DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


Each row represents a dependency of a package on some other object. The package depends on the object of type BTYPE of name BNAME, so a change to the object affects the package.

Table 1. SYSCAT.PACKAGEDEP Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
PKGSCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of the package.
PKGNAME VARCHAR (128)   Unqualified name of the package.
BINDER VARCHAR (128)   Binder of the package.
  • U = Binder is an individual user
BTYPE CHAR (1)   Type of object on which there is a dependency. Possible values are:
  • A = Table alias
  • B = Trigger
  • D = Server definition
  • F = Routine
  • G = Global temporary table
  • I = Index
  • M = Function mapping
  • N = Nickname
  • O = Privilege dependency on all subtables or subviews in a table or view hierarchy
  • P = Page size
  • Q = Sequence object
  • R = User-defined data type
  • S = Materialized query table
  • T = Table (untyped)
  • U = Typed table
  • V = View (untyped)
  • W = Typed view
  • Z = XSR object
  • m = Module
  • n = Database partition group
  • q = Sequence alias
  • u = Module alias
  • v = Global variable
  • 4 = Application-period temporal table
  • 5 = System-period temporal table
BSCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of an object on which the package depends.
BMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the object on which a dependency belongs. The null value if not a module object.
BNAME VARCHAR (128)   Unqualified name of an object on which the package depends.
BMODULEID INTEGER Y Identifier for the module of the object on which there is a dependency.
TABAUTH SMALLINT Y If BTYPE is 'O', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', or 'v', encodes the privileges that are required by this package (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE).
VARAUTH SMALLINT Y If BTYPE is 'v', encodes the privileges that are required by this package (READ or WRITE).
UNIQUE_ID CHAR (8) FOR BIT DATA   Identifier for a specific package when multiple packages having the same name exist.
PKGVERSION VARCHAR (64) Y Version identifier for the package.
  1. If a function instance with dependencies is dropped, the package is put into an "inoperative" state, and it must be explicitly rebound. If any other object with dependencies is dropped, the package is put into an "invalid" state, and the system will attempt to rebind the package automatically when it is first referenced.