Initializing the DataPower Gateway

How to initialize the DataPower Gateway to define its base configuration. This procedure applies to all virtual products except when the platform is Docker.

Before you begin

Deploy the appropriate product offering for your environment and license.

Attention: Before you start the DataPower® Gateway, the network for the host operating system must be fully functioning and the port for the web management interface must be accessible.
For deployments on VMware, run the installation wizard. The installation wizard prompts for information about the basic DataPower configuration. This information becomes part of the running DataPower configuration. Based on the tasks, you might need to gather the following information before you start.
  • Interface IP addresses and masks.
  • Default gateways.
  • Interface mode.
  • IP name servers.
  • Credentials for account that can reset passwords.


  1. At the Login: prompt, enter admin.
    admin is the name of a local user account. The admin account is a privileged user.
  2. At the Password: prompt, enter admin.
    admin is the default password for the admin account. The script prompts you later to change this password.
  3. Follow the prompts to enable the appropriate operational modes.
    Use care when you select the operational modes. If you select an incorrect mode, the only way to change an operational mode is to reinitialize the DataPower Gateway.
    • Read the general cautions that apply to operational modes.
    • Read the information about each operational mode.
    • Enable or disable the operational mode.
    • Confirm the operational mode.
      Secure Backup mode
      Enable this mode when you want to create a secure backup.
      Common Criteria Compatibility mode
      Enable this mode when a specific authority requires EAL4 certification. Common Criteria Compatibility mode is not commonly necessary. Enable this mode only when directed by your company.
  4. Enter and confirm the new password.
    1. At the Please enter new password prompt, enter a new password.
      Ensure that your keyboard does not have the lock for capital letters or numbers engaged. Type the password from the keyboard. Do not copy and paste. If you copy and paste, you might copy extra spaces or characters.
    2. At the Please re-enter new password to confirm prompt, enter the new password again.
  5. Complete the base firmware configuration.
    • For deployments on VMware, at the Do you want to run the Installation Wizard? prompt, enter y to start the installation wizard. If you inadvertently enter n at the prompt, you can start the installation wizard by entering the following commands.
      # configure terminal
      # startup
      For more information, see startup.
    • For deployments on Linux, configure the DataPower web management interface to access the GUI and accept the license agreement. The command configures the web management interface on port 9090. The IP address is the address for eth0 that was already configured on the host.
      # configure terminal
      # web-mgmt
      # admin-state enabled
      # local-address eth0_ipv4_1
      # exit
  6. Accept the license agreement.
    The address to access the web management interface uses the HTTPS protocol and has the https://IP_address:port format.
    • For deployments on VMware, the IP address and port are assigned in the installation wizard.
    • When you deploy the DataPower Gateway for Linux® on Docker, use the Docker engine IP and port 9090 when you are using -p 9090:9090.
  7. For deployments on VMware, define the system identifier, which uniquely identifies this DataPower Gateway.
    1. In the search field, enter System settings.
    2. From the search results, click System settings.
    3. In the System identifier field, enter a unique name for the DataPower Gateway.
  8. Click Apply to save changes to the running configuration.
  9. Click Save to save changes to the persisted configuration.

What to do next

Create application domains and user groups. When you have application domains and user access, you can develop services on the DataPower Gateway. For more information, see the administration documentation.

Verify the configuration and environment information with the virtual platform status provider.
  • From the CLI, use the show virtual-platform command.
  • From the GUI, use the available status provider.
    1. In the search field, enter virtual.
    2. From the search results, click Virtual Platform Information.