IBM data server client features

These tables list the features that have been delivered for each type of server and its mod pack or fix pack.

The following tables are an overview of all driver features delivered in each mod pack and fix pack. The columns are divided by type of server, while the rows are divided by type of driver. This is intended to be a high-level overview and does not provide details for each feature.

Blank cells indicate that there was no specific enhancements to highlight that is specific to the driver and server combination.

Table 1. Db2 11.5 features by mod pack
Mod Pack Level Module Feature Db2 Db2 for z/OS IBM i
11.5.9 ODBC/CLI Enhancements to the db2cli tool now puts connection validation right in the connection string. Yes Yes Yes
Improved processing of large db2dsdriver.cfg files by the ODBC/CLI driver. Yes Yes Yes
.Net TLSVersion support. Yes Yes Yes
JDBC/SQLJ Changed default security mechanism for better security. Yes Yes Yes
SQLJ profile customizer option to control the driver action for an input data type and column data type mismatch. Yes Yes Yes
Property to control the driver action when truncation of input data occurs. Yes Yes Yes
Driver support for IBM Semeru Runtimes. Yes Yes Yes
Empty user value allowed for CP4D connections with plug-in security. Yes Yes Yes
Driver certification for more platforms. Yes Yes Yes
11.5.8 ODBC/CLI BOOLEAN support for Db2 for IBM i (V7R5). No No Yes
Mapping of Seamless Failover error codes to a communication error. Yes Yes Yes
New connection property for enhanced query performance. Yes Yes Yes
Improved control when loading IBM Global Security Kit (GSKit) libraries from a Db2 application. Yes Yes Yes
JDBC/SQLJ New tool for validating JCC properties in the db2dsdriver.cfg file. Yes Yes Yes
BOOLEAN support for Db2 for IBM i (V7R5). No No Yes
JDK 17 run time support. Yes Yes Yes
Mapping of non-seamless errors to a communication error. No Yes No
New connection property for enhanced query performance. Yes Yes Yes
New option for multi-factor authentication when using the db2connectactivate utility. Yes Yes Yes
11.5.7 ODBC/CLI Increased limit on FET_BUF_SIZE value to improve performance. Yes Yes Yes
JDBC/SQLJ Improved query fetch performance by increasing queryDataSize value. Yes Yes Yes
T4 XA support with Multi Transport model with multiple process. Yes No No
11.5.6 ODBC/CLI Improved performance when prefetching data from large data sets Yes Yes Yes
Transport Layer Security (TLS, formerly SSL) version now set at the Db2 non-java client through the db2dsdriver.cfg file and connection string Yes Yes No
Improved performance of Anonymous block execution flow for embedded SQL applications Yes Yes Yes
Support for db2cli validate -all command for user level db2dsdriver.cfg file Yes Yes Yes
Simplified process for TLS connections to Db2 databases from embedded SQL applications Yes Yes Yes
Application-specific db2locale setting now available Yes Yes Yes
Hostname validation now available for Db2 clients Yes Yes Yes
JDBC/SQLJ Improved performance when prefetching data from large data sets. Yes Yes Yes
Remote logging using Elastic Search. Yes Yes Yes
Sysplex workload balancing now enabled through the global properties file. Yes Yes No
Ability to configure driver to check for client-side Db2 license first. No Yes Yes
Support for the file in db2connectactivate operation. No Yes Yes
Connection pooling feature now available. Yes Yes Yes
Hostname validation now available for Db2 clients. Yes Yes No
11.5.5 .Net Support for Entity Framework 6.1 Yes Yes Yes
JDBC/SQLJ JDBC 4.3 specification API support. Yes Yes Yes
OpenJDK 13 runtime support. Yes Yes Yes
Odata enhancement. Yes No No
11.5.4 ODBC/CLI Support LOBFileThreshold connection string keyword through a SQLSetConnAttr. Yes Yes Yes
Capability to enable/disable db2trc using db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file. Yes Yes Yes
ODBC/CLI trace header updated to reflect the hostname/IP Address of system on which the application is running. Yes Yes Yes
New db2dsdriver.cfg keyword EnableET for instance-based ODBC/CLI driver. Yes No No
