WebSphere MQ configuration parameters

When you configure your MQ user-defined functions, the information is maintained in tables that are available in DB2® Version 9.1.

The WebSphere® MQ messaging interface is available to your application by using the column values in the DB2 configuration tables. Some of the parameters that are available in the tables including the following parameters:
Sender service
Represents a destination such as a WebSphere MQ queue to which messages are sent.
Receiver service
Represents a source from which messages are received.
Contains a sender service where the destination is a publish/subscribe broker.
Contains a sender service to send subscribe and unsubscribe messages to a publish/subscribe broker and a receiver service to receive publications from the broker.
Defines how to handle the message, including items such as priority, persistence, and whether it is included in a unit of work.
All WebSphere MQ user defined functions are implemented by using the configuration table parameters. When you use the user defined functions, the parameters are created automatically and populated as needed with values from the configuration tables. When you configure the message environment, the information is stored in the configuration tables. The configuration tables are part of schema DB2MQ.


The MQService table maintains various types of service point entries and the associated attributes. There are sample values for most of the attributes.

Table 1. The MQService table with pre-defined values in the table
Column name Type Default Value Allowable Value Sample value
serviceName varchar(48) not null, primary key Not applicable Not applicable 'DB2.DEFAULT.SERVICE'
queueName varchar(48) NOT NULL Not applicable Not applicable 'DB2MQ_DEFAULT_Q'
queueMgrName varchar(48) NOT NULL '' Not applicable 'DB2MQ_DEFAULT_MQM'
ccsid varchar(6) NOT NULL '' Not applicable ''
description varchar(400) '' Not applicable 'DB2 MQ UDFs default service'


This table defines the Publisher/Subscriber Service Points for the MQ Publish/Subscribe functions.

Table 2. MQPubSub: pre-defined Publisher/Subscriber Service Points
Column name Type Default value Allowable value Sample value
PubSubName varchar(48) not null unique Not applicable Not applicable 'DB2.DEFAULT.SUBSCRIBER'
broker varchar(48) not null Not applicable Not applicable 'AMT.SAMPLE.SUBSCRIBER'
receiver varchar(48) NOT NULL '' Not applicable 'AMT.SAMPLE.SUBSCRIBER.RECEIVER'
type char(1) NOT NULL Not applicable
  • S (Subscriber Service
  • P (Publisher Service)
description varchar(400®) '' Not applicable 'DB2 MQPublish default Publisher service'
  • If the type is S, then a value is required in the receiver column.
  • The values in the broker and the receiver columns must refer to an entry in the MQService table.


The MQPolicy table maintains various policy entries and the associated attributes of the policies.
Table 3. MQPolicy
Column name Type Default value Allowable value Sample value
policyName varchar(48) not null, primary key Not applicable Not applicable 'AMT.SAMPLE.POLICY'
connectionName varchar(48) NOT NULL ''. Not applicable 'defaultConnection'
connectionMode char(1) NOT NULL 'L'
  • R (Real)
  • L (Logical)
snd_priority char(1) NOT NULL 'T' (AsTransport)
  • '0'
  • '1'
  • '2'
  • '3'
  • '4'
  • '5'
  • '6'
  • '7'
  • '8'
  • '9'
  • 'T'
snd_persistent char(1) NOT NULL 'T' (AsTransport)
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
  • 'T'
snd_expiry integer NOT NULL 0 = unlimited. > = 0 0
snd_retrycount integer NOT NULL 0 > = 0 0
snd_retry_interval integer NOT NULL 1000 milliseconds > = 0 milliseconds 1000 milliseconds
snd_newCorrelID char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
snd_responseCorrelID char(1) NOT NULL 'M'
  • 'M' (MessageID)
  • 'C' (CorrelID)
snd_exceptionAction char(1) NOT NULL 'D'
  • 'Q' (DLQ)
  • 'D' (Discard)
snd_reportData char(1) NOT NULL 'R'
  • 'R' (Report)
  • 'D' (Report_With_Data)
  • 'F' (Report_With_Full_Data)
snd_rtException char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
snd_rtCOA char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
snd_rtCOD char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
snd_rtExpiry char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
rcv_waitInterval integer NOT NULL 30 milliseconds > = -1 milliseconds (-1=unlimited) 30 milliseconds
rcv_convert char(1 NOT NULL 'Y'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
rcv_handlePoisonMsg char(1) NOT NULL 'Y'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
rcv_rcvTruncatedMsg char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
rcv_openShared char(1) NOT NULL 'Y'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
pub_retain char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
pub_othersOnly char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
pub_suppressReg char(1) NOT NULL 'Y'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
pub_pubLocal char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
pub_direct char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
pub_anonymous char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
pub_correlasID char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
sub_subLocal char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
sub_NewPubsOnly char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
sub_PubOnReqOnly char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
sub_informIfRet char(1) NOT NULL 'Y'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
sub_unsubAll char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
sub_anonymous char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
sub_correlAsID char(1) NOT NULL 'N'
  • 'Y'
  • 'N'
Description varchar (400) '' Not applicable ''


This table links the connectionName value that is used in the MQPolicy table to the actual queue manager when the connectionMode has a value of L, which means Logic.
Table 4. MQHost with pre-defined values
Column name Type Default value Allowable value Sample value
connectionName varchar(48) not null unique Not applicable Not applicable 'defaultConnection'
queueMgrName varchar(48) not null '' Not applicable 'DB2MQ_DEFAULT_MQM'