Configuring a third-party product as the OAuth provider

How to configure OAuth provider settings for a third-party OAuth token provider.

About this task

When the Token validation requirement property is 200 OK + active:true, validation requirements are strictly checked against response scopes in the response body. When the OAuth security requirement defines scopes that are not a subset of response scopes, the request is denied unless advanced scope checks are enabled.
  • When the scope value in the OAuth security requirement is scope1 and the response scope value is scope1 scope2, validation passes the check.
  • When the scope value in the OAuth security requirement is scope1 scope2 and the response scope value is scope1, validation fails the check. In this situation, you can modify the configuration in either of the following ways to pass the validation check.
    • Delete the scope value from the OAuth security requirement. To manage the scope value, use the Allowed scopes property for an OAuth security requirement. For more information, see Configuring an OAuth security