Installing the Db2 pureScale Feature using the Db2 Setup wizard (AIX and Linux)

This task walks you through the Db2 Setup wizard to install the IBM® Db2 pureScale Feature. The Db2 Setup wizard is a GUI installer, invoked by the db2setup command.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have created your Db2 pureScale Feature installation plan. Your installation plan helps ensure that your system meets the prerequisites and that you have performed the preinstallation tasks.
  • If you would like to add the current host to an existing Db2 pureScale instance, you should start the instance extension (db2isetup or db2iupdt -add) from a host that already belongs to the instance.
  • The Db2 Setup wizard is a graphical installer. To install a Db2 product with the Db2 Setup wizard, you require an X Window System (X11) to display the graphical user interface (GUI). To display the GUI on your local workstation, the X Window System software must be installed and running. You must set the DISPLAY variable to the IP address of the workstation you use to install the Db2 product (export DISPLAY=<ip-address>:0.0). For example, export DISPLAY= For details, see this developerWorks® article:
  • If you are not using AIX® security software to authenticate users in your environment, you must manually create the required Db2 users before you start the Db2 Setup wizard. The Db2 Setup wizard does not create the users.
  • Ensure that you are logged in as root.

About this task

The Db2 Setup wizard provides default values for most of the fields and options. You need to input a few fields and options only. For a complete list, see the installation checklist.


  1. Log in as root.
  2. Ensure the Db2 installation image is available. After downloading the Db2 database product image, extract and untar the product file:
    1. Extract the product file using the gzip -d product.tar.gz command, where product represents the name of the downloaded product.
    2. Untar the product file using the gnutar -xvf product.tar command, where product represents the name of the downloaded product.
    3. Change directory using the cd ./product command, where product represents the name of the downloaded product.
  3. Ensure you export your display. For example:
    export DISPLAY=IP_Address:0.0
    Where IP_Address represents the IP address of the workstation you are using to launch the installation.
  4. Start theDb2 Setup wizard by running the db2setup command from the directory where the Db2 installation image resides:
    ./db2setup -l /tmp/db2setup.log -t /tmp/db2setup.trc
    The -l and -t recommended parameters that enable Db2 logging and tracing. The IBM Db2 Setup Wizard opens. NOTE: If you have any Db2 product already installed, a Work with Existing button will appear.

    Click New Install and the Choose a Product panel will open and display the products available for installation.

  5. Choose a Product
    Click Db2 Version Advanced Editions with Db2 pureScale.

    Click Next.

  6. Installation configuration.

    Click View Features to view features that will be installed if Typical is selected. The View Features dialog box opens and displays the features to be installed. Click Close to close the View Features dialog box. To invoke the installation help, click Help or press F1. You can click Cancel at any time to end the installation.

    Use this panel to create a Db2 pureScale instance.

    • To create a Db2 instance, select Create a Db2 instance.
    • If you do not want the Db2 Setup wizard to create a Db2 instance, select Do not create a Db2 instance. The Db2 installer still performs the installation, but, you can create an instance at a later point by running the db2icrt or db2isetup command. In addition, you would have to manually create the required users in the host for the instance owner, for ssh, and fenced user.

    If you are upgrading from a previous Db2 version, uncheck Create an instance a.

    To view the terms and conditions, click on the Click to view. After reviewing the software licensing agreement, check the I agree to the IBM terms.

    Click Next to continue.

  7. Set user information for the Db2 instance owner
    Specify the user information that the Db2 installer uses to perform instance functions and store instance information in the user's home directory. The new user and group is created on all hosts. The name of the instance is the same as the user name. You can also specify an existing user. If you select "Existing user", the user name you enter must exist on all hosts with the same UID and GID.
    The SSH User Name is required to use a secure shell (SSH) network protocol between hosts. If this name is not specified, the instance owner user ID is used.

    Click Next.

    Click Next.
  8. Set user information for the fenced user
    Create a new user or use an existing user:
    • To create a new fenced user, select New user and provide information about the fenced user in the fields. In a Db2 pureScale environment the user account is created on all the hosts.
    • To use an existing fenced user, select Existing user. You can type a valid User name or click [...] to select an existing user name. If you select "Existing user", the user name you enter must exist on all hosts with the same UID and GID.

    Click Next.

  9. Cluster File System Panel
    Use this panel to specify the shared disk partitions required for the Db2 pureScale Feature installation:
    • One partition where the database data resides (Shared disk partition device). Optionally, you can also specify a separate file system for the data (Shared disk for data) and a file system for the logs (Shared disk for log).
    • One partition for cluster recovery purposes (Db2 Cluster Services tiebreaker).

    The partitions specified cannot be the same. They should be raw disks and not be used by anything else.

    Click Next.

  10. Host List Panel
    The installation-initiating host (IIH) will automatically be loaded into the host list. You may add other hosts that are required as part of the Db2 pureScale environment.

    You can also specify custom settings for the Db2 pureScale instance. See the next step for more details.