Support db2dsdriver.cfg for User Level DSN in Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator GUI. Yes Yes Yes
JSON Web Token Support for Authentication. Yes No No
IBM® Db2Nosql/JSON Wire Listener Enhancement. Yes Yes No
.Net Code first support for Db2 for z/OS®. Yes Yes No
.NET Core driver on Microsoft Azure. Yes Yes Yes
Leverage new features of .NET core 2.1. Yes Yes Yes
.NET Core Driver support for Microsoft Windows Nano Server. Yes Yes Yes
Support for .NET Core 3.1. Yes Yes Yes
Db2 .NET Core support on AWS. Yes Yes Yes
JDBC/SQLJ CLPPlus new command line keyword support using connection identifier. Yes No No
JDBC 4.2 specification support. Yes Yes Yes
OpenJDK 11 run time support. Yes Yes Yes
Preserve Statement cache at XA Rollback/Commit. No Yes No
JCC support with IDAA and t2zos connectivity. No Yes No
JSON Web Token support. Yes No No
New open source tool for better Spring Application configuration. Yes Yes Yes
11.5 GA ODBC/CLI Data movement using cliload with an External Table. Yes No No
Unique utility id generation for zload. No Yes No
db2dsdriver.cfg support in MS ODBC Administrator. Yes Yes Yes
Enhancement to the WLB/ACR algorithm. No Yes No
Server side enablement of WLB/ACR for Db2 pureScale server. Yes No No
.Net Db2 .Net EF Core support. Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Entity Framework 2.1 support. Yes Yes Yes
IBM Data Server Driver for ADO.Net support. Yes Yes Yes
Visual Studio Code Extension for Db2. Yes Yes Yes
JDBC/SQLJ Server side enablement of WLB/ACR for Db2 pureScale server. Yes No No
clientApplcompat enhancements. No Yes No
Change to the default behavior of the timerLevelForQueryTimeOut property. Yes Yes Yes
Support for named parameter markers with (var1=>?,var2=>?,...) syntax added in java.sql.CallableStatement for Db2 for z/OS. Yes Yes No
Table 2. Db2 11.1 features by mod pack and fix pack
Mod Pack or Fix Pack Level Module All Servers Db2 Db2 for z/OS Informix IBM i
11.1 GA ODBC
  • Mapping of NZ connection string keywords to CLI connection string keywords
  • Mapping of NZ environment connection and statement attributes
  • Option to query metadata in Uppercase in APIs like SQLTables
  • Attribute to efficiently set global variables
  • Support Timestamps for CLI trace captured through db2trc tool
  • Support Tracecomm for CLI trace captured through db2trc tool
  • Serviceability Improvements to db2trc tool and db2DumpSQL Codes CLI configuration keyword
  • Passive Connect: Connect without activating the database
  • Reduce cost of failback
  • Entity Framework 6.1 support (Connection Resiliency feature)
  • DB2DataReader support for new .NET 4.5 async methods
  • Access to CA to reutrn DBMS indicator
  • LDAP settings in global area of db2dsdriver.cfg
  • Ability to specify registry for trusted context
  • Serviceability enhancements (two new keywords Db2DumpSQLCodes, Db2DumpSQLCodesInterval are added)
  • Timestamp precision (in the range of 0 to 12) for Db2 for IBM i 7R2 or later
  • LibraryList Connection string keyword support
Visual Studio
  • Entity Framework 6.1 support
  • Visual Studio 2015 support
  • Visual Studio 2017 support
  • Timestamp precision (in the range of 0 to 12) for Db2 for IBM i 7R2 or later
  • Support regex in SQL (from Db2 for IBM i 7R1 or later)
  • NZ compatibility through support for Netezza connection URL, NZData-Source and selected NZ connection properties
  • Specification of cipher suites for SSL connections
  • BiDi layout transformation
  • Serviceability improvments - online tracing, SQLCODE configuration for automated dump generation
  • db2sqljcustomize enhancement to accept a new hostlang option
  • Use RACF keyring based stores for SSL Certificates ODBC
  • External table support by ODBC/CLI
  • In-memory default keystore database for SSL connection
  • Dynamic enabling/disabling of serviceability log
  • Blocking support for scrollable cursors for lobs and non-lobs
  • Register ODBC DSN with description
  • GUI support in Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator for DSN creation
  • New function level support for continuous delivery
  • Support for Db2 for IBM i 7R3
