Statistics that Db2 uses for access path selection

Db2 uses statistics from certain Db2 catalog table columns when selecting query access paths.

Begin program-specific programming interface information.

Db2 uses certain values from the catalog tables directly when selecting access paths.

For example, the SYSTABLES and SYSTABLESPACE catalog tables indicate how much data the tables referenced by a query contain and how many pages hold data, the SYSINDEXES table indicates the most efficient index for a query, and the SYSCOLUMNS and SYSCOLDIST catalog tables indicate estimated filter factors for predicates.

Important: Use care when issuing SQL statements or using tools to update statistics values in catalog tables. If such updates introduce invalid data, unpredictable results can occur, including abends for RUNSTATS and other utilities. If such problems occur, you can run the RUNSTATS utility and collect statistics at the table space level to resolve the problems, in most cases.

The following tables list columns in catalog tables that Db2 uses for access path selection, values that trigger the use of a default value, and corresponding default values. Catalog table columns that are used directly by Db2 during access path selection are identified by a "Yes" value in the Used for access paths? column of the following tables.

Every table that RUNSTATS updates
As shown in the following table, the STATSTIME column is updated in every table that RUNSTATS updates.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
STATSTIME Yes Yes No If updated most recently by RUNSTATS, the date and time of that update, not updatable in SYSINDEXPART and SYSTABLEPART. Used for access path selection for SYSCOLDIST if duplicate column values exist for the same column (by user insertion).
SYSCOLDIST catalog table
Contains table level frequency, histogram, and multi-column cardinality statistics used by the Db2 to estimate filter factors.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
CARDF Yes Yes Yes For TYPE C, the number of distinct values gathered in the column group; for TYPE F, the number of distinct values for the column group -1; for TYPE='H', the number of distinct values in the column group of the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column. 5
COLGROUPCOLNO Yes Yes Yes The set of columns associated with the statistics. Contains an empty string if NUMCOLUMNS = 1.
COLVALUE Yes Yes Yes Frequently occurring value in the distribution.5
FREQUENCYF Yes Yes Yes A number, which multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows that contain the value of COLVALUE; for TYPE='H', the percentage of rows with the value of COLVALUE that fall into the range between LOWVALUE and HIGHVALUE for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.5
HIGHVALUE Yes No Yes For TYPE='H', the high bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column. 5
LOWVALUE Yes No Yes For TYPE='H', the low bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column. 5
NUMCOLUMNS Yes Yes Yes The number of columns that are associated with the statistics. The default value is 1.
TYPE Yes Yes Yes The type of statistics gathered:
Frequent value
Histogram statistics
QUANTILENO Yes No Yes For histogram statistics, the ordinary sequence number of the quantile in the whole consecutive value range from low to high.
Contains partition-level frequency, histogram, and multi-column cardinality statistics that are used by RUNSTATS to aggregate table-level frequency, histogram, and multi-column cardinality statistics that are stored in SYSIBM.SYSCOLDIST.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1, 2 Description
CARDF Yes Yes No A number, which multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows that contain the value of COLVALUE; for TYPE='F' or TYPE='N' the number of rows or keys in the partition for which the FREQUENCYF value applies; for TYPE='H', the percentage of rows with the value of COLVALUE that fall into the range between LOWVALUE and HIGHVALUE for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column. 5
COLGROUPCOLNO Yes Yes No The set of columns associated with the statistics.
COLVALUE Yes Yes No Frequently occurring value in the distribution. 5
FREQUENCYF Yes Yes No A number, which multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows that contain the value of COLVALUE; for TYPE='H', the percentage of rows with the value of COLVALUE that fall into the range between LOWVALUE and HIGHVALUE for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column. 5
HIGHVALUE Yes No No For TYPE='H', the high bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column. 5
KEYCARDDATA Yes Yes No The internal representation of the estimate of the number of distinct values in the partition.
LOWVALUE Yes No No For TYPE='H', the low bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column. 5
NUMCOLUMNS Yes Yes No The number of columns associated with the statistics. The default value is 1.
TYPE Yes Yes No The type of statistics gathered:
Frequent value
Histogram statistics
QUANTILENO Yes No No For histogram statistics, the ordinary sequence number of the quantile in the whole consecutive value range from low to high.
SYSCOLSTATS catalog table
Contains partition-level column statistics that are used by Db2 to determine the degree of parallelism, and are also sometimes used to bound filter factor estimates.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1, 3 Description
COLCARD Yes Yes Yes 3 The number of distinct values in the partition. Do not update this column manually without first updating COLCARDDATA to a value of length 0. For XML column indicators, NODEID columns, and XML tables, this value of this column is set to -2.4
COLCARDDATA Yes Yes No The internal representation of the estimate of the number of distinct values in the partition. A value appears here only if RUNSTATS TABLESPACE is run on the partition. Otherwise, this column contains a string of length 0, indicating that the actual value is in COLCARD.
HIGHKEY Yes Yes Yes 3 First 2000 bytes of the highest value of the column within the partition.If the partition is empty, the value is set to a string of length 0. For LOB columns, XML column indicators, NODEID columns and XML tables, the value of this column is set to blank. 4
HIGH2KEY Yes Yes Yes 3 First 2000 bytes of the second highest value of the column within the partition. If the partition is empty, the value is set to a string of length 0. For LOB columns, XML column indicators, NODEID columns and XML tables, the value of this column is set to blank. This column is updated with decoded values if the column is a randomized key column. 4
LOWKEY Yes Yes Yes 3 First 2000 bytes of the lowest value of the column within the partition. If the partition is empty, the value is set to a string of length 0.For LOB columns, XML column indicators, NODEID columns and XML tables, the value of this column is set to blank. 4
LOW2KEY Yes Yes Yes 3 First 2000 bytes of the second lowest value of the column within the partition.If the partition is empty, the value is set to a string of length 0.For LOB columns, XML column indicators, NODEID columns and XML tables, the value of this column is set to blank. This column is updated with decoded values if the column is a randomized key column. 4
PARTITION Yes Yes Yes Partition number for the table space that contains the table in which the column is defined.
SYSCOLUMNS catalog table

