Click to Containerize

The Click to Containerize family encompasses several tools which provide customers with the ability to quickly modernize their Db2 landscape. The Db2 Shift utility is part of the Click to Containerize family and can be used to clone a copy of Db2 into an OpenShift, Kubernetes, Cloud Pak for Data (CP4D), or a standard Db2 instance.

The utility is intended to help customers move their existing Db2® databases on Linux into a containerized environment with minimal effort. Some benefits of Db2 Shift are:
  • Automated, fast, and secure movement of Linux databases to Hybrid Cloud.
  • Massively reduces time to containerize database workloads.
  • Enables alignment with Agile Delivery and Project Lifecycle with Cloning capabilities once on the cloud.
Features of Db2 Shift include:
  • The ability to move a database without the need to unload, export, decrypt, or backup the database.
  • Automatic upgrades from Db2 10.5 to the latest version of Db2.
  • The shifting of all database settings and objects including external functions located in the Db2 library path.
  • The ability to move Row, Columnar, and Encrypted databases.
  • The ability to move OLTP, SMP, and MPP databases (excluding PureScale installations at this time).
  • Easy setup of HADR servers for staged migration.
The Db2 Shift program allows a customer to shift their current databases to one of four platforms:
  • OpenShift® cluster
  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Cloud Pak for Data
  • Another Db2 instance on premise, on Cloud, or in a Virtual Environment

In addition to directly shifting the database from one location to another, the Db2 Shift program also provides the ability to clone a database for future deployment. This feature is useful for environments where the target server is air-gapped or unavailable for direct connection from the source server.

Finally, the Db2 Shift program has two modes of operation. For expert users, the Db2 Shift command can be issued with the appropriate options and run directly from a command line or a script. For those users who require more help, the program can also run in interactive mode with detailed instructions and assistance with the various shift scenarios.

In summary, Db2 Shift provides the ability to shift your Db2 Linux database into a containerized environment quickly and easily.

For more information, see the Db2 Shift Usage Guide or the Db2 Click to Containerize manual on Git Hub.
  • Introduction to the Db2 Click to Containerize utility: The Db2 Click to Containerize utility can be used to help containerize and modernize Db2 databases.
  • Prerequisites for Using Db2 Click to Containerize: Certain prerequisites are required for the source Db2 database system and the target Db2 system and cluster.
  • Installation Instructions: Db2 Click to Container installation is a simple download and extraction of the program and supporting files.
  • User Interface Overview: The IBM Db2 Click to Containerize utility provides both a command line interface and a graphical user interface (GUI) for entering database information and initiating the shift process.
  • SSH Authentication: Steps for creating a secure connection between servers is required when shifting database between non-containerized environments.
  • Cluster Authentication: Containerizing a database requires authentication on the target OpenShift, Cloud Pak for Data, or Kubernetes cluster.
  • Command Line Syntax: Details of the Db2 Click to Containerize syntax are provided in this section.
  • Common Shift Scenarios: Examples of the various shift options of Db2 Click to Containerize are shown in detail.
  • Options Reference: A complete option reference is provided in this section.
  • Best Practices: A collection of best practices is discussed for the most common types of Shift scenarios.