Creating a Db2 database on Amazon RDS

You can create an AWS account and use the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) to create and configure your Db2 database on Amazon RDS using the AWS Management Console.

Before you begin

You need an AWS account to use RDS inside the AWS Management Console. To create an account, navigate to the Amazon RDS for Db2 web page, and click Create an AWS account.


  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console, using your AWS account.
  2. In the AWS Management Console Home page, click All Services from the left pane, navigate to the Database section and select RDS.
    You are now in the Amazon RDS console.
  3. In the Amazon RDS console Dashboard, click Create database.
  4. Select the desired database creation method:
    • Standard create
    • Easy create
  5. Configure Engine options:
    1. In the Engine options section, select IBM Db2.
    2. Select your desired Db2 Edition (Default = IBM Db2 Standard):
    3. Select your desired License type (Default = Bring Your Own License (BYOL):
      • Bring Your Own License (BYOL)
      • Through AWS Marketplace
      Note: If you select the Through AWS Marketplace option, you must navigate to the AWS Marketplace website and complete the purchase. For more information on License types, see Licensing Db2 on Amazon RDS.
    4. Select a Db2 engine version from the Engine Version drop down menu.
  6. Choose a desired template for your Db2 database depending upon your use case:
    • Production
    • Dev/Test
  7. Configure the settings for your Db2 database:
    1. In the Settings section, enter a unique DB instance identifier for your database instance.
    2. Enter the Master username for your database instance. This is the login ID for the master user or the admin for the database instance.
    3. Select a Credentials management method for your database instance (Default = Managed in AWS Secrets Manager - most secure) and select the desired encryption key.
  8. Select the desired instance class in the Instance configuration section and a Virtual Machine (VM) of your choice from the drop down menu.
  9. Configure the storage for your database:
    1. From the Storage type drop down menu, select a desired storage type (Default = Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2).
    2. Enter the storage you want to allocate for your database.
    3. Enter the IOPS value. (Default = 3000).
  10. Optional: You can configure the Storage auto scaling by collapsing the Storage autoscaling section, and selecting the Enable storage autoscaling check box. By default, this check box is selected and a Maximum storage threshold is set to 1000 GiB.
  11. Select the availability and durability option:
    • Create a standby instance (recommended for production usage)
    • Do not create a standby instance
    Note: Amazon RDS uses a multi-zone deployment method to manage failures. You have a cold standby database instance in place during backup or database failure. HADR is not supported in Amazon RDS.
  12. Configure the connectivity settings for your Db2 database:
    1. Select the desired compute resource for you database instance. You can select any one from the following:
      • Don’t connect to an EC2 compute resource
      • Connect to an EC2 compute resource
      Note: If you select Connect to an EC2 compute resource, you have to choose an EC2 instance option from the drop down menu.
    2. Select the Network type for your database. (Default = IPv4).
    3. Choose a Virtual private cloud (VPC) from the drop down menu.
      Once your database is created, you cannot change the VPC.
    4. Select the database subnet group from the DB subnet group drop down menu.
    5. Choose if you want to have public access for your database. By default, Amazon RDS does not assign public IP addresses to your database.
    6. Configure the security fireball group for the selected VPC for your database. You can choose an existing firewall group or create a new one. You can select a certificate authority (optional configuration).
    7. Optional: You can configure the database port by collapsing the Additional configuration section.
  13. Optional: Add tags for your database.
  14. Select the authentication type for your database:
    • Password authentication
    • Password and Kerberos authentication
  15. In the Monitoring section, select the Enable Enhanced Monitoring check box to enable monitoring for your database. Select the desired Granularity and the Monitoring Role.
  16. Configure the additional configurations for your database:
    1. In the Database options section, provide an initial database name. Select the DB parameter group, Option group, and your Time zone from the respective drop down menu options.
    2. If you do not want to have automated backups for your database, remove the selection for the Enable automated backups check box. If you enable automated backups, select the Backup retention period and choose a Backup window.
    3. Remove the selection for the Copy tags to snapshots if you do not want your tags to be copied to your backup snapshots.
    4. Remove the selection for the Enable encryption check box if you do not wish to encrypt your database.
      Remember: Encryption is recommended for production use.
    5. If you enable encryption for your database, select the AWS KMS key, note the Account number and KMS Key ID. Select the Log exports from one of the two options:
      • diag.log
      • notify.log
    6. In the Maintenance section, select the Enable auto minor version upgrade check box to allow automatic minor version update and select a desired maintenance window.
    7. Remove the selection for the Enable deletion protection check box if you want do not want to protect your database from being accidentally deleted.
      Remember: Deletion protection is recommended for production use. When the Enable deletion protection option is selected, you cannot delete the database.
  17. Review your Estimated Monthly costs. This estimation is generated based on the configuration options you selected when creating a database.
  18. Click Create database.


Your Db2 database is now created on Amazon RDS