Switch between installation images

How to switch between the current installation image and the previously installed installation image. When the platform is docker, the DataPower® Gateway has only a single installation. You cannot rollback. The firmware version in use is controlled by the FROM declaration in your Dockerfile.

About this task

A rollback is an action that switches between the current installation image (primary) and the previously installed installation image (secondary). The installation image is the firmware version, installed and activated features, the configuration, and supporting files.

  • Switching to an earlier firmware version can prevent the B2B Gateway from becoming operational. If the B2B Gateway does not become operational, you must reinitialize the B2B persistence store.
  • If passwords were change between these installation images, you must use the passwords that were defined in the previously installed installation image.

Instead of switching between installation image from the GUI, you can use the boot switch command in Flash mode.


  1. In the search field, enter system.
  2. From the search results, click System Contol.
  3. Locate the Switch Installation Image section.
  4. Click Switch Installation Image.
  5. Follow the prompts.


After the final confirmation, the DataPower Gateway loads the previous installation image and configuration and restarts, which can take up to 3 minutes. If the DataPower Gateway fails to start, see the troubleshoot topic about firmware management operations.