Database administration authority (DBADM)

DBADM authority is an administrative authority for a specific database. The database administrator possesses the privileges that are required to create objects and issue database commands. DBADM authority has SELECT privileges on system catalog tables and views, and can run all built-in Db2® routines, except audit routines and the SET_MAINT_MODE_RECORD_NO_TEMPORALHISTORY procedure.

DBADM authority can only be granted or revoked by the security administrator (who holds SECADM authority) and can be granted to a user, a group, or a role. PUBLIC cannot obtain the DBADM authority either directly or indirectly.

Holding the DBADM authority for a database allows a user to perform these actions on that database:
  • Create, alter, and drop non-security related database objects
  • Read log files
  • Create, activate, and drop event monitors
  • Query the state of a table space
  • Update log history files
  • Quiesce a table space
  • Use any table space
  • Reorganize a table
  • Collect catalog statistics using the RUNSTATS utility

SQLADM authority and WLMADM authority are subsets of the DBADM authority. WLMADM authority has the additional ability to grant the USAGE privilege on workloads.

Granting DATAACCESS authority with DBADM authority

The security administrator can specify whether a database administrator can access data within the database. DATAACCESS authority is the authority that allows access to data within a specific database. The security administrator can use the WITH DATAACCESS option of the GRANT DBADM ON DATABASE statement to provide a database administrator with this ability. If neither the WITH DATAACCESS or WITHOUT DATAACCESS options are specified, by default DATAACCESS authority is granted.

To grant database administrator authority without DATAACCESS authority, use GRANT DBADM WITHOUT DATAACCESS in your SQL statement.

Granting ACCESSCTRL authority with DBADM authority

The security administrator can specify whether a database administrator can grant and revoke privileges within the database. ACCESSCTRL authority is the authority that allows a user to grant and revoke privileges and non-administrative authorities within a specific database. The security administrator can use the WITH ACCESSCTRL option of the GRANT DBADM ON DATABASE statement to provide a database administrator with this ability. If neither the WITH ACCESSCTRL or WITHOUT ACCESSCTRL options are specified, by default ACCESSCTRL authority is granted.

To grant database administrator authority without ACCESSCTRL authority, use GRANT DBADM WITHOUT ACCESSCTRL in your SQL statement.

Revoking DBADM authority

If a security administrator has granted DBADM authority that includes DATAACCESS or ACCESSCTRL authority, to revoke these authorities, the security administrator must explicitly revoke DATAACCESS or ACCESSCTRL authority. For example, if the security administrator grants DBADM authority to a user:

By default, DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL authority are also granted to user1.

Later, the security administrator revokes DBADM authority from user1:

Now user1 no longer holds DBADM authority, but still has both DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL authority.

To revoke these remaining authorities, the security administrator needs to revoke them explicitly:

Differences for DBADM authority in prior releases

In Version 9.7, the Db2 authorization model has been updated to clearly separate the duties of the system administrator, the database administrator, and the security administrator. As part of this enhancement, the abilities given by the DBADM authority have changed. In releases before Version 9.7, DBADM authority automatically included the ability to access data and to grant and revoke privileges for a database. In Version 9.7, these abilities are given by the new authorities, DATAACCESS and ACCESSCTRL as explained earlier.

Also, in releases before Version 9.7, granting DBADM authority automatically granted the following authorities too:
  • LOAD
Before Version 9.7, when DBADM authority was revoked these authorities were not revoked.

In Version 9.7, these authorities are now part of DBADM authority. When DBADM authority is revoked in Version 9.7, these authorities are lost.

However, if a user held DBADM authority when you upgraded to Version 9.7, these authorities are not lost if DBADM authority is revoked. Revoking DBADM authority in Version 9.7 causes a user to lose these authorities only if they acquired them through holding DBADM authority that was granted in Version 9.7.

Note: With the release of the Db2 security special build 41268, the CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE and CREATE_NOT_FENCED_ROUTINE are no longer part of the DBADM authority, unless the DB2_ALTERNATE_AUTHZ_BEHAVIOUR registry variable is set and contains the value EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_DBADM or NOT_FENCED_ROUTINE_DBADM, respectively.