Upgrading to Data Server Runtime Client (Windows)

Upgrading an existing Runtime Client copy to version 11.5 requires that you install a Db2® version 11.5 Data Server Runtime Client copy and then upgrade your client instance to retain your client configuration and to connect to all your previously cataloged databases

After you install a Db2 version 11.5 Data Server Runtime Client copy, you can manually upgrade your existing client instance from a version 11.1, or version 10.5 Data Server Runtime Client.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have SYSADM, SYSCTRL, or SYSMAINT authority and Local Administrator authority to run the db2iupgrade and the db2icrt commands.
  • Review supported connectivity between clients and Db2 servers in Upgrade essentials for clients.
  • Perform pre-upgrade tasks for clients.

    Refer to Pre-upgrade tasks for clients.


  • The bit size of the client instance is determined by the operating systems where you install Db2 version 11.5 client. The instance is 32-bit only in 32-bit Windows on x86 or x64. The instance is 64-bit only in 64-bit Windows on x64. Refer to Table 1 for details.


To upgrade from a version 11.1, or version 10.5 Db2 Runtime Client copy to version 11.5 Data Server Runtime Client on Windows:

  1. Install Db2 version 11.5 Data Server Runtime Client.
    Run the Db2 Setup wizard for all languages.
  2. If you want your applications to use the Db2 version 11.5 Data Server Runtime Client copy through the default interface or if you upgraded your existing version 11.1 or version 10.5 client copy, set the Db2 version 11.5 Data Server Runtime Client copy as the Db2 default copy.
  3. Log on to the system as a user with Local Administrator authority.
  4. Upgrade your existing client instance by running the db2iupgrade command:
       "%DB2PATH%"\bin\db2iupgrade InstName
    where DB2PATH is set to the location that you specified during the Db2 version 11.5 Data Server Runtime Client installation and InstName is the name of the instance.
  5. Optional: You can create a new Db2 version 11.5 client instance instead of upgrading an existing client instance.
    You only need to create a new Db2 version 11.5 client instance when you want to keep multiple client copies running on the same machine.
    To create a new Db2 version 11.5 client instance, run the db2icrt command with the option -s:
       "%DB2PATH%"\bin\db2icrt -s client InstName
    To create the same client connectivity environment you had, including the database manager configuration parameter and Db2 profile registry settings, run the db2cfimp command with the configuration profile that you saved in the pre-upgrade tasks.
  6. Compare the upgraded database manager configuration parameter values with the pre-upgrade values to ensure the changed values are compatible with your database applications.

What to do next

After upgrading your client, perform the recommended post-upgrade tasks for clients, especially verifying upgrade for clients to ensure that your client upgrade was successful. Refer to Post-upgrade tasks for clients and Verifying your client upgrade.