    To add a remote host, click Add.

    Enter the remote host name and click OK. Once you have added the required remote hosts, the list of hosts will have their validation status as Pending until the validation process has run. You can also click Advanced on the Host List page to change the Db2 pureScale instance settings. In addition, regardless of the status of the hosts, a secure shell check is done at this point to confirm the passwordless SSH availability between the hosts. Ensure that root SSH access is installed, setup, and configured on the host you want to add.
  11. Advanced Instance Settings dialog.
    After adding all the hosts you want to participate in the Db2 pureScale environment, you can make changes to the default instance settings by clicking on Advanced. Optionally, you can make changes to the default instance settings using the options in the Instance Setting box.

    The following tabs can be displayed:

    CF Ports
    The CF requires that you specify service ports. The same ports need to be available on all hosts that are running cluster caching facilities. The port numbers can be in the range of 1024 to 65535.
    Instance Communication
    The TCP/IP port number is used by a Db2 instance to listen for incoming Db2 connections. The port number value must be in the range 1024 to 65535 and must be available on all hosts.
    Logical Members and FCM Ports
    You can set the number of logical members to be created on each host. The maximum number of members is 128. The same logical number is applied to all hosts. Ensure that the port numbers used by the Db2 pureScale instance are free on all hosts. The Fast Communications Manager (FCM) requires a port range of the three mandatory ports plus the value provided for the logical members field. This port range can designate up to 130 hosts (128 member + 2 CFs). The default FCM start port is 60000 and must be in the range of 1024 to 65535.
    Click OK to close the Advanced dialog.
  12. Host List Panel - Cluster Caching Facility
    You can manually select the hosts to be used as a CF, or allow the installer to automatically assign them. The automatic CF assignment option is selected by default. At least one CF is required to run a Db2 pureScale instance.

    If you choose to manually assign the CF, you need to specify which CF acts as the preferred primary CF. You can also optionally designate which CF acts as the preferred secondary CF. These designations indicate which cluster caching facility the cluster manager attempts to start in the primary CF role.

    You can also select the option of specifying that a host can act as both a CF and a member.

    If you have manually assigned the CF and would like to revert the changes, click Auto Assign CFs to restore the default settings

  13. Host List Panel - Host Validation
    After you have added all the necessary hosts and have made all the necessary changes, click Validate Hosts.

    The available disk space for the installation files is checked on every host as part of the validation process. If any further changes are made to the hosts after validating the hosts, you must validate the hosts again.

    If you receive an error during host remote validation, you can fix the problem on the Host List panel or return to any of the previous panels of Db2 Setup wizard to make changes to the installation settings. You can also click Advanced on the Host List page to change the Db2 pureScale instance settings.

    If you cannot resolve a host error, you can remove the host from the list entirely with the Remove button. You can then later fix the issue and add the host to the instance after the initial deployment.

    Click Next to continue.

  14. Response File and Summary Panel
    You can use the Db2 Setup wizard to:
    • Create and save the installation settings in a response file, but not install the product. You can use this response file to install this product later. The Db2 database product is not installed. The Db2 Setup wizard generates the response file only based on your selections.
    • Install the product and create and save a response file that you can use as a record of your choices.

    You can change the name and location of the response file in the Response file name field. This same response file can be updated to be used on another set of hosts as well.

    You have made all the choices necessary to complete the Db2 installation and to create a response file. Review all the features listed in this window before clicking Finish. To change any of these settings, click Back to go back to the previous pages in the Db2 Setup wizard and change your choices. Clicking Finish launches the installation process across all specified hosts.

    Click Finish.


The Db2 installation image is copied to the DB2DIR/sd directory on each host in the Db2 pureScale instance.

The default names and location for the installation log files are:
  • The Db2 setup log file. This file captures all Db2 installation information including errors. The Db2 setup log file name is db2setup.log.
  • The Db2 error log file. This file captures any error output that is returned by Java™ (for example, exceptions and trap information). The Db2 error log file name is db2setup.err.
By default, these log files are located in the /tmp directory. You may have overridden this default when you issue the db2setup command. The Db2 installer saves a copy of the Db2 setup log file in the DB2DIR/install/logs/ directory, and renames it db2install.history. If the name already exists, then the Db2 installer renames it db2install.history.xxxx, where xxxx is 0000-9999, depending on the number of installations you have on that machine.

The Db2 installer also produces logs detailing the actions on each host, including the IIH, under the /tmp/db2log.xxxx directory on the local machine (where xxxxxx represents the process id) and /tmp/db2log directory on each remote host.

When you want to add another Db2 member or CF, you can run either the db2isetup or db2iupdt -add command from any of the existing members or CF. These commands performs the Db2 installation and instance configuration on the target hosts.

What to do next

If you are in the process of upgrading from a previous Db2 version, return to topic "Upgrading a Db2 pureScale server". Otherwise, for new Db2 pureScale Feature installation, refer to your installation plan for performing post-installation tasks.