DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

db2connectactivate - Server license activation utility

The db2connectactivate utility activates the DB2 Connect™ Unlimited Edition license on the DB2® for z/OS® or DB2 for i server to avoid applying the DB2 Connect license on each database client that directly connects to the server.

The db2connectactivate utility creates the SYSIBM.DB2CON_LIC procedure on the DB2 for z/OS or DB2 for i database. During activation, if the SYSIBM.DB2CON_LIC procedure does not exist, the procedure along with the key is created and stored. Then, the static package DB2LIC.SYSLIC is created to invoke the stored procedure and execute access for the static package is granted to all users.

The db2connectactivate utility with the -checkexisting option checks for a DB2 Connect license on the DB2 for z/OS or DB2 for i database.

Syntax for the db2connectactivate utility

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>- -db2connectactivate[.sh]-- -host-- -host_name--------------->

>-- -port-- -port-- -database-- -database-- -user-- -user_ID---->

>-- -password-- -password--+-----------------+------------------>
                           '- -bind--+-no--+-'   

   '- -collection-- -collection_name-'   

   '-+-------------------------+-'  '- -uninstall--+-no--+-'   
     '- -activatorsqlid--sqlid-'                   '-yes-'     

   '- -trace--+-no--+-'  '-+-----------------+-'   
              '-yes-'      '- -checkexisting-'     

     '- -help-'     


Specifies the domain name or IP address of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem or DB2 for i server where you want to activate the license.
Specifies the TCP/IP server port number of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem or the DB2 for i server where you want to activate the license.
Specifies the location name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem or the DB2 for i server.
Specifies the user ID with the SYSADM or SYSCTRL privilege.
Specifies the password of the database user with the SYSADM or SYSCTRL privilege.
Indicates whether you want to bind dynamic SQL packages for the IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ or a CLI client on the host database. Specify this option only if packages are not bound on the host database.
Specifies the collection ID for the dynamic SQL packages. Specify this option only if you want to use a collection name that is not the default collection name, which is NULLID.
Specifies what authorization id that is used to create the procedure and package. The authorization ID used must have all the privileges that are necessary to create the SYSIBM.DB2CON_LIC procedure and the DB2LIC.SYSLIC package.
The -activatorsqlid parameter can be used if the user id that is running the db2connectactivate utility does not have the privileges to create the objects or if it is wanted that the objects be owned by a different user id.
Indicates whether you want to uninstall any activation files and static SQL packages that already exist on the DB2 for z/OS subsystem or the DB2 for i database. This option does not affect dynamic SQL packages.
Indicates whether you want to turn on the trace for the activation utility. If you run the trace, output is sent to standard output.
Specifies that the db2connectactivate utility checks whether a DB2 Connect license is installed on the server. If a license is installed, the db2connectactivate utility displays the license version. If a license is not installed, the db2connectactivate utility displays a message that indicates that the DB2 Connect license was not found on the server.

When -checkexisting is specified, install or uninstall operations do not occur.


You can install only one DB2 Connect license. If you are using multiple DB2 Connect versions, you must install the license for the highest version of DB2 Connect.

When the DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for zSeries license certificate file is activated with the db2connectactivate utility on the DB2 for z/OS, Version 9.7 fix pack 3 and later clients can access the database.

When the DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for iSeries® license certificate file is activated with the db2connectactivate utility on the DB2 for i database, Version 10.5 and later clients can access the database.

You can activate the DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for iSeries license certificate file on the DB2 for i V7R1 or later.

The DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition license certificate file and the db2connectactivate utility are contained in the activation CD image. You can download the activation CD image for DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for zSeries or DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for iSeries that you purchased from the Passport Advantage® website: http://www.ibm.com/software/lotus/passportadvantage/.

The license certificate file name for the DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for zSeries software is db2consv_zs.lic.

The license certificate file name for the DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for iSeries software is db2consv_is.lic.


The following db2connectactivate utility invocation activates the license for DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z® on a DB2 for z/OS subsystem:

db2connectactivate.sh -host myzos.ibm.com -port 446 -database payroll -user db2admin -password adminpassword 

If no license currently exists on the server, and activation is successful, the following message is displayed:

Activation completed successfully.

Suppose that a license currently exists on the server for DB2 Connect Version 9.7, and you run the db2connectactivate utility for Version 10.5. If activation is successful, the following message is displayed:

The DB2 Connect license was upgraded successfully from version 0907 to version 1005.

The following db2connectactivate utility invocation displays the version of the currently installed license for DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z on a DB2 for z/OS subsystem:

db2connectactivate.sh -host myzos.ibm.com -port 446 -database payroll -user db2admin -password adminpassword -checkexisting

Suppose that a license for DB2 Connect Version 10.5 is installed on the server. The following message is displayed:

The version of the installed DB2 Connect license on the server is 1005.

If the license is not already installed on the server, the following message is displayed:

The DB2 Connect license was not found on the target server.