IDAX.DROP_MODEL - Drop a model

Use this stored procedure to drop a specified model with the specified name. You can remove models that you do not need anymore. This stored procedure drops the specified model as well as all associated model tables.


The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include at least one of the following authorities:

  • CONTROL privilege on the model
  • DROPIN privilege in the model schema
  • DBADM authority


IDAX.DROP_MODEL(in parameter_string varchar(32672))

Parameter descriptions

Mandatory one-string parameter that contains pairs of <parameter>=<value> entries that are separated by a comma.
Data type: VARCHAR(32672)
The following list shows the parameter values:
The name of the model that is to be dropped.
You can qualify the value of the model parameter with a schema name as follows:
<schema name>.<model name>

Returned information

If the model does not exist, or if the caller does not have the required privileges, an exception is raised.


CALL IDAX.DROP_MODEL('model=cc_nb_ewd');