New-function APARs for Db2 13 in 2024

Tip: Depending on when and how you order the Db2 13 product code, you might find that external changes from any of the following APARs are already built-in when you install or migrate to Db2 13. Also, depending on your maintenance strategy, external changes from APARs that you did not apply in Db2 12 are likely to be already built-in when you migrate to Db2 13. See the descriptions of APARs with availability dates earlier than 2022-06 in New-function APARs for Db2 12.
Removal of ephemeral port use for DVIPA monitoring from DDF

APAR PH58161 (May 2024) enables Db2 13 to use an ENF80 signal provided by z/OS® Communications Server to determine when the TCP/IP stack leaves or rejoins the sysplex. When Db2 detects a change in the status of the TCP/IP stack, it now issues message DNSL524I. Messages DSNL085I and DSNL089I in the DISPLAY DDF command output are also updated to display an UNAVAILABLE status if the TCP/IP stack leaves the sysplex.

This APAR also removes use of a DVIPA listener port that was previously introduced by APAR PI79095. The sole purpose of this port was to enable Db2 to discover when the TCP/IP stack left or rejoined the sysplex, and it had no listen depth and could not accept connections from clients. However, some customers encountered exceptions in compliance tools when this DVIPA listener port was used.

For more information, see the following related topics:

Enhanced DSNJ114I message output

APAR PH60669 (June 2024) enhances message DSNJ114I to report the COPYID and data set name of the log data set that is receiving the error, to help system programmers identify the problem and take appropriate actions sooner. Db2 issues the DSNJ114I message if it is unable to allocate an archive log on one copy but is still able to allocate to the other copy.

Before this APAR, the DSNJU004 utility was needed to be used identify the location of the error.

For more information, see the following related topics:

New model retraining capability of SQL Data Insights

APAR PH60870 (May 2024) introduces the new model retraining capability of SQL Data Insights (SQL DI). When you enable an object for AI query, SQL DI trains a neural network model based on the data you select. As the data change, the accuracy of the model may degrade over time. After the application of this APAR, you can retrain the model whenever necessary.

For more information, see the following related topics:

Password phrase support in trusted contexts with JDBC Type 2 drivers

With the availability of IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ APAR PH60240, which introduces version 4.33 driver release (May 2024), and APAR PH54501 (July 2023) applied in Db2 13 for z/OS, applications that use the JDBC Type 2 driver and trusted contexts can now specify password phrases of up to 100 characters.

For more information, see the following related topics:

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support for Db2 REST services

Starting in Db2 13 with APAR PH59837 (April 2024), you can enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support for Db2 REST services. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a protocol standard for permitting a web page or application to access remote content from a different domain (or port) than the site that the web page was loaded from. You can enable Db2 REST services to use the HTTP Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) protocols, including support for the CORS "pre-flight" HTTP OPTIONS verb and CORS HTTP request/response header fields.

The configuration and management of the Db2 REST CORS origin authorization rules are implemented using a new z/OS RACF RESOURCE CLASS (DSNRAUTH) and associated RACF generic or discrete resource profiles to represent the allowed remote (origin) sites.

The CORS origin checking is managed as a system wide Db2 setting which is independent of the "end-user" that is driving the CORS request. So, the authorization ID associated with the DDF (ssidDIST) started task address space is used for the CORS origin resource authorization check.

Tip: If you want to use the REST CORS functionality before the availability of the RACF module ICHRRCDX update that delivers the new DSNRAUTH class definition, your z/OS RACF security administrator can temporarily create the DSNRAUTH class using the RACF dynamic class descriptor table (CDT) support. for more information, see Creating a temporary DSNRAUTH class by using the RACF dynamic class descriptor table.

For more information, see the following related topics:

Function level 505 activation support
PH59534 (April 2024) introduces support for activating function level 505 in Db2 13. For more information, see the following related topics:
Utility enhancements for copying table spaces that use XML versions

Starting in Db2 13, APAR PH51434 (March 2024) enhances the following Db2 utilities to prevent inconsistencies when copying XML data from a source table to a target table when the table space contains XML versions.


