IBM Data Server Driver Package (Windows)

On Windows operating systems, the IBM® Data Server Driver Package software simplifies application deployment. This driver, which has a small footprint, is designed to be used by independent software vendors (ISVs) for mass application deployment scenarios that are typical of large enterprises.

To install the IBM Data Server Driver Package software by using a response file or to install it from a fix pack image, you can run the setup command. The sample response file is in the following places:

You can have a maximum of 16 installed copies of the IBM Data Server Driver Package software. You must install each copy in a different directory. Installation of multiple copies is an advanced installation method that is not suggested for most users, due to the configuration requirements.

Silent installation on Windows platforms accepts a customized db2dsdriver configuration file. The DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_SOURCE_PATH keyword enables users to specify the full path of a db2dsdriver configuration file and copies it to the common application data path. It allows users to avoid the additional step of a manual overwrite of the configuration file post-installation. The keyword is introduced in the IBM Data Server Driver installation response file.

For example, you can specify a customized db2dsdriver configuration file named mydsdriver.cfg:
DB2DSDRIVER_CFG_SOURCE_PATH = C:\Common Repository\mydsdriver.cfg
Attention: Any existing db2dsdriver.cfg file in the common application data path is silently overwritten by this customized configuration file during an upgrade operation.
So, for example, during silent installation, the mydsdriver.cfg file is copied to the common application data path as db2dsdriver.cfg.

The db2diag.log file path for the IBM Data Server Driver Package software on Windows operating systems is Drive:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\\IBM\DB2\COPYNAME. The value of COPYNAME is the name of the IBM Data Server Driver Package copy that you provide during the installation. You can use the DB2_DIAGPATH environment variable and the DIAGPATH CLI keyword to alter the location of the db2diag log files.