Contains one row for every column of each table and view.

Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
COLCARDF Yes Yes Yes Estimated number of distinct values in the column, -1 to trigger use of the default value (25) and -2 for auxiliary indexes, XML column indicators, NODEID columns, and XML tables. 4
HIGH2KEY Yes Yes Yes First 2000 bytes of the second highest value in this column.If the table is empty, the value is set to a string of length 0. For auxiliary indexes, XML column indicators, NODEID columns and XML tables, the value of this column is set to blank.RUNSTATS does not update HIGH2KEY if the column is a randomized key column. 4
LOW2KEY Yes Yes Yes First 2000 bytes of the second lowest value in this column.If the table is empty, the value is set to a string of length 0. For auxiliary indexes, XML column indicators, NODEID columns and XML tables, the value of this column is set to blank.RUNSTATS does not update LOW2KEY if the column is a randomized key column. 4
SYSINDEXES catalog table
Contains table-level index statistics, that are used by Db2 for index costing.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
AVGKEYLEN Yes No No Average key length. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
CLUSTERED Yes Yes No Whether the table is actually clustered by the index. The value of this column is set to blank for auxiliary indexes, NODEID indexes, and XML indexes. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
CLUSTERING No No Yes Whether the index was created using CLUSTER.
CLUSTERRATIOF Yes Yes Yes A number which, when multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows in clustering order. For example, 1 indicates that all rows are in clustering order and .87825 indicates that 87.825% of the rows are in clustering order. For a partitioned index, it is the weighted average of all index partitions in terms of the number of rows in the partition. The value of this column is set to -2 for auxiliary indexes, NODEID indexes, and XML indexes. If this columns contains the default, 0, Db2 uses the value in CLUSTERRATIO, a percentage, for access path selection. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
FIRSTKEYCARDF Yes Yes Yes Number of distinct values of the first key column, or an estimate if updated while collecting statistics on a single partition, -1 to trigger use of the default value (25).
FULLKEYCARDF Yes Yes Yes Number of distinct values of the full key, -1 to trigger use of the default value (25).
NLEAF Yes Yes Yes Number of active leaf pages in the index, -1 to trigger use of the default value (SYSTABLES.CARD/300).
NLEVELS Yes Yes Yes Number of levels in the index tree, -1 to trigger use of the default value (2).
SPACEF Yes Yes No Disk storage in KB.
DATAREPEATFACTORF Yes Yes Yes The number of times that data pages are repeatedly scanned after the index key is ordered. This number is -1 if statistics have not been collected. Valid values are -1 or any value that is equal to or greater than 1. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
SYSINDEXPART catalog table
Contains statistics for index space utilization and index organization. For partitioning index of an index controlled partitioned table space, the limit key column is also used in limited partition scan scenarios.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
AVGKEYLEN Yes No No Average key length. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
CARDF Yes No No The number of RIDs in the index that refer to data rows or LOBs. The value is -1 if statistics have not been gathered. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
DSNUM Yes Yes No Number of data sets.
EXTENTS Yes Yes No Number of data set extents (for multiple pieces, the value is for the extents in the last data set).
FAROFFPOSF Yes No No Number of times that accessing a different, far-off page is necessary when accessing all the data records in index order.

