Setting the timeout value for onetime password connection

IBM® Data Server Manager (DSM) administrators can now set the timeout value for onetime password connection.

About this task

Currently, onetime password connection disconnects from Db2 if the connection remained idle for 10 minutes (600 seconds). Effective DSM v2.1.5.1 release, DSM administrators can manually set this idle timeout value by editing the This ensures that, once the idle timeout expires, users will be required to enter their onetime password credentials once again to establish access to their Db2 connection.


To set the onetime password idle timeout period:

  1. From the Config folder of your DSM installation, select and open the file.
  2. Edit the onetimepassword.conn.timeout.seconds property and set it to the desired value in seconds.
  3. Save the file and restart DSM.


The timeout value for onetime password connection is set to the desired value. when the onetime password connection remains idle for the specified value for onetimepassword.conn.timeout.seconds, the connection disconnects from Db2. To establish access to the Db2 connection, you must once again enter the onetime password credentials.
Note: The accepted value for onetimepassword.conn.timeout.seconds is a positive integer ranging from 1 to 2147483. If any incorrect value is entered, the property will be reset to default value of 600 seconds.