Disabling a workload

Use this task to prevent specific workloads from being considered during workload assignment. If you disable a workload, the data server does not consider it when it looks for a matching workload. Instead, the data server assigns the unit of work to the next matching workload. If no custom-defined workload matches, the work is assigned to the default workload.

Before you begin

To create or alter a workload, you require WLMADM or DBADM authority.

See Workload management DDL statements for more information about prerequisites.


To disable a workload:

  1. Use the DISABLE option of the ALTER WORKLOAD statement to disable the workload:
  2. Commit your changes.
    When you commit your changes, the workload is updated in the SYSCAT.WORKLOADS view.


Disabling a workload takes effect at the beginning of the next unit of work. At that point, a workload reevaluation occurs, and the connection is assigned to the next enabled workload that matches the connection attributes and for which there is authorization.