  • Serviceability improvements to db2DumpSQLCodes configuration keyword
  • Dynamic enabling or disabling of serviceability log
  • New function level support for continuous delivery and PKGNAMCT support
  • Support for Db2 for IBM i 7R3
Visual Studio      
  • Support for Db2 for IBM i 7R3
  • Encrypted user ID and password on SERVER_ENCRYPT
  • Client certificate selection from trust store using certificate keyUsage property
  • Preserve statement cache at rollback
  • New function level support for continuous delivery
  • Support for Db2 for IBM i 7R3
Table 3. Db2 10.5 features by fix pack
Fix Pack Level Module All Servers Db2 Db2 for z/OS Informix IBM i
10.5 GA Features for all listed drivers
  • db2cli validate all
  • alternate group failback for HADR
  • commit on EOF default true for version 9 and later
  • unlimited edition host based license for 7R1 and later
  • ability to specify db2dsdriver.cfg name
  • batching for CALL includes result set
  • steam lob output parms from stored procs
  • override affinity API
  • override affinity API
  • *USERLIB cache refresh
  • date / time formats and separator
  • Entity Framework 5.0 support
Visual Studio add-ins
  • Entity Framework 5.0 support
  • decfloat (AIX)
  • generic special registers
  • generic special registers
  • option to preserve blanks
  • autocommit for ddl
  • message locale different from OS locale
10.5 FP1 Features for all listed drivers  
  • JSON
10.5 FP2 Features for all listed drivers
  • limit seamless retries to 1 vs 10
  • V11 CALL with ARRAY
  • V11 global session variables
  • V11 larger client info fields
  • V11 implicit commit for procedures
  • V11 client consistency token
  • V11 default disconnect on interrupt
  • V11 APPLCOMPAT bind option
  • support RELEASE in SQLCreatePkg
  • property for server function path
Visual Studio add-ins
  • property for server function path
  • combine all SETs in one EXCSQLSET
  • command timeout to cursor and metadata
  • Db2 Analytics Accelerator current query explicit parm
10.5 FP3 Features for all listed drivers    
  • JSON
Db2 Cancun Release Features for all listed drivers
  • add OLE DB to validate page
  • db22connectactivate to provide updated info
  • TLS 1.2 support
  • db2cli BIND with GRANT
  • db2cli option to show Db2 Connect license used
  • db2trc dump statements when turned on
  • db2cli validate odbcdsn option
  • request read only conneciton
  • MERGE to use array input
  • getinfo to return config file parameters
  • db2trc - tracepathname
  • seamless failover autodetect readonly
  • seamless failover autodetect readonly
  • CALL with ARRAY
  • global variables
  • currently committed
  • BatchCommandTimeout to connection object
  • IDBConnectionExtension for SSRS
  • step-by-step for use of merge modules
  • seamless failover autodetect readonly
  • seamless failover autodetect readonly
  • support procedure with RETURNING in Entity Framework and Server Explorer
  • CALL with ARRAY
  • global variables
  • currently committed
Visual Studio add-ins
  • step-by-step for use of merge modules
  • Visual Studio 2013
  • support procedure with RETURNING in Entity Framework and Server Explorer
  • define editor with no space
  • ability to get expiry and version of client side license
  • T2 client info size and correlation token
Table 4. Db2 10.1 features by fix pack
Fix Pack Level Module All Servers Db2 Db2 for z/OS Informix IBM i
10.1 GA Features for all listed drivers
  • removed legacy JDBC driver
  • connection timeout default changes
  • skipsynonym default on
  • useisnullsp, namedparameters inactive
Visual Studio add-ins          
  • allow connections to Express
  • allow connection to IBM i
10.1 FP1 Features for all listed drivers
  • forward fit 9.7 FP6
Visual Studio add-ins          
10.1 FP2 Features for all listed drivers
  • 30108 member info and reason code
  • generic set special registers
  • multiple entries in dsdriver cfg path
  • db2cli bind command
  • special chars in password
  • sysplex stats to match JCC
  • ACR to not look for an active transport
  • member stats
  • pureScale rolling updates
  • sysplex stats to match JCC
