Use the LOAD online utility to load one or more tables of a table space. The LOAD utility loads records into the tables and builds or extends any indexes that are defined on them.

If the table space already contains data, you can choose whether you want to add the new data to the existing data or replace the existing data.

The loaded data is processed by any edit or validation routine that is associated with the table, and any field procedure that is associated with any column of the table. The LOAD utility ignores and does not enforce informational referential constraints.

To avoid the cost of running the RUNSTATS utility afterward, you can also specify the STATISTICS option collect inline statistics when you run the LOAD utility.

You can use the LOAD utility in conjunction with z/OS® DFSMS data set encryption with the REPLACE option to encrypt or decrypt table spaces or indexes that use Db2-managed data sets. The LOAD utility accepts encrypted input data sets.


LOAD DATA generates one or more of the following forms of output:

  • A loaded table space or partition.
  • A discard file of rejected records.
  • A summary report of errors that were encountered during processing; this report is generated only if you specify ENFORCE CONSTRAINTS or if the LOAD utility involves unique indexes.

The output can be encrypted if a key label is defined for the output data set.

Authorization required

To execute this utility, you must use a privilege set that includes one of the following authorizations:

  • Ownership of the table
  • LOAD privilege for the database
  • STATS privilege for the database is required if STATISTICS keyword is specified
  • DBADM or DBCTRL authority for the database. If the database is implicitly created, these privileges must be on the implicitly created database or on DSNDB04.
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority

The LOAD utility operates on a table space level, so you must have authority for all tables in the table space when you perform LOAD.

To run LOAD STATISTICS, the privilege set must include STATS authority on the database. To run LOAD STATISTICS REPORT YES, the privilege set must also include the SELECT privilege on the tables required.

If either the FLASHCOPY YES or FLASHCOPY CONSISTENT option is specified, the user ID that invokes the LOAD utility must have the authority to execute the DFSMSdss COPY command.

If you use RACF® access control with multilevel security and the LOAD utility is to process a table space that contains a table that has multilevel security with row-level granularity, you must be identified to RACF and have an accessible valid security label. You must also meet the following authorization requirements:

  • To replace an entire table space with LOAD REPLACE, you must have the write-down privilege unless write-down rules are not in effect.
  • You must have the write-down privilege to specify values for the security label columns, unless write-down rules are not in effect. If these rules are in effect and you do not have write-down privilege, Db2 assigns your security label as the value for the security label column for the rows that you are loading.

To run LOAD on an encrypted data set, you must be authorized to use the key label for that data set.

Restrictions on running LOAD

  • LOAD with REPLACE cannot be run on a table space during the period after RECOVER is run to a point in time before materialization of pending definition changes and before REORG is run to complete the point-in-time recovery process.

Running LOAD when there are pending column alterations

When the LOAD utility is run on a table that has pending column alterations, the LOAD utility does not materialize the pending changes. All data records that the LOAD utility inserts have the data format that was in effect before the column alterations were made.

Execution phases of LOAD

The LOAD utility operates in the following phases:

Performs initialization.
Loads record types and writes temporary file records for indexes and foreign keys. RELOAD makes one pass through the sequential input data set. Check constraints are checked for each row. Internal commits provide commit points at which to restart in case operation should halt in this phase.

RELOAD creates inline copies if you specified the COPYDDN or RECOVERYDDN keywords.

A subtask is started at the beginning of the RELOAD phase to sort the keys. The sort subtask initializes and waits for the main RELOAD phase to pass its keys to SORT. RELOAD loads the data, extracts the keys, and passes them in memory for sorting. At the end of the RELOAD phase, the last key is passed to SORT, and record sorting completes.

Note that load partition parallelism starts subtasks. PREFORMAT for table spaces occurs at the end of the RELOAD phase.

Sorts temporary file records before creating indexes or validating referential constraints, if indexes or foreign keys exist. The SORT phase is skipped if all the following conditions apply for the data that is processed during the RELOAD phase:
  • Each table has no more than one key.
  • All keys are the same type (index key only, indexed foreign key, or foreign key only).
  • The data that is being loaded or reloaded is in key order (if a key exists). If the key is an index key only and the index is a data-partitioned secondary index, the data is considered to be in order if the data is grouped by partition and ordered within partition by key value. If the key in question is an indexed foreign key and the index is a data-partitioned secondary index, the data is never considered to be in order.
  • The data that is being loaded or reloaded is grouped by table, and each input record is loaded into one table only.

SORT passes the sorted keys in memory to the BUILD phase, which builds the indexes.

Creates indexes from temporary file records for all indexes that are defined on the loaded tables. Build also detects duplicate keys. PREFORMAT for indexes occurs at the end of the BUILD phase.
Performs all activities that normally occur in both the SORT and BUILD phases, if you specify a parallel index build.
Corrects unique index violations or index evaluation errors from the information in SYSERR, if any exist.
Checks referential constraints, except informational referential constraints, and corrects violations. Information about violations of referential constraints is stored in SYSERR.
Copies records that cause errors from the input data set to the discard data set.
Generates a summary report, if you specified ENFORCE CONSTRAINT or if load index validation is performed. The report is sent to SYSPRINT.
Switches access to shadow copy of table space or partition. This phase occurs if you specify LOAD REPLACE SHRLEVEL REFERENCE.
Identifies the most recent checkpoint for each member. All objects that are being copied are updated to the same log point to prepare for backout processing.

If FLASHCOPY CONSISTENT is specified, Db2 applies the updates to the FlashCopy® image copy to ensure that copy includes all activity up to the point of consistency.

Calls log apply do the current status rebuild (CSR).

If FLASHCOPY CONSISTENT is specified, the utility reads the logs during this phase. The utility uses the logs to identify the uncommitted work that needs to be backed out of the image copy.

Backs out uncommitted work from the image copy.

If FLASHCOPY CONSISTENT is specified, the utility backs out uncommitted work from the FlashCopy image copy to make the image copy consistent.

Performs cleanup.