Performing a snapshot backup

A snapshot backup operation uses the fast copying technology of a storage device to perform the data copying portion of the backup.

Before you begin

To perform snapshot backup and restore operations, you need one of two things:
  • A Db2® ACS API driver for your storage device. For a list of supported storage hardware for the integrated driver, refer to this tech note.
  • For storage devices that are not supported, implement a custom script that allows your storage device to perform snapshot operations.

Before you can perform a snapshot backup, you must enable Db2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS).


You cannot recover individual table spaces by using snapshot backups.

If you use integrated snapshot backups, you cannot perform a redirected restore. A FlashCopy® restore reverts the complete set of volume groups containing all database paths to a prior point in time.


To perform a snapshot backup, use one of the following approaches:
  • Issue the BACKUP DATABASE command with the USE SNAPSHOT parameter, as shown in the following example:

    db2 backup db sample use snapshot
  • Call the ADMIN_CMD procedure with BACKUP DB and USE SNAPSHOT parameters, as shown in the following example:
       ('backup db sample use snapshot')
  • Issue the db2Backup API with the SQLU_SNAPSHOT_MEDIA media type, as shown in the following example:
    int sampleBackupFunction( char dbAlias[],
                              char user[],
                              char pswd[],
                              char workingPath[] )
      db2MediaListStruct mediaListStruct = { 0 };
      mediaListStruct.locations = &workingPath;
      mediaListStruct.numLocations = 1;
      mediaListStruct.locationType = SQLU_SNAPSHOT_MEDIA;
      db2BackupStruct backupStruct = { 0 };
      backupStruct.piDBAlias = dbAlias;
      backupStruct.piUsername = user;
      backupStruct.piPassword = pswd;
      backupStruct.piVendorOptions = NULL;
      backupStruct.piMediaList = &mediaListStruct;
      db2Backup(db2Version950, &backupStruct, &sqlca);
      return 0;