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Column names longer than 30 bytes

You can define a column with a name longer than 30 bytes of EBCDIC, up to 128 bytes.

When the value of the TABLE_COL_NAME_EXPANSION subsystem parameter is ON, a column can be named, or reassigned a different name, longer than 30 EBCDIC bytes, and no warning is issued. For example, this can occur in the following situations:

  • Statements for objects such as tables, views, or indexes that define new columns or rename existing columns.
  • INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statements define include columns.
  • Common table expressions that explicitly specify column names.
  • An AS clause in a SELECT or FROM clause of a query defines an alternate name for a column of a result table.

Limitations for column names longer than 30 bytes

However, column names with a length greater than 30 bytes of EBCDIC might be truncated on a character boundary to at most 30 bytes when they are returned in an SQLDA. APIs that do not use the SQLDA to obtain a column name may return complete column names.

For example, the following interfaces, which use an SQLDA to get column names, will return at most 30 bytes of a column name:

  • Direct use of an SQLDA
  • QMF
  • ODBC APIs such as SQLDescribeCol and SQLColAttributes (or SQLColAttribute)

In other cases, an interface may not be supported, a truncated column name may unintentionally be interpreted by Db2 as a reference to another column that happens to have that truncated name, a warning may be returned with the truncated name, or an error may be returned rather than truncating the name.

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