SQL enhancements

The Db2 11.5.6 release includes enhancements to the SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, as well as improved language support for creating user-defined functions.

Attention: This mod pack release is currently available for the following Db2 products:

SQL enhancements

The following table lists enhancements to Db2 SQL statements in the Db2 11.5.6 release:
Table 1. SQL enhancements in Db2 11.5.6
Enhancement Description
New clauses for specifying wait time at the DML statement level With the release of Db2 11.5.6, users can now specify wait time for the completion of SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, using the NOWAIT and WAIT clauses.
Prior to the 11.5.6 release, specifying wait time was only possible at the database level through the use of the LOCKTIMEOUT database configuration variable, and within a connection through the use of the CURRENT LOCK TIME special register.
This feature can be used with both row-organized and column-organized tables.
Enhanced language support for the CREATE FUNCTION statement Db2 11.5.6 provides an R language option for the CREATE FUNCTION statement when building user-defined extensions (UDXs). For more information, see Creating UDXs in R.
Specify the data type returned by the COUNT, SUM and AVG aggregation functions Db2 11.5.6 provides a database configuration parameter to control the use of large data types for the COUNT, SUM and AVG functions. For more information about this configuration parameter, refer to large_aggregation - large aggregation configuration parameter