Unlike table space versions or index versions, Db2 uses XML versions to optimize concurrency and memory usage. For more information, see How Db2 uses XML versions.

With this APAR, when these utilities create shadow data sets or reformat a data set, they save table space version information to the page set. So, you can run one of these utilities before you copy versioned XML data to prevent problems that might occur because of XML table space version number differences between the source and target tables. These differences can occur when the REORG utility converts the source or target XML table from the 6-byte basic RBA and LRSN format to the extended 10-byte format.

An XML table space that supports multiple XML versions contains columns named START_TS and END_TS, which contain the RBA or LRSN values for the logical creation and deletion of the XML records. The data types of these columns depend on the RBA and LRSN format of the table space: they are BINARY(8) for the deprecated 6-byte basic format and BINARY(10) for the extended 10-byte format. When the REORG utility converts the format of these columns, it also increments the XML table space version number on the page set by 1. This can become an issue while copying a table space because no system page is created to indicate the difference between the version numbers. The resulting mismatch can prevent subsequent access to the data, even if both tables have the same RBA or LRSN format.

The REPAIR utility with the CATALOG option is also enhanced to reconcile the XML table space version differences on the page set after such data is copied. For best results, run REPAIR CATALOG on the XML table space to repair the XML version number on the target object after data is copied or recovered. Doing so allows subsequent insert, update, and delete statements to be able to access the data without any conflict of table version number.

However, if DSN1COPY is used to copy the data from source to target, you must ensure that the START_TS and END_TS columns have the same format in both the source and target table spaces. The REPAIR CATALOG utility cannot validate data format between two objects. It only repairs the target XML version number to match the source XML table.

FL 505 Activation verifies that the PTF for this APAR is applied on every Db2 13 data sharing member. However, applying the PTF makes the new function available on each member, at any function level.

For more information, see the following related topics:

More granular filtering for monitoring secure connectivity with profiles

APAR PH57811 (January 2024) introduces a capability to apply security profile rules more precisely. This capability is especially useful for enforcing security for new cloud-based clients or specific portions of the network more strictly. With this APAR applied, you can specify any of the following values in the LOCATION column for profiles that use the MONITOR product-type CONNECTIONS FOR SECURITY keyword:

  • '*', '::0', or '' (for all connections).
  • Start of changeA domain name that resolves to an IP address. An example fully qualified domain name is ''.End of change
  • Start of changeIPV4 or IPV6 IP address.End of change
  • Start of changeIPV4 or IPV6 subnet address.End of change

Before this APAR, only the following values are supported for such profiles: '*', '::0', or ''.

FL 505 Activation verifies that the PTF for this APAR is applied on every Db2 13 data sharing member. However, applying the PTF makes the new function available on each member, at any function level.

For more information, see the following related topics:

Detail information for a page with minimum LRSN that causes a GRECP recovery delay

Starting in Db2 12 with APAR PH54199 (January 2024), adds a new DSNB360I message for detailed information for a page that is identified with minimum page LRSN in a DSNB355I message, to help you locate the page and the object it belongs to promptly in the case the GBP recovery delay is caused by the lagging minimum page LRSN.

Recovery from the group buffer pool recovery pending (GRECP) state might be delayed when the GBP-recovery LRSN is not progressing. The GBP-recovery LRSN is the minimum of the minimum page LRSN and the minimum member LRSN. The minimum page LRSN is the oldest changed page clean-to-dirty LRSN that was recorded at the time of the last group buffer pool checkpoint. The minimum member LRSN is the minimum member-level, write-pending LRSN that was recorded at the last group buffer pool checkpoint.

If the minimum page LRSN is older than the time when the third-to-last group buffer pool checkpoint was taken or the minimum member LRSN is invalid, Db2 issues a DSNB355I message at a group buffer pool checkpoint. The DSNB355I message includes the minimum page LRSN and the local timestamp of the minimum page-level LRSN, but it does not include the page details.

FL 505 Activation verifies that the PTF for this APAR is applied on every Db2 13 data sharing member. However, applying the PTF makes the new function available on each member, at any function level.

For more information, see the following related topics: