DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Logging and tracing for the DB2 Text Search server

The DB2® Text Search server logs system messages and trace messages to help you determine the source of problems that might occur. Diagnostic data that you collect, and the sources from which you collect that data, depend on the type of problem that you are investigating.

For specific symptoms, you might need to collect additional problem-specific data from the following locations:
  • <install-path>
  • <DBPATH>/db2tss for the integrated text search server
  • <ECMTS_HOME> for the stand-alone text search server
  • <absolute-path-to-config-folder> the location for configuration files for the text search server
  • <collection-path> the directory specified as COLLECTION DIRECTORY in the CREATE INDEX operation (only for integrated text search servers), or if the default is used, in the defaultDataDirectory (for integrated and stand-alone text search servers).

To collect diagnostic data for the stand-alone DB2 Text Search server:

  1. Run the administration tool with the version command:
    adminTool version -configPath <absolute-path-to-config-folder>
  2. Collect log files that are stored in the logpath configured for the text search server.
  3. In some cases you might want to capture more detailed information:
    • Configure command-line tool logging properties by editing the ecmts_config_logging.properties file in the directory <absolute_path_to_config_folder>.
    • Configure trace logging properties by editing the ecmts_logging.properties file in the directory <absolute_path_to_config_folder>.
    • Enable tracing by using the adminTool command
    adminTool configureTrace -configPath <absolute-path-to-config-folder> -trace on
  4. Gather the following configuration files from the <absolute-path-to-config> directory:
    1. config.xml
    2. jetty.xml
    3. key.txt
    4. authentication.xml
    5. constructors.xml
  5. If you encounter a collection-related issue when creating, deleting, indexing, or searching a collection, locate the collection configuration file in the <collection-path> directory, and if required, collection data from the <collection-path>/data directory
  6. If you encounter an issue that is related to stop words, collect the stop word XML files from the <install-path>/resource/uima folder.

    Stop word XML files are named as <language_code>-Stw.xml.

  7. If you encounter an issue that is related to synonyms, collect the synonyms from the <collection-path>/data/synonym directory.