Summary of changes

This topic summarizes the technical changes for this edition.

New and changed information is denoted either by a character in the left margin or by blue carets ( and ) at the beginning and end of the new or changed information. Editorial changes that have no technical significance are not noted.

Version 2.1, March, 2022

Information has been added or revised for new enhancements and maintenance. New and changed information is marked by a vertical bar | to the left of the change. The major additions and changes include:
  • New default installation options:
    • PAGEMONL: Controls the maximum amount of memory used by DB2 Utility
    • SNAPDUMP: Generates a SNAP dump when an ABEND occurs in sort or merge operations
    • SORTL: Reduces CPU usage and improves elapsed time for sort workloads
    • SWCRYPT: Encrypts all SORTWORK data sets
  • New default installation options that you can override at run time:
    • SORTL

Version 2.1, October, 2014, SC19-4387-00

Information has been added or revised for new enhancements and maintenance. New and changed information is marked by a vertical bar | to the left of the change. The major additions and changes include:
  • Interface enhancement for DB2® Tools and Utilities that invoke DB2 Sort:
    • Reduces CPU time and elapsed time
    • Offloads more work to zIIP
  • High Performance FICON channel programs for I/O to SORTIN and SORTOUT:
    • Reduce elapsed time