Each time that Db2 accesses a far-off page, accessing the next record in index order probably requires I/O activity.

For nonsegmented table spaces, a page is considered far-off from the present page if the two page numbers differ by 16 or more. For segmented table spaces, a page is considered far-off from the present page if the two page numbers differ by SEGSIZE * 2 or more.

Together, NEAROFFPOSF and FAROFFPOSF indicate how well the index follows the cluster pattern of the table space. For a clustering index, NEAROFFPOSF and FAROFFPOSF approach a value of 0 as clustering improves. A reorganization should bring them nearer their optimal values; however, if a nonzero FREEPAGE value is specified on the CREATE TABLESPACE statement, the NEAROFFPOSF after reorganization reflects the table on which the index is defined. Do not expect optimal values for non-clustering indexes. The value is -1 if statistics have not been gathered.

The value is -2 if the index is a hash index, node ID index, or an XML index. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
LEAFDIST Yes No No 100 times the number of pages between successive leaf pages.The value is -2 if the index is a node ID index, AUX index, hash index,or an XML index.
LEAFFAR Yes Yes No Number of leaf pages located physically far away from previous leaf pages for successive active leaf pages accessed in an index scan. See LEAFNEAR and LEAFFAR columns for more information.The value is -2 if the index is a hash index, node ID index, or an XML index.
LEAFNEAR Yes Yes No Number of leaf pages located physically near previous leaf pages for successive active leaf pages. See LEAFNEAR and LEAFFAR columns for more information.The value is -2 if the index is a hash index, node ID index, or an XML index.
LIMITKEY No No Yes The limit key of the partition in an internal format, 0 if the index is not partitioned.
NEAROFFPOSF Yes No No Number of times that accessing a different, near-off page would be necessary when accessing all the data records in index order.

Each time that Db2 accesses a near-off page, accessing the next record in index order would probably require I/O activity. For more information about NEAROFFPOSF, see the description of FAROFFPOSF.

NEAROFFPOSF is incremented if the current indexed row is not on the same or next data page of the previous indexed row, and if the distance between the two data pages does not qualify for FAROFFPOSF.

For nonsegmented table spaces, a page is considered near-off from the present page if the difference between the two page numbers is greater than or equal to 2, and less than 16. For segmented table spaces, a page is considered near-off from the present page if the difference between the two page numbers is greater than or equal to 2, and less than SEGSIZE * 2. A nonzero value in the NEAROFFPOSF field after a REORG might be attributed to the number of space map pages that are contained in the segmented table space.