  • ACR to not look for an active transport
  • member stats
  • system naming support
  • querytimeoutintyerval only 0 or 1
  • provide db2dsdriver.cfg name with install
  • ability to update ODBC dsns with install
  • LU validate page
  • SQL_CLOSE to free memory also
  • Entity Framework 4.3 support
  • Framework 4.5
  • sysplex stats to match JCC
  • ACR to not look for an active transport
  • member stats
  • pureScale rolling updates
Visual Studio add-ins
  • Visual Studio 2012
  • decfloat support
  • SELECT * with no space
  • specify font and size for window option
  • 32K default pagesize on create db
  • command timeout in db2dsdriver.cfg
Table 5. Db2 9.7 features by fix pack
Fix Pack Level Module All Servers Db2 Db2 for z/OS Informix IBM i
  • dbchar to numeric bindout conversions
  • rollback during streaming
  • interleaved fetch during streaming
  • hostvar syntax for parameter markers
  • currently committed
  • no bind-in retry 9.5 and later servers
  • anonymous block
  • statement concentrator
  • CALL with named parameters
  • variable length timestamp
  • CREATE or REPLACE syntax
  • describe only for CURSOR, ROW, BOOLEAN
  • seamless XA for sysplex
  • client affinity
  • MACH 11 WLB
  • remove Framework 1.1 provider
  • remove any accidental db2cli.ini support
  • program name and program id seti properties
  • currently committed
  • ARRAY input parm to SQL procedures
  • anonymous blocks
  • hostvar syntax for parm markers
  • variable length timestamp
  • seamless XA for sysplex
  • MACH 11 HADR
  • MACH 11 WLB
  • result set from RETURN
Visual Studio add-ins
  • pureQuery static profiling assist
  • Visual Studio Db2.NET 2003 dropped
  • variable length timestamp
  • hostvar syntax
  • anonymous block
9.7 FP1 ODBC
  • env var for db2dsdriver.cfg location
  • db2trc integration for cli trace
  • interleaved insert with streaming
  • ReloadConfig for ACR section
  • failback to primary
  • pureQuery, client optimization with pdqxml file
  • ReloadConfig for ACR section
  • module support
  • pureScale WLB
  • ACR
  • OPM Extended Insight first delivery
  • V10 binary XML
  • V10 greater length timestamp
  • V10 currently committed
  • ODBC support documented
  • LINQ schema filtering
  • env var for db2dsdriver.cfg location
  • statement concentrator
  • V10 binary XML
  • V10 greater length timestamp
  • V10 currently committed
  • optimizer directives
Visual Studio add-ins
  • ARRAY input parameter to SQL Procs and in procedure designer
  • full alter of procedures
  • LINQ over XML reference
  • V10 greater length timestamp
  • V10 currently committed
9.7 FP2 ODBC
  • pureQuery client optimization capture only mode
  • command line register ODBC ds
  • codepage per conn handle
  • db2cli validate support
  • COLLECTION for SQLCreatePackage
  • FET_BUF_SIZE - up to 256k
  • OPM Extended Insight validate diagnostics
  • result sets from anonymous blocks
  • OPM Extended Insight Beta direct and gateway
  • OPM Extended Insight static SQL beta
  • V10 explain, extended indicators
  • V10 timestamp with timezone
  • client info settings in db2dsdriver.cfg
  • 32-bit provider in 64-bit builds
  • MS LINQ filtering and simple canonical functions
  • override for with hold property on cursors
  • OPM Extended Insight beta
  • extended Indicators
  • MODULE support
  • OPM Extended Insight Beta direct and gateway
  • OPM Extended Insight static SQL beta
  • V10 explain, extended indicators
  • V10 timestamp with timezone
Visual Studio add-ins
  • debugger support for timestamp(p) and decfloat
  • 32-bit provider in 64-bit builds
  • MODULE support
  • debugger support for ARRAY
  • V10 explain and timestamp with timezone
  • console handling improvements
  • support db2dsdriver.cfg for alias and kerberos
  • COPY command
  • ref cursors bind variables
9.7 FP3 Features for all listed drivers    
  • V10 support
  • connect unlimited licensing
  • Informix 11.70
  • trusted context
  • instance client uses db2dsdriver.cfg
  • Optim raw codepage
  • network stats
  • last member on connection
  • GetPositionW
  • SQLCreateDB
  • Extended Insight supported
