DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Upgrading to DB2 Net Search Extender

Before upgrading Net Search Extender to DB2® Net Search Extender, you must have successfully upgraded your DB2 server and instance (on Linux and UNIX) including all databases to DB2 Version 10.5

Before you begin

Important: Net Search Extender has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use DB2 Text Search as a fast and versatile method of searching full-text documents stored in DB2 databases using SQL and XQuery statements. See the topic about Migration overview from Net Search Extender to DB2 Text Search for details.

About this task

Upgrade to Net Search Extender is supported from Net Search Extender Version 9. 5 or Version 9.7.


To upgrade to DB2 Net Search Extender:

  1. Upgrade your DB2 server where Net Search Extender is installed using any of the following tasks:

    Upgrading your database is part of these tasks. If you have external unfenced routines on Linux or UNIX that have no dependency on the DB2 engine libraries, the UPGRADE DATABASE command redefines your external routines as FENCED and NOT THREADSAFE. See Upgrading C, C++, and COBOL routines for details on how to safely run your routines in the new multithreaded database manager. The Net Search Extender functions with schema name DB2EXT that were altered during the database upgrade are redefined as NOT FENCED and THREADSAFE by the db2extmdb script in step 6.

  2. Install DB2 Net Search Extender .

    Unlike DB2 database, DB2 Net Search Extender does not support an 'upgrade installation'.

    If your installed DB2 copy was moved to by using the DB2 'upgrade installation' option, the installed DB2 Net Search Extender copy is still at the previous version level.

    If you try to install DB2 Net Search Extender on top of an earlier version of DB2 Net Search Extender, you receive an error message that the existing DB2 Net Search Extender installation has to be removed first. In this case, uninstall the earlier version of DB2 Net Search Extender before installing DB2 Net Search Extender . On Windows operating systems, reboot the machine after uninstallingDB2 Net Search Extender.

  3. A DB2 Net Search Extender instance upgrade is only applicable on Linux and UNIX. This step has to be ignored on Windows operating systems. To upgrade the instance, log on as root and run the db2extimigr script using the following syntax:
    DB2DIR/instance/db2extimigr [-h|-?] InstanceName
    Where DB2DIR is the directory where you installed your DB2 Version 10.5 copy.
  4. On Linux and UNIX, after a successful DB2 Net Search Extender instance upgrade, verify the installation before you continue with the database upgrade. On Windows operating systems, you can verify the installation immediately.
    Note: Do not apply the DB2 Net Search Extender sample scripts to a database that is not upgraded to DB2 Net Search Extender . A secure way is to create a database to carry out the verification. See Installation verification on UNIX and Installation verification on Windows for more details.
  5. Upgrade every database that had been enabled for Net Search Extender in a pre- release. Step a) and c) are currently needed to resolve a known problem with db2extmdb (duplicate entries in the view DB2EXT.DBDEFAULTS after database upgrade). To perform the database upgrade steps:
    1. Log on to the DB2 server as the instance owner.

      You must be able to successfully stop or start the Net Search Extender instance services, you need DBADM with DATAACCESS authority on the database to be upgraded. On Windows operating systems, the instance user must be part of the Local Administrator group.

      On Windows operating systems, you need to proceed from a DB2 command window that is running with full administrative privileges. See User Access Control feature for more details.

      On the Windows operating system, the db2extmdb command does not work if it is started from a command window running with standard user rights. ("CTE0228 The user has insufficient access rights at the operating system level").

    2. Run the db2extmdb script to upgrade the database that you enabled for Net Search Extender using the following syntax:
      db2extmdb database-name

      While you are running this script, avoid changing user tables with text indexes. You can repeat the command for every database that has Net Search Extender indexes.

      All upgrade steps are logged in the file called db2extmdatabase-name.log located in one of the following directories:
      • INSTHOME/sqllib/db2ext/ on Linux and UNIX operating systems
      • DB2PATH\db2ext\ on Windows operating systems
      Where INSTHOME is the instance home directory and DB2PATH is the location where you installed your DB2 Version 10.5 copy.
  6. If you upgraded from pre-Version 10.57 DB2 32-bit server to a Version 10.5 64-bit server, you must drop your text indexes and re-create your text indexes. Refer to Dropping a text index and Creating a text index. In Net Search Extender, you cannot use in a 64-bit instance text indexes that you created in a 32-bit instance. The search engine returns error CTE0101 Reason code: "17".
  7. If you want to use text indexes that you created under the installation directories of your pre-Version 10.5 DB2 copies before DB2 server upgrade on Windows operating systems, restore the text index directories that you backed up.

    Refer to Backing up and restoring text indexes. Restoring the text index directories is required if you chose a DB2 copy with the upgrade action in the Work with existing window during DB2 Version 10.5 installation or you uninstalled your pre-Version 10.5 DB2 copies after upgrading.

    The text index configuration contains the location of these text index directories before migration. Queries and index administration operations that use these text indexes fail if you do not restore the text index directories.