The value is -2 if the index is a hash index, node ID index, or an XML index. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
PQTY Yes No No The primary space allocation in 4K blocks for the data set.
PSEUDO_DEL_ENTRIES Yes Yes No Number of pseudo-deleted keys.
SECQTYI Yes No No Secondary space allocation in units of 4 KB, stored in integer format instead of small integer format supported by SQTY. If a storage group is not used, the value is 0.
SPACE Yes No No The number of KB of space currently allocated for all extents (contains the accumulated space used by all pieces if a page set contains multiple pieces)
SQTY Yes No No The secondary space allocation in 4 KB blocks for the data set.
SPACEF Yes Yes No Disk storage in KB.
Contains real-time statistics (RTS) for index spaces.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
NLEVELS Yes Yes Yes The number of levels in the index tree.
NLEAF Yes Yes Yes The number of leaf pages in the index.
SYSINDEXSTATS catalog table
Contains partition-level index statistics that are used by RUNSTATS to aggregate table-level index statistics that are stored in SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
CLUSTERRATIOF Yes Yes No A number which, when multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows in clustering order. For example, 1 indicates that all rows are in clustering order and .87825 indicates that 87.825% of the rows are in clustering order. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
FIRSTKEYCARDF Yes Yes No Number of distinct values of the first key column, or an estimate if updated while collecting statistics on a single partition.
FULLKEYCARDDATA Yes Yes No The internal representation of the number of distinct values of the full key.
FULLKEYCARDF Yes Yes No Number of distinct values of the full key.
KEYCOUNTF Yes Yes No Total number of RIDs in the index partition. The value is -1 if statistics have not been gathered. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
NLEAF Yes Yes No Number of leaf pages in the index.
NLEVELS Yes Yes No Number of levels in the index tree.
DATAREPEATFACTORF Yes Yes No The number of times that data pages are repeatedly scanned after the index key is ordered. This number is -1 if statistics have not been collected. Valid values are -1 or any value that is equal to or greater than 1. For an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are based on the actual contents of the index.
SYSKEYTARGETS catalog table
Contains table-level frequency, histogram, and multi-column cardinality statistics for column-expression index keys. The values are used by Db2 in filter factor estimation algorithms for matched expressions.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
CARDF Yes No Yes Number of distinct values for the key-target. The value of this column is set to -2 for NODEID indexes and XML indexes.
HIGH2KEY Yes Yes Yes Second highest key value
LOW2KEY Yes Yes Yes Second lowest key value
STATS_FORMAT Yes Yes Yes Type of statistics gathered:
No statistics have been collected, or VARCHAR column statistical values are padded
Varchar statistical values are not padded
Contains partition-level key statistics for keys in column-expression indexes. The values are used by RUNSTATS to aggregate table-level key column-expression statistics.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
HIGHKEY Yes Yes No Highest key value
HIGH2KEY Yes Yes No Second highest key value
LOWKEY Yes Yes No Lowest key value
LOW2KEY Yes Yes No Second lowest key value
STATS_FORMAT Yes Yes No Type of statistics gathered:
No statistics have been collected, or VARCHAR column statistical values are padded
Varchar statistical values are not padded
SYSKEYTGTDIST catalog table
Contains table-level frequency, histogram, and multi-column cardinality statistics for column-expression index keys. The values are used by Db2 in filter factor estimation algorithms for matched expressions.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
CARDF Yes Yes Yes For TYPE C, Number of distinct values gathered in the key group; for TYPE F, number of distinct values for the key group -1; for TYPE='H', the number of distinct values in the column group of the interval indicated by the value in the QUANTILENO column.
KEYGROUPKEYNO Yes Yes Yes The set of KEYS associated with the statistics. Contains an empty string if NUMKEYS = 1.
KEYVALUE Yes Yes Yes Frequently occurring value in the distribution.
FREQUENCYF Yes Yes Yes A number, which multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows that contain the value of KEYVALUE; for TYPE='H', the percentage of rows with the value of KEYVALUE that fall into the range between LOWVALUE and HIGHVALUE for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.
HIGHVALUE Yes Yes Yes For TYPE='H', the high bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.
LOWVALUE Yes Yes Yes For TYPE='H', the low bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.
NUMKEYS Yes Yes Yes The number of keys associated with the statistics. The default value is 1.
TYPE Yes Yes Yes The type of statistics gathered:
Frequent value
Histogram statistics
QUANTILENO Yes Yes Yes For histogram statistics, the ordinary sequence number of the quantile in the whole consecutive value range from low to high.
Contains partition-level frequency, histogram, and multi-column cardinality statistics for column-expression index keys. The values are used by RUNSTATS to aggregate table-level statistics that are stored in SYSIBM.SYSCOLDIST.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
CARDF Yes Yes No A number, which multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows that contain the value of KEYVALUE; for TYPE='H', the percentage of rows with the value of COLVALUE that fall into the range between LOWVALUE and HIGHVALUE for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.
KEYVALUE Yes Yes No The set of keys associated with the statistics
KEYGROUPKEYNO Yes Yes No Frequently occurring value in the distribution.
FREQUENCYF Yes Yes No A number, which multiplied by 100, gives the percentage of rows that contain the value of KEYVALUE; for TYPE='H', the percentage of rows with the value of KEYVALUE that fall into the range between LOWVALUE and HIGHVALUE for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.
HIGHVALUE Yes Yes No For TYPE='H', the high bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.
LOWVALUE Yes Yes No For TYPE='H', the low bound for the interval indicated by the value of the QUANTILENO column.
QUANTILENO Yes Yes No For histogram statistics, the ordinary sequence number of the quantile in the whole consecutive value range from low to high.
SYSLOBSTATS catalog table
Contains LOB table space statistics.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
AVGSIZE Yes Yes No Average size of a LOB in bytes.
FREESPACE Yes Yes No The number of KB of available space in the LOB table space.
ORGRATIO Yes Yes No The percentage of organization in the LOB table space. A value of 100 indicates perfect organization of the LOB table space. A value of 1 indicates that the LOB table space is disorganized.

