Some administrative routines are discontinued

A number of SQL administrative routines are discontinued in version 10.5. You must use the replacement routines.


The following table shows the SQL administrative routines that are discontinued, the version when the routines were deprecated, their replacement routines or views, and the version when the replacement views or routines became available:
Table 1. Discontinued SQL administrative routines or views and their replacement routines or views for version 10.5
Discontinued routine or view Deprecated since New routine or view Replaced since
SNAPSHOT_AGENT table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_AGENT table function and MON_GET_CONNECTION table function version 10.5 and Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_APPL table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_CONNECTION table function and MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_APPL_INFO table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_CONNECTION table function and MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_BP table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_CONTAINER table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_CONTAINER table function Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_DATABASE table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_DATABASE table function and MON_GET_TRANSACTION_LOG table function version 10.5
SNAPSHOT_DBM table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_INSTANCE table function version 10.5
SNAPSHOT_DYN_SQL table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_FCM table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_FCM table function Version 9.7 Fix Pack 2
SNAPSHOT_FCMNODE table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST table function Version 9.7 Fix Pack 2
SNAPSHOT_FILEW procedure Version 9.1 SNAP_WRITE_FILE procedure Version 9.1
SNAPSHOT_LOCK table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_APPL_LOCKWAIT table function, MON_GET_LOCKS table function, MON_FORMAT_LOCK_NAME table function Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1
SNAPSHOT_LOCKWAIT table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_APPL_LOCKWAIT table function, MON_GET_LOCKS table function, and MON_FORMAT_LOCK_NAME table function Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1
SNAPSHOT_QUIESCERS table function Version 9.1 SNAP_GET_TBSP_QUIESCER table function Version 9.1
SNAPSHOT_RANGES table function Version 9.1 SNAP_GET_TBSP_RANGE table function Version 9.1
SNAPSHOT_STATEMENT table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function and MON_CURRENT_SQL administrative view version 10.5 and Version 9.7 Fix Pack 1
SNAPSHOT_SUBSECT table function Version 9.1 SNAP_GET_SUBSECTION table function Version 9.1
SNAPSHOT_SWITCHES table function Version 9.1 SNAP_GET_SWITCHES table function Version 9.1
SNAPSHOT_TABLE table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_TABLE table function Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_TBREORG table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_UTILITY table function and SNAP_GET_TAB_REORG table function version 10.5 and Version 9.1
SNAPSHOT_TBS table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function Version 9.7
SNAPSHOT_TBS_CFG table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function and MON_GET_REBALANCE_STATUS table function Version 9.7 and version 10.1
SNAPSHOT_UTIL table function Version 8 MON_GET_UTILITY table function version 10.5
SNAPSHOT_UTIL_PROG table function Version 8 SNAPUTIL_PROGRESS administrative view and SNAP_GET_UTIL_PROGRESS table function Version 9.1
SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT table function Version 9.1 MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function Version 9.7


Modify all user-defined objects that are dependent on the discontinued routines. Re-create these objects using the replacement routines or views indicated in Table 1. If you upgrade a database that has dependent objects, the UPGRADE DATABASE command drops the discontinued administrative routines and marks the dependent objects inoperative or invalid.

Modify all your applications and scripts and remove all references to these routines or use the replacement routines or views indicated in Table 1.