spm_log_file_sz - Sync point manager log file size configuration parameter

This parameter identifies the sync point manager (SPM) log file size in 4 KB pages.

Configuration type
Database manager
Applies to
  • Database server with local and remote clients
  • Database server with local clients
  • Partitioned database server with local and remote clients
Parameter type
Default [range]
256 [4 - 1000]
Unit of measure
Pages (4 KB)

The log file is contained in the spmlog subdirectory under sqllib and is created the first time SPM is started.

Recommendation: The sync point manager log file size should be large enough to maintain performance, but small enough to prevent wasted space. The size required depends on the number of transactions using protected conversations, and how often COMMIT or ROLLBACK is issued.

To change the size of the SPM log file:
  1. Determine that there are no indoubt transactions by using the LIST DRDA INDOUBT TRANSACTIONS command.
  2. If there are none, stop the database manager.
  3. Update the database manager configuration with a new SPM log file size.
  4. Go to the $HOME/sqllib directory and issue rm -fr spmlog to delete the current SPM log. (Note: This shows the AIX® command. Other systems might require a different remove or delete command.)
  5. Start the database manager. A new SPM log of the specified size is created during the startup of the database manager.