A value of 0.00 indicates that the LOB table space is totally disorganized. An empty LOB table space has an ORGRATIO value of 100.00.

SYSROUTINES catalog table
Contains statistics for table functions.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
CARDINALITY No Yes Yes The predicted cardinality of a table function, -1 to trigger use of the default value (10000)
INITIAL_INSTS No Yes Yes Estimated number of instructions executed the first and last time the function is invoked, -1 to trigger use of the default value (40000)
INITIAL_IOS No Yes Yes Estimated number of IOs performed the first and last time the function is invoked, -1 to trigger use of the default value (0)
INSTS_PER_INVOC No Yes Yes Estimated number of instructions per invocation, -1 to trigger use of the default value (4000)
IOS_PER_INVOC No Yes Yes Estimated number of IOs per invocation, -1 to trigger use of the default value (0)
SYSTABLEPART catalog table
Contains statistics for space utilization.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
AVGROWLEN Yes No No Average row length
CARDF Yes No No Total number of rows in the table space or partition. For LOB table spaces, the number of LOBs in the table space.
DSNUM Yes Yes No Number of data sets.
EXTENTS Yes Yes No Number of data set extents (for multiple pieces, the value is for the extents in the last data set).
FARINDREF Yes No No Number of rows that are relocated far from their original page.

If an update operation increases the length of a record by more than the amount of available space in the page in which it is stored, the record is moved to another page. Until the table space is reorganized, the record requires an additional page reference when it is accessed. The sum of NEARINDREF and FARINDREF is the total number of such records.

For nonsegmented table spaces, a page is considered near the present page if the two page numbers differ by 16 or fewer; otherwise, it is far from the present page.

For segmented table spaces, a page is considered near the present page if the two page numbers differ by (SEGSIZE * 2) or less. Otherwise, it is far from its original page.

A record that is relocated near its original page tends to be accessed more quickly than one that is relocated far from its original page.

NEARINDREF Yes No No Number of rows relocated near their original page.
PAGESAVE Yes No No Percentage of pages, times 100, saved in the table space or partition as a result of using data compression. For example, a value of 25 indicates a savings of 25%, so that the required pages are only 75% of what would be required without data compression. The value is 0 if no savings from using data compression are likely, or if statistics have not been gathered. The value can be negative if using data compression causes an increase in the number of pages in the data set.

This calculation includes the overhead bytes for each row, the required bytes for the dictionary, and the required bytes for the current FREEPAGE and PCTFREE specification for the table space and partition.

This calculation is based on an average row length, and the result varies depending on the actual lengths of the rows.

PERCACTIVE Yes No No Percentage of space occupied by active rows, containing actual data from active tables, -2 for LOB table spaces.

This value is influenced by the PCTFREE and the FREEPAGE parameters on the CREATE TABLESPACE statement and by unused segments of segmented table spaces.