  • workload mgmt session vars
  • LINQ canonical functions
  • Framework 4.0 beta
  • CURSOR as OUT param
  • Extended Insight supported
Visual Studio add-ins
  • Visual Studio 2010 beta
  • stored proc debugger
  • CLP DESCRIBE style
  • UTF-8
  • console comment, interrupt, line editor
  • COLUMN NEWVALUE general purpose
  • bind variables
  • bind variables
9.7 FP4 Features for all listed drivers
  • db2diag -a in ds driver
  • tcpipConnectTimeout
  • cache of wlb list for use at startup
  • MemberConnectTimeout
  • sysplex support across migration
  • MemberConnectTimeout
  • db2cli(32) in 64-bit drivers
  • validate to show unrecognized values
  • cli load with async
  • binary XML
  • temporal describe
  • Db2.NET 4.0, Entity Framework 4.0 GA
  • instance clients to use db2dsdriver.cfg
  • high precision ts and decfloat in a dataset
  • removal of U2 support and ucinet
Visual Studio add-ins
  • Visual Studio 2010 GA
  • bind package
  • escape character
  • command line silent mode
  • row
  • array or row
  • runstats
  • reorgchk, reorg
  • autotrace
  • boolean
9.7 FP5 Features for all listed drivers
  • schema filter in conn string
  • password in db2dsdriver.cfg file
  • command line to add entry to db2dsdriver.cfg
  • db2cli to show copy type and name
  • net stats server time on commit, rollback
  • alternate group failover
  • password up to 100 chars
  • alternate group failover
  • XML
  • extended indicator for unassigned
  • ignore dbalias if database present
  • commit on EOF setting
  • ODBC 3.8 version, pool, end tran
  • attribute for warning on seamless failover
  • db2cli registerdsn to support catalog aliases
  • individual row update count in batch
  • settable codepage for allcharacter based columns
  • reloadconfig to return diagnostic string
  • temporal describe
  • columnwise MRI
  • block for n rows capability on command
  • ability to disable auto-rebind
  • MS trace integration
  • transaction savepoint support
  • currentpackageset, querytimeout and connect node from db2dsdriver.cfg
  • CommandBuilder.CompareRowVersion
  • array input
  • commit on EOF setting
  • cache of server list
  • alternate server list for first connect
  • ConnectNodeNumber from db2dsdriver.cfg
  • temporal describe
  • temporal describe support (V10)
  • workload management session vars
  • program name and program id client info
  • *NONE isolation level
Visual Studio add-ins
  • debugger visualizers for lobs
  • console window independent of project
  • debugging for PL/SQL
  • cursor as OUT param
  • XML Schema functions
  • LDAP
  • IMPORT from client machine
  • create, drop database
  • fetch into array (for Pro*C)
9.7 FP6 Features for all listed drivers
  • SSL with auth client
  • db2cli validate to show list of client packages on Windows
  • db2profile for ds driver
  • default value of hostname for workstation name
  • connect activate to handle OPM in stored proc
  • db2cli registerdsn remove alldsn
  • db2cli to warn on duplicates
  • ds driver to update path, classpath
  • ei monitor sp
  • ei load pqcmx from default location
  • prefetched cursor support for seamless
  • prefetched cursor suport for seamless
  • ACR 7003 for commit on EOF
  • update server libraries with schema list
  • binary, varbinary
  • client info
  • LDAP settings from db2dsdriver.cfg
  • cli driver to support NOMAP
  • CURSOR as OUT param
  • array insert in trusted procs
  • Command.DeriveParameters
  • newpwd connection string parameter
  • pureQuery to use pdqxml
  • promoteable local to XA
  • LINQ store specific functions
  • fetch buffer size support
  • result set from anonymous block
  • binary XML w/o parse, serialize for V10.1
  • current sqlid keyword
  • DBName property
  • Db2.NET same Informix support as Informix Db2 .NET
  • decfloat for V6R1
Visual Studio add-ins
  • quicklinks to DS tooling
  • create table from import
  • newpwd connection string parameter
  • DBName property in add conn dialog
  • end to end monitoring
  • http urls as script location
  • Oracle compat for use in IBM Data Studio
  • prefetched cursor support for seamless