. If the polygon has measures, the start and end points can be different.

sqlcode: -16563

sqlstate: 38SSL

SQL16564N Invalid exterior ring.


The exterior ring of the polygon is not valid. The exterior ring of a polygon must enclose all interior rings of the polygon. All interior rings have to be completely inside the area that is defined by the outer ring and must not cross the exterior ring.

User response

Specify a geometry that consists of a valid set of interior and exterior rings, where the interior rings lie fully within the area that is enclosed by the exterior ring to represent it.

sqlcode: -16564

sqlstate: 38SSM

SQL16565N Polygon has no area.


The specified polygon lacks an interior that covers an area that is not the empty set in the X and Y dimensions.
A geometry is a polygon only if its coordinates span two dimensions in the 2-dimensional space defined by the X and Y coordinates.

User response

Specify a polygon that encloses an area that is not empty. If the polygon is empty, construct an empty polygon.

sqlcode: -16565

sqlstate: 38SSN

SQL16566N Exterior rings overlap.


The exterior rings of distinct polygons in a multipolygon overlap. Distinct polygons in a multipolygon must not overlap, and the boundaries must touch only at a finite number of points. That means the polygons must not share line segments.
The scale factors of the spatial reference system that is used to represent the geometry influences the precision that applies to the coordinates. Rounding operations performed when the geometry is converted to the representation in the spatial reference system might cause a loss in precision and, subsequently, this error.

User response

Specify coordinates for the polygon that will not produce overlapping rings.
Note that the scale factors of the spatial reference system have an influence on precision. Refer to the Spatial Analytics catalog view SYSCAT.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS for the scale factor used for the spatial reference system in which the geometry will be represented.

sqlcode: -16566

sqlstate: 38SSO

SQL16567N Polygon intersects itself.


A ring of a polygon cannot intersect itself. The start and end points on each ring of the polygon must be reached twice when traversing the ring. All other points must only be reached once. This holds true also for the line segments that define the rings of the polygon.
The scale factors of the spatial reference system that is used to represent the geometry influences the precision that applies to the coordinates. Rounding operations performed when the geometry is converted to the representation in the spatial reference system might cause a loss in precision and, subsequently, this error.

User response

Construct a valid polygon in which the rings do not intersect themselves. Refer to the Spatial Analytics catalog view SYSGEO.ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS for the scale factor used for the spatial reference system in which the geometry will be represented.

sqlcode: -16567

sqlstate: 38SSP

SQL16568N Invalid number of parts.


The number of parts indicated in the binary or text representation of the geometry is not equal to the actual number of parts supplied. Either the number is too low or too many parts were supplied to the function or method.

User response

Specify the correct number of parts or supply all parts for the geometry.

sqlcode: -16568

sqlstate: 38SSQ

SQL16569N Incompatible spatial reference systems.


The two spatial reference systems are not compatible. They cannot be transformed into or compared with one another. The operation cannot be completed successfully.

User response

Specify two compatible spatial reference systems.

sqlcode: -16569

sqlstate: 38SSR

SQL16570N BLOB too small.


The number of bytes in the specified binary representation of the geometry is too small.

User response

Specify a valid binary representation of the geometry.

sqlcode: -16570

sqlstate: 38SSS

SQL16571N Invalid geometry type.


An invalid internal geometry type was encountered. The geometry is not valid and will not be processed any further.

User response

Construct the geometry again from a valid binary or text representation.

sqlcode: -16571

sqlstate: 38SST

SQL16572N Invalid byte order.


The byte order in the binary representation of the geometry has an invalid value. The byte order must be 0 (zero) or 1 (one).
In the well-known binary representation, a byte order of 0 (zero) indicates big endianess, and a byte order of 1 (one) indicates little endianess.

User response

Construct the geometry again from a valid binary or text representation.

sqlcode: -16571

sqlstate: 38SST

SQL16573N Empty geometry.


An empty geometry was passed to the ST_AsBinary function, even though it is not allowed as input.

User response

Edit the SQL statement that you submitted so that only non-empty geometries will be passed to the ST_AsBinary function. For example, you can use the ST_IsEmpty function in the WHERE clause to exclude empty geometries.

sqlcode: -16573

sqlstate: 38SSV

SQL16574N Invalid end point.


The specified point is intended to be appended to the curve, but it is not valid.

User response

Specify a valid point to be appended.

sqlcode: -16574

sqlstate: 38SSW

SQL16575N Point not found.


The specified point is intended to be changed or removed, but it does not exist in the curve.

User response

Specify a point that does exist in the curve.

sqlcode: -16575

sqlstate: 38SSX

SQL16576N Changing SRS id (new-srs-id, previous-srs-id).


The geocoder is optimized to geocode addresses and produce the resulting points all in same spatial reference system in a single SQL statement. But it encountered different spatial reference systems in the same SQL statement. The new spatial reference system is identified by new-srs-id; the spatial reference system used for the preceding rows was identified by previous-srs-id.

User response

Specify the default parameters and overwriting parameters for the column that the geocoder runs on. This should be done in such a way that the numerical spatial reference system identifier remains constant within an SQL statement that is used to geocode multiple addresses at once.

sqlcode: -16576

sqlstate: 38SG1

SQL16577N The specified spatial reference system srs-name cannot be dropped because a spatial column is registered with this spatial reference system.


At least one spatial column exists that is associated with the specified spatial reference system srs-name. The spatial reference system cannot be dropped.

User response

Unregister all spatial columns that are associated with the specified spatial reference system. Then try to drop the spatial reference system again.

sqlcode: -16577

sqlstate: 38S69

SQL16578N The spatial column, schema-name.table-name.column-name, could not be registered. Reason code: reason_code.


The geometry column cannot be registered with the spatial reference system due to one of the following reasons:
The geometry column is already registered.
The column contains geometry data with a different spatial reference system.

User response

To register the geometry column with a different spatial reference system, unregister the geometry column and re-register. The spatial reference system must match the data in the geometry column.
Review the spatial reference system use in the geometry column and either use that SRS for the registration, or transform the data in the geometry column before registration.

sqlcode: -16578

sqlstate: 38SP5