PERCDROP Yes No No For non-segmented table spaces, the percentage of space occupied by rows of data from dropped tables; for segmented table spaces, 0.
PQTY Yes No No The primary space allocation in 4K blocks for the data set.
SECQTYI Yes No No Secondary space allocation in units of 4 KB, stored in integer format instead of small integer format supported by SQTY. If a storage group is not used, the value is 0.
SPACE Yes No No The number of KB of space currently allocated for all extents (contains the accumulated space used by all pieces if a page set contains multiple pieces).
SPACEF Yes Yes No Disk storage in KB.
SQTY Yes No No The secondary space allocation in 4K blocks for the data set
SYSTABLES catalog table
Contains table-level table statistics that are used by Db2 throughout the query costing process.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
AVGROWLEN Yes Yes No Average row length of the table specified in the table space.
CARDF Yes Yes Yes Total number of rows in the table or total number of LOBs in an auxiliary table, -1 to trigger use of the default value (10000).
EDPROC No No Yes Non-blank value if an edit exit routine is used.
NPAGES Yes Yes Yes Total number of pages on which rows of this table appear, -1 to trigger use of the default value (CEILING(1 + CARD/20))
NPAGESF Yes Yes Yes Number of pages used by the table.
PCTPAGES Yes Yes No For non-segmented table spaces, percentage of total pages of the table space that contain rows of the table; for segmented table spaces, the percentage of total pages in the set of segments assigned to the table that contain rows of the table.
PCTROWCOMP Yes Yes Yes Percentage of rows compressed within the total number of active rows in the table.
SPACEF Yes Yes No Disk storage in KB.
SYSTABLESPACE catalog table
Contains table-space level statistics that are used by Db2 for costing of non-segmented table spaces.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
AVGROWLEN Yes No No Average row length.
NACTIVEF Yes Yes Yes Number of active pages in the table space, the number of pages touched if a cursor is used to scan the entire file, 0 to trigger use of the value in the NACTIVE column instead. If NACTIVE contains 0, Db2 uses the default value (CEILING(1 + CARD/20)).
SPACE Yes No No Disk storage in KB.
SPACEF Yes Yes No Disk storage in KB.
Contains real-time statistics (RTS) for table spaces.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
TOTALROWS Yes Yes Yes The number of rows or LOBs that are in the table space or partition, calculated from the in-memory RTS counters for inserts and deletes.
NPAGES Yes Yes Yes The number of distinct pages with active rows in the partition or table space.
SYSTABSTATS catalog table
Contains partition-level table statistics that are used by Db2 when costing limited partition scans, and are also used by RUNSTATS to aggregate table-level table statistics that are stored in SYSIBM.SYSTABLES.
Column name Set by RUNSTATS? User can update? Used for access paths? 1 Description
CARDF Yes Yes Yes Total number of rows in the partition, -1 to trigger use of the value in the CARD column. If CARD is -1, Db2 uses a default value(10000).
NACTIVE Yes Yes No Number of active pages in the partition.
NPAGES Yes Yes Yes Total number of pages on which rows of the partition appear, -1 to trigger use of the default value (CEILING(1 + CARD/20)).
PCTPAGES Yes Yes No Percentage of total active pages in the partition that contain rows of the table.
PCTROWCOMP Yes Yes No Percentage of rows compressed within the total number of active rows in the partition, -1 to trigger use of the default value (0).
  1. Statistics on LOB-related values are not used for access path selection.
  2. The SYSCOLDISTSTATS and SYSINDEXSTATS catalog tables are not used for parallelism access paths.
  3. Db2 uses the following SYSCOLSTATS catalog table columns to determine the degree of parallelism: COLCARD, HIGHKEY, LOWKEY, HIGH2KEY, and LOW2KEY.
  4. When table statistics are determined by RUNSTATS TABLESPACE with INDEX by using an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the statistics are adjusted to account for the null keys and are the same as for an index that does not exclude null keys.

    When table statistics are determined by RUNSTATS INDEX by using an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the number of excluded null keys is determined by a query of the TOTALROWS column of the SYSTABLESPACESTATS catalog table. If the value of that column is unavailable or null, RUNSTATS issues a message and stops with a return code.

  5. When table statistics are determined by RUNSTATS TABLESPACE with INDEX by using an EXCLUDE NULL KEYS index, the values are adjusted depending on the value of the TYPE column:
    Actual and excluded null keys are included when calculating frequent values. If an excluded null key is not one of the most or lease frequent values, it is inserted as a separate row nonetheless.
    Actual and excluded null keys are included when calculating histogram values. If an excluded null key belongs in the first or last quantile, the following values are adjusted for that quantile, or a new quantile is created:
    • CARDF
    The results are the same as for an index that does not exclude null keys.
    Actual and excluded null key values are included when calculating frequent values. If an excluded null key is not one of the most or least frequent values it is inserted as a separate row nonetheless.
End program-specific programming interface information.