Monitoring Metrics

You can use the IBM® Db2® Data Management Console console for database monitoring and also effectively monitor your database performance by using one or more of the key performance indicators, known as metrics. The console provides the following metric types for monitoring the performance of your database.

Database Throughput

This metric monitors the query performance by measuring the number of statements processed and the number of rows read from the table. The statements contain the activities completed with errors and the activities completed successfully within a certain period. This count of rows read is not the number of rows that were returned to the calling application. Rather, it is the number of rows that were read in order to return the result set. Additionally, this count does not include any index accesses. This metric summary represents database throughput by quantifying the statements and rows read in two aspects: an average number per minute and time series for an average.

Database Resource Usage

This metric monitors the database resource usage by measuring the CPU usage, memory usage, log space usage and storage usage. This metric summary represents the database resource usage by two aspects: average/max/latest number and time series number.

Database Availability

This metric indicates whether the database is up or down. This metric summary represents the historical available time in percentage.

Database Responsiveness

This metric indicates whether the system is responding well to the incoming requests.

Database Contention

This metric indicates whether there is any contention between connections.

Database Time Spent

This metric indicates the percentage of time that is taken for database calls.

Units of Work

This metric indicates what transactions (units of work) are consuming the most resources in the data server.


Displays all kinds of network connections to the console.

Inflight Statements

Displays the sql statement details for running processes.

Table Storage

Displays the storage usage data of each table or each schema.

Table Performance

Displays the performance data of each table or each schema.

Package Cache

Displays the SQL executed in console.

WLM Workload Summary

This metric represents the accumulation of all metrics for requests that were submitted by connections mapped to the identified workload objects.

WLM Services Class Summary

This metric represents the accumulation of all metrics for requests that have executed under the indicated service subclass.

Individual Execution

Displays the details of executed SQL statements as system activity.

Blocking and Waiting Connections

Displays the blocker and waiter pair in the console.

Locked Objects with Waiting Connections

Displays the detailed data of the locked process and information of the process that blocked it.

Partition Summary

Displays the information for each data partition used by a database.

Database Partitions

Displays charts for CPU , Sort , I/O for each database partition.

Stored Procedures

Displays the aggregated execution metrics for procedures, external procedures, compiled functions, external functions, compiled triggers, and anonymous blocks invoked since database activation.

Top Consumers

Displays the top consumers of the system resources.

Connection Summary

Displays a summary of all connections established to the console.

Operating System Time Spent

Displays the time spent for each activity performed by an operating system of the database.

Partition Skew

Displays the information for each data partition used by dpf database.

Locking Event Monitor

Displays the blocker and waiter pair in system.

Buffer Pools

Displays the usage of Db2 Buffer Pools and Table Spaces. A directory server uses the Db2 buffer pools to store cached data and to improve database performance. A buffer pool is associated with a single database and can be used by more than one table space. Adequate buffer pool size is essential for good database performance because it reduces the disk I/O, which uses a considerable amount of time.

Utilities Event Monitors

Displays the all kinds of utilities used by the database system.

Connection Lock Statistics

Displays the locking activities in console system.

Find Locked Objects

Displays the detailed information of locked operations.