Creating an external SQL procedure by using DSNTPSMP
The SQL procedure processor, DSNTPSMP, is one of several methods that you can use to create and prepare an external SQL procedure. DSNTPSMP is a REXX stored procedure that you can invoke from your application program.
Before you begin
Deprecated function: External SQL procedures are deprecated and not as fully supported as native SQL procedures. For best results, create native SQL procedures instead. For more information, see Creating native SQL procedures and Migrating an external SQL procedure to a native SQL procedure.
Set up support for external SQL procedures. For more information, see Setting up support for external SQL procedures.
Also ensure that you have the required authorizations, as indicated in the following table, for invoking DSNTPSMP.
Required authorization | Associated syntax for the authorization |
Procedure privilege to run application programs that invoke the stored procedure. | EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE SYSPROC.DSNTPSMP |
Collection privilege to use BIND to create packages in the specified collection. You can use an asterisk (*) as the identifier for a collection. | CREATE ON COLLECTION collection-id |
Package privilege to use BIND or REBIND to bind packages in the specified collection. | BIND ON PACKAGE collection-id.* |
System privilege to use BIND with the ADD option to create packages and plans. | BINDADD |
Schema privilege to create, alter, or drop stored procedures in the specified schema. The BUILDOWNER authorization ID must have the CREATEIN privilege on the schema. You can use an asterisk (*) as the identifier for a schema. | CREATEIN, ALTERIN, DROPIN ON SCHEMA schema-name |
Table privileges to select or delete from, insert into, or update the specified catalog tables. |
Any privileges that are required for the SQL statements and that are contained within the SQL procedure body. These privileges must be associated with the OWNER authorization-id that is specified in your bind options. The default owner is the user that is invoking DSNTPSMP. | Syntax varies depending on the SQL procedure body |
To create an external SQL procedure by using DSNTPSMP: