LBAC rule exemptions

When you hold an LBAC rule exemption on a particular rule of a particular security policy, that rule is not enforced when you try to access data protected by that security policy.

An exemption has no effect when comparing security labels of any security policy other than the one for which it was granted.


There are two tables: T1 and T2. T1 is protected by security policy P1 and T2 is protected by security policy P2. Both security policies have one component. The component of each is of type ARRAY. T1 and T2 each contain only one row of data. The security label that you hold for read access under security policy P1 does not allow you access to the row in T1. The security label that you hold for read access under security policy P2 does not allow you read access to the row in T2.

Now you are granted an exemption on DB2LBACREADARRAY under P1. You can now read the row from T1 but not the row from T2 because T2 is protected by a different security policy and you do not hold an exemption to the DB2LBACREADARRAY rule in that policy.

You can hold multiple exemptions. If you hold an exemption to every rule used by a security policy then you will have complete access to all data protected by that security policy.

Granting LBAC rule exemptions

You must be a security administrator to grant an LBAC rule exemption. To grant an LBAC rule exemption, use the SQL statement GRANT EXEMPTION ON RULE.

When you grant an LBAC rule exemption you provide this information:

  • The rule or rules that the exemption is for
  • The security policy that the exemption is for
  • The user, group, or role to which you are granting the exemption
Important: LBAC rule exemptions provide very powerful access. Do not grant them without careful consideration.

Revoking LBAC rule exemptions

You must be a security administrator to revoke an LBAC rule exemption. To revoke an LBAC rule exemption, use the SQL statement REVOKE EXEMPTION ON RULE.

Determining the rule exemptions held by users

You can use the following query to determine the rule exemptions that are held by users:
SELECT A.grantee, A.accessrulename, B.secpolicyname 
FROM syscat.securitypolicyexemptions A, syscat.securitypolicies B 
WHERE A.secpolicyid = B.secpolicyid