DB2DataAdapter.RowUpdated Event

Occurs during an Update operation after a command is executed against the database.

IBM.Data.DB2 (in IBM.Data.DB2.dll)


[Visual Basic]
Public Event RowUpdated As DB2RowUpdatedEventHandler
public event DB2RowUpdatedEventHandler RowUpdated;
public: __event DB2RowUpdatedEventHandler * RowUpdated;

In JScript(R), you can handle the events defined by a class, but you cannot declare new events.

Event data

The event handler receives an argument of type DB2RowUpdatedEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following DB2RowUpdatedEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Property Description
DB2®RowUpdatingEventArgs.Command Gets the DB2Command executed when Update is called.
Errors (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) Gets any errors generated by the IBM® Data Server Provider for .NET when the Command was executed.
RecordsAffected (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) Gets the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement.
Row (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) Gets the DataRow sent through an Update.
StatementType (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) Gets the type of SQL statement executed.
Status (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) Gets the UpdateStatus of the Command.
TableMapping (inherited from RowUpdatedEventArgs) Gets the DataTableMapping sent through an Update.


When using the Update method, there are two events that occur per data row updated. The order of execution is as follows:
  1. The values in the DataRow are moved to the parameter values.
  2. The OnRowUpdating event is raised.
  3. The command executes.
  4. If the UpdateRowSource enumeration is set to FirstReturnedRecord, the first returned result is placed in the DataRow.
  5. If there are output parameters, they are placed in the DataRow.
  6. The OnRowUpdated event is raised.
  7. AcceptChanges is called.