The RUNSTATS online utility gathers summary information about the characteristics of data in table spaces, indexes, and partitions. Db2 records these statistics in the Db2 catalog and uses them to select access paths to data during the bind process.

You can use these statistics to evaluate the database design and determine when table spaces or indexes must be reorganized. To obtain the updated statistics, you can query the catalog tables.

The two formats for the RUNSTATS utility are RUNSTATS TABLESPACE and RUNSTATS INDEX. RUNSTATS TABLESPACE gathers statistics on a table space and, optionally, on tables, indexes or columns; RUNSTATS INDEX gathers statistics only on indexes. RUNSTATS does not collect statistics for clone tables or index spaces.

RUNSTATS can collect statistics on any single column or set of columns. RUNSTATS collects the following types of distribution statistics:

The percentage of rows in the table that contain a value for a column or combination of values for a set of columns.
The number of distinct values in the column or set of columns.

When you run RUNSTATS TABLESPACE, you can use the COLGROUP option to collect frequency and cardinality statistics on any column group. You can also collect frequency and cardinality statistics on any single column. When you run RUNSTATS INDEX, you can collect frequency statistics on the leading column of an index and multi-column frequency and cardinality statistics on the leading concatenated columns of an index.

When you run RUNSTATS TABLESPACE, you can use the HISTOGRAM option, with the COLGROUP option, to indicate that histogram statistics are to be gathered for the specified group of columns. RUNSTATS TABLESPACE does not collect histogram statistics for LOB table spaces or XML table spaces. When you run RUNSTATS INDEX, histogram statistics can only be collected on the prefix columns with the same order. Key columns with a mixed order are not allowed for histogram statistics. RUNSTATS INDEX does not collect histogram statistics for XML node ID indexes or XML indexes.

Restriction: You cannot run RUNSTATS on directory objects.

Before running RUNSTATS

Use caution when running RUNSTATS after any user has manually updated the statistic columns in the catalog. RUNSTATS replaces any values that the user changed.

Important: Use care when issuing SQL statements or using tools to update statistics values in catalog tables. If such updates introduce invalid data, unpredictable results can occur, including abends for RUNSTATS and other utilities. If such problems occur, you can run the RUNSTATS utility and collect statistics at the table space level to resolve the problems, in most cases.

If you plan to use another utility to load or reorganize the same data, consider collecting inline statistics with that utility to avoid the cost of running the RUNSTATS utility separately.

Restriction: RUNSTATS might not provide useful statistics on encrypted data.

Data sets that RUNSTATS uses

See Data sets that RUNSTATS uses.

Concurrency and compatibility for RUNSTATS

See Concurrency and compatibility for RUNSTATS.


RUNSTATS uses different statistics depending on the target objects. For syntax diagrams and options descriptions for RUNSTATS, see:


RUNSTATS updates the Db2 catalog with table space or index space statistics, prints a report, or both. For more information, see Review of RUNSTATS output

Important: Use care when issuing SQL statements or using tools to update statistics values in catalog tables. If such updates introduce invalid data, unpredictable results can occur, including abends for RUNSTATS and other utilities. If such problems occur, you can run the RUNSTATS utility and collect statistics at the table space level to resolve the problems, in most cases.

Authorization required

To execute this utility, you must use a privilege set that includes one of the following authorities:

  • STATS privilege for the database
  • DBADM, DBCTRL, or DBMAINT authority for the database. If the object on which the utility operates is in an implicitly created database, DBADM authority on the implicitly created database or DSNDB04 is required.
  • System DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority
  • SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority

An ID with installation SYSOPR authority can also execute the RUNSTATS utility, but only on a table space in the DSNDB06 database.

To use RUNSTATS with the REPORT YES option, you must have the SELECT privilege on the reported tables. RUNSTATS does not report values from tables that the user is not authorized to see.

To gather statistics on a LOB table space, you must have SYSADM or DBADM authority for the LOB table space.

Execution phases of RUNSTATS

The RUNSTATS utility operates in the following phases:

  1. The UTILINIT phase performance initialization.
  2. The RUNSTATS phase scans table space or index and updates catalog. If you specify COLGROUP, RUNSTATS also performs a subtask that sorts one or more column group's data. If you specify FREQVAL with COLGROUP or are collecting frequency statistics for data-partitioned secondary indexes, RUNSTATS also performs a subtask that sorts the partition-level frequency data.
  3. The UTILITERM phase cleans up.

Termination or restart of RUNSTATS

You can terminate RUNSTATS with the TERM UTILITY command. You can restart a RUNSTATS utility job, but it starts from the beginning again.

After running RUNSTATS

After running RUNSTATS with the UPDATE ACCESSPATH, UPDATE SPACE, or the UPDATE ALL options, rebind any application plans that use the tables or indexes so that they use the new statistics.