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DSNI092I subsystem-id DSNILGRT termination-mode TERMINIATION OF ASYNCHRONOUS LOG READER TASK FOR SESSION ID session-ID LOCATION location CORR-ID corr-id ENDING AT log-read-end-position AFTER READING number-of-log-records LOG RECORDS


This message notifies you that an asynchronous task (SRB) for reading Db2 logs has ended. It provides the following information:

The Db2 subsystem identifier.
The completion status:
The log reading task terminated normally due to a request from the HTTP monitoring interface.
An internal error or ABEND occurred during log reading. If an ABEND occurred, a dump was produced.
The log reading task terminated because the session wasn’t referenced by the HTTP monitoring interface for at least one minute.
The unique session ID that identifies the log reading task.
The name of the IBM® Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS® or the IBM Db2 for z/OS Data Gate instance that initiated the asynchronous log reader task. If the name is not available due to a transmission error, location will show the IP address of the remote requester.
The correlation ID that identifies the system task. corr-ID starts with 014.LGRTSK and is appended with a 2-digit number to make it unique. This correlation ID can also be seen in lock timeout and dead lock messages (DSNT375I and DSNT376I) and can help identify which Integrated Synchronization connection was involved in the lock situation.
The position within the log at which the log reading task stopped reading the log.
The total number of log records that were read by the log reading task.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

For termination-mode NORMAL or TIMEOUT CAUSED, none required.

For termination-mode ERROR CAUSED, the accelerator will automatically restart synchronization. If the automatic restart fails, attempt to manually restart synchronization from the accelerator. If you are unable to successfully restart synchronization, contact IBM Software Support.

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