DSNTIPE1: Thread management panel 2

The entries on the DSNTIPE1 panel determine main storage sizes.

Updating the parameters: You can use the UPDATE mode of the CLIST to update any value on this panel.

Figure 1. Thread management panel 2: DSNTIPE1
Start of change
DSNTIPE1             INSTALL DB2 - THREAD MANAGEMENT PANEL 2                   
Enter data below:                                                              
  1 LONG-RUNNING READER   ===> 10       Minutes before read claim warning      
  2 DATA DEF TIMEOUT      ===> 1        For unavailable resources (1-254)      
  3 INDEX CLEANUP THREADS ===> 10       To remove pseudo empty index pages &   
                                        pseudo deleted index entries (0-128)   

PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information      
End of change