db2ilist - List instances command

Lists all the instances that are created using the db2icrt command from the same Db2® copy location that you are running the db2ilist command.

On Linux® and UNIX operating systems, this utility is located in the DB2DIR/instance directory, where DB2DIR is the instance directory where the Db2 copy is installed. On Windows operating systems, this utility is located under the DB2PATH\bin directory where DB2PATH represents the installation location where the current version of the Db2 database system is installed.



Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdb2ilist-h

Command parameters

Displays usage information.

Usage notes

  • On Linux and UNIX operating systems, if you are using the su command instead of the login command to become the root user, you must issue the su command with the - option to indicate that the process environment is to be set as if you had logged in to the system using the login command.
  • On Linux and UNIX operating systems, you must not source the Db2 instance environment for the root user. Running db2ilist when you sourced the Db2 instance environment is not supported.
  • On AIX® 7.1 (or higher), when running this command from a shared Db2 copy in a system workload partition (WPAR) global environment, this command must be run as the root user. WPAR is not supported in a Db2 pureScale® environment.