DD name list format

When you call the precompiler, you can specify a list of alternative DD names for the data sets that the precompiler uses. You must specify this list in a particular format.

The DD name list must begin on a 2-byte boundary. The first 2 bytes contain a binary count of the number of bytes in the list (excluding the count field). Each entry in the list is an 8-byte field, left-justified, and padded with blanks if needed.

The following table gives the following sequence of entries:

Table 1. DDNAME list entries
Entry Standard ddname Usage
1 Not applicable  
2 Not applicable  
3 Not applicable  
4 SYSLIB Library input
5 SYSIN Source input
6 SYSPRINT Diagnostic listing
7 Not applicable  
8 SYSUT1 Work data
9 SYSUT2 Work data
10 Not applicable  
11 Not applicable  
12 SYSTERM Diagnostic listing
13 Not applicable  
14 SYSCIN Changed source output
15 Not applicable  
16 DBRMLIB DBRM output