Benefits of Db2 for z/OS as a server

For each type of architecture, Db2 for z/OS® offers a robust solution for web applications.

Specifically, using Db2 for z/OS as a database server for a web application provides the following advantages:

  • Exceptional scalability. The volume of transactions on any web application varies. Transaction loads can increase, or spike, at different times of the day, on different days of the month, or at different times of the year. Transaction loads also tend to increase over time. In a Parallel Sysplex® environment, Db2 for z/OS can handle the full range of transaction loads with little or no impact on performance. Any individual user is generally unaware of how busy the system is at a given point in time.
  • High degree of availability. When Db2 for z/OS runs in a Parallel Sysplex environment, the availability of data and applications is very high. If one Db2 subsystem is unavailable, for example, because of maintenance, other Db2 subsystems in the sysplex take over the workload. Users are unaware that part of the system is unavailable because they have access to the data and applications that they need.
  • Ability to manage a mixed workload. Db2 for z/OS effectively and efficiently manages priorities of a mixed workload as a result of its tight integration with z/OS Workload Manager.
  • Protection of data integrity. Users of Db2 for z/OS can benefit from the product's well-known strength in the areas of security and reliability.