db2fmtlog – Format and display log file information command

Use the db2fmtlog tool to extract and display information from transaction log files. Starting in version 11.5.6, the tool also displays the log records in these log files.

Various types of information can be displayed or inferred, including, but not limited to, the following information:
  • Whether a log file is encrypted or compressed.
  • The log chain that a log file is associated to.
  • The range of log records in a log file
  • The log records in a log file that would trigger a replay-only window if replayed on an HADR Standby database that is enabled with Reads On Standby (ROS).
  • Contents of the extraction log files.
  • Not all log records displayed by this command are documented. For information on Db2® log records that are documented, refer to Db2 log records.
  • The summary report output is up to the user to interpret. IBM® will not provide any more information other than what is already documented.


Anyone can run the command, but you require read permission on the archive log files.

Required connection


Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdb2fmtlog Format optionslog_file_number_start-log_file_number_end
Format options
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram -summaryfilesummary_file_name Filter options -xlog -lsnrange-replayonlywindow -kspasswordkeystore_password-kspassargfd:file_descriptorfilename:filepath
Filter options
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram -filter TIDtransaction_id -filterPOOLPOOLIDTABLESPACEpool_id-filter OBJECTpoolid:objectid

Command parameters

Specifies the numeric identifier of the log file to format. For example, the numeric identifier of the log file S0000017.LOG log file is 17. If the log_file_number_end parameter is also specified, then log_file_number_start represents the first numeric identifier in a range of log files to format.
Specifies the last numeric identifier in a range of log files to format. The value of log_file_number_end must be greater than or equal to log_file_number_start.
Format options
If no options are specified, basic information from the log file or files is displayed. Specification of keystore password information is required for encrypted log files only when the keystore password is not stashed.
-summaryfile summary_file_name
Specifies a short, summary report where each log record generates one line of output.
This parameter is only available starting in version 11.5.6.
Filter options
Adjusts the output of the log records to only those that match the filter criteria.
These options are only available starting in version 11.5.6.
-filter TID transaction_ID
Matches a specific transaction ID.
-filter POOL | POOLID | TABLESPACE poolid
Matches a pool ID.
Note: The three filter options POOL, POOLID and TABLESPACE are synonyms and equal to each other. Users may choose one of them.
-filter OBJECT poolid:objectid
Matches an object ID and pool ID combination.
Indicates that extraction log files, rather than traditional log files, should be formatted. An extraction log file has a name in the format X<#######>.META, where ####### is a seven-digit number that represents the file's numeric identifier.
Displays a list of the range of LFS, LSN, and LSO values in the log file or files.
Displays each log record that can trigger a replay-only window when replayed on an HADR Standby database that is enabled with Reads On Standby.

If the log file or files are encrypted, then this tool must be run in an environment where decryption is possible. This requirement includes access to the native encryption library, and either a stashed keystore password file must be available or a valid keystore password option must be specified.

-kspassword keystore_password
Specifies the password to use to open the keystore.
-kspassarg fd:file_descriptor | filename:filepath
Specifies the keystore password arguments. The file_descriptor parameter specifies a file descriptor that identifies an open and readable file or pipe that contains the password to use. The filepath parameter specifies the path of the file that contains the password to use.


Example 1
The following example shows the encrypted log file S0000003.LOG formatted with no options.
$ db2fmtlog 3

Log File S0000003.LOG:
   Extent Number              3
   Format Version             14
   Architecture Level Version V:11 R:1 M:3 F:3 I:0 SB:0
   Encrypted                  Yes
   Compression Mode           OFF
   Number of Pages            4
   Partition                  0
   Log Stream                 0
   Database Seed              3136515636
   Log File Chain ID          0
   Master Key Label           DB2_SYSGEN_db2admin1_ENCDB_2018-02-06-17.37.48_35002821
   Previous Extent ID         2018-02-06- GMT
   Current Extent ID          2018-02-06- GMT
   Database log ID            2018-02-06- GMT
   Topology Life ID           2018-02-06- GMT
   First LFS/LSN              4173/000000000003F5AF
   Last LFS/LSN               4185/000000000003F637
   LSO range                  44933825 to 44950128

| PAGE | Page number: 0
|      |                     Byte count = 4076
|      |                    First index = 0
|      |              Page header flags = 0x0010
|      |                                  - SQLPG_PHF_END_OF_FLUSH
|      |                       Page lso = 44937900
| LREC | 18653  0004E339  0000000001AD  I:DPS:FILEREG_STARTED
| LREC |                     Record LSO = 44933825
|      |                            LFS = 18653
|      |                            LSN = 000000000004E339
|      |                    Record Size = 0x002E = 46
|      |                    Record Type = 0x69 = Info Only
|      |               Log Header Flags = 0x2010
|      |                     Record TID = 0000000001AD
|      |               Back Pointer LSO = 0
|      |                Originator Code = 0x0C = DPS
|      |                    Function ID = 0x0B = 11 : SQLP_LREC_ID_FILEREG_STARTED
| LREC | 18654  00056339  000000000199  N:DMS:INSREC_DP         2:8
| LREC |                     Record LSO = 44933871
|      |                            LFS = 18654
|      |                            LSN = 0000000000056339
|      |                    Record Size = 0x005A = 90
|      |                    Record Type = 0x4E = Normal
|      |               Log Header Flags = 0x0000
|      |                     Record TID = 000000000199
|      |               Back Pointer LSO = 0
|      |                Originator Code = 0x01 = Data File Manager
|      |                    Function ID = 0xA2 = 162 : INSREC_DP
|      |                         PoolID = 2 ObjectID = 8
| LREC | 18654  0005633A  000000000199  Commit SE                         2021-05-12-22.24.34 GMT
| LREC |                     Record LSO = 44933961
|      |                            LFS = 18654
|      |                            LSN = 000000000005633A
|      |                    Record Size = 0x0030 = 48
|      |                    Record Type = 0x84 = Commit SE
|      |               Log Header Flags = 0x2000
|      |                     Record TID = 000000000199
|      |               Back Pointer LSO = 44933871
|      |                     Time Stamp = 0x609C55A2 = 1620858274 = 2021-05-12-22.24.34 GMT
|      |                    Nanoseconds = 1
Example 2
The following example shows the unencrypted extraction log file X0000011.META formatted with no other options. Note that since an extraction log file is an encapsulation of the traditional log file with the same numeric identifier, it is the traditional log file name that is printed.
$$ db2fmtlog -xlog 11  
   Log File S0000011.LOG:
      Extent Number              11
      Format Version             14
      Architecture Level Version V:11 R:5 M:4 F:0 I:0 SB:0
      Encrypted                  No
      Compression Mode           OFF
      Number of Pages            1
      Partition                  0
      Log Stream                 0
      Database Seed              3830086524
      Log File Chain ID          3
      Previous Extent ID         2020-05-06- GMT
      Current Extent ID          2020-05-06- GMT
      Database log ID            2020-05-06- GMT
      Topology Life ID           2020-05-06- GMT
      First LFS/LSN              11093/000000000004487F
      Last LFS/LSN               11095/0000000000044881
      LSO range                  49531553 to 49535628
Example 3
The following example shows the encrypted log files S0000003.LOG to S0000009.LOG that are formatted with -lsnrange option.
$ db2fmtlog -lsnrange 3-9

S0000003.LOG: First LFS/LSN 4173/000003F5AF Last LFS/LSN 4185/000003F637 LSO range 44884913 to 44901216
S0000004.LOG: First LFS/LSN 4185/000003F638 Last LFS/LSN 4200/000003F6E9 LSO range 44901217 to 44917520
S0000005.LOG: First LFS/LSN 4200/000003F6EA Last LFS/LSN 4218/000003F76F LSO range 44917521 to 44933824
S0000006.LOG: First LFS/LSN 4218/000003F770 Last LFS/LSN 4236/000003F795 LSO range 44933825 to 44946052
S0000007.LOG: First LFS/LSN 4237/000003F796 Last LFS/LSN 4237/000003F796 LSO range 44950129 to 44954204
S0000008.LOG: First LFS/LSN 4238/000003F797 Last LFS/LSN 4238/000003F797 LSO range 44966433 to 44970508
S0000009.LOG: First LFS/LSN 4239/000003F798 Last LFS/LSN 4247/000003F81A LSO range 44982737 to 44999040
Example 4
The following example shows the unencrypted log file S0000004.LOG is formatted with -replayonlywindow option. To use the output of ls as input, '-' is required at the end of the command format "ls *.LOG | db2fmtlog -replayonlywindow - ".
$ ls S0000004.LOG | db2fmtlog -replayonlywindow -

| LREC |  4812  0003F9E6  000000000197
| LREC |           Record LSO = 53456514
|      |           Record TID = 000000000197
|      |               Action = DDL
| LREC |  4812  0003F9E7  000000000197
| LREC |           Record LSO = 53456942
|      |           Record TID = 000000000197
|      |        DDL Statement = create table t5ba.t1 (a int, b long varchar) in t1
| LREC |  4828  0003FA6F  0000000001CF
| LREC |           Record LSO = 53467006
|      |           Record TID = 0000000001CF
|      |               Action = LOAD
| LREC |  4832  0003FA76  0000000001D0
| LREC |           Record LSO = 53473142
|      |           Record TID = 0000000001D0
|      |               Action = LOAD
| LREC |  4839  0003FAD5  0000000001E9
| LREC |           Record LSO = 53489660
|      |           Record TID = 0000000001E9
|      |               Action = DDL
Example 5
The following example shows the formatting of an encrypted log file that uses -replayonlywindow option, but without a keystore password (and no stashed keystore password file is available). When an error is encountered, the db2fmtlog command will skip the current log file and resume processing in the next log file.
$ db2fmtlog -replayonlywindow 4
Could not retrieve DEK for log file "S0000004.LOG".
Reason code: -2141452066, sqlcode: -1728.

Processing will resume in the next log file.
Example 6
The following example shows how to format an encrypted log file that uses -replayonlywindow option with a keystore password specified:
$ db2fmtlog -replayonlywindow 4 -kspassword This8Is0Password

| LREC |  4193  0003F6AB  000000000171
| LREC |           Record LSO = 44911967
|      |           Record TID = 000000000171
|      |               Action = DDL
Example 7
The following example shows how the filter and summary file are formatted. If the following command is run:
db2fmtlog 30595 -filter OBJECT=0:264 -summaryfile sum
The output of the filter is:
Log File S0030595.LOG:
   Extent Number              30595
   Format Version             14
   Architecture Level Version V:11 R:5 M:7 F:0 I:0 SB:0
   Encrypted                  No
   Compression Mode           OFF
   Number of Pages            4
   Partition                  0
   Log Stream                 0
   Database Seed              1756970922
   Log File Chain ID          0
   Previous Extent ID         2021-03-21- GMT
   Current Extent ID          2021-03-21- GMT
   Database log ID            2021-03-18- GMT
   Topology Life ID           2021-03-18- GMT
   First LFS/LSN              103544/0000000000460B12
   Last LFS/LSN               103546/0000000000460BA0
   LSO range                  547830705 to 547847008
| LREC |                     Record LSO = 547830721
|      |                            LFS = 103545
|      |                            LSN = 0000000000460B12
|      |                    Record Size = 0x0081 = 129
|      |                    Record Type = 0x4E = Normal
|      |               Log Header Flags = 0x0000
|      |                     Record TID = 000000009532
|      |               Back Pointer LSO = 547830556
|      |                Originator Code = 0x02 = Index Manager
|      |                    Function ID = 0x65 = 101 : ADDKEY_DP
|      |                         PoolID = 0 ObjectID = 264 Index Object Type = 0x1
|      |                  Parent PoolID = 0 Parent ObjectID = 264
|      |                Index Root Page = 0x00000002 = 2
| LREC |                     Record LSO = 547830922
|      |                            LFS = 103545
|      |                            LSN = 0000000000460B14
|      |                    Record Size = 0x00A5 = 165
|      |                    Record Type = 0x4E = Normal
|      |               Log Header Flags = 0x0000
|      |                     Record TID = 000000009532
|      |               Back Pointer LSO = 547830721
|      |                Originator Code = 0x01 = Data File Manager
|      |                    Function ID = 0xA2 = 162 : INSREC_DP
|      |                         PoolID = 0 ObjectID = 264
| LREC |                     Record LSO = 547831087
|      |                            LFS = 103545
|      |                            LSN = 0000000000460B15
|      |                    Record Size = 0x0081 = 129
|      |                    Record Type = 0x4E = Normal
|      |               Log Header Flags = 0x0000
|      |                     Record TID = 000000009532
|      |               Back Pointer LSO = 547830922
|      |                Originator Code = 0x02 = Index Manager
|      |                    Function ID = 0x65 = 101 : ADDKEY_DP
|      |                         PoolID = 0 ObjectID = 264 Index Object Type = 0x1
|      |                  Parent PoolID = 0 Parent ObjectID = 264
|      |                Index Root Page = 0x00000002 = 2
| LREC |                     Record LSO = 547831216
|      |                            LFS = 103545
|      |                            LSN = 0000000000460B16
|      |                    Record Size = 0x00A6 = 166
|      |                    Record Type = 0x52 = Redo
|      |               Log Header Flags = 0x0000
|      |                     Record TID = 000000009532
|      |               Back Pointer LSO = 547831087
|      |                Originator Code = 0x02 = Index Manager
|      |                    Function ID = 0x79 = 121 : SQLI_LRT_UPDKEY
|      |                         PoolID = 0 ObjectID = 264 Index Object Type = 0x1
|      |                  Parent PoolID = 0 Parent ObjectID = 264
|      |                Index Root Page = 0x00000002 = 2
And the output of the summary file is:
        LFS    LSN       TID           Log Record Type         Object    Log Record Data
| LREC | 103545  00460B12  000000009532  N:IXM:ADDKEY_DP         0:264     RtIPg=2
| LREC | 103545  00460B14  000000009532  N:DMS:INSREC_DP         0:264
| LREC | 103545  00460B15  000000009532  N:IXM:ADDKEY_DP         0:264     RtIPg=2
| LREC | 103545  00460B16  000000009532  R:IXM:UPDKEY            0:264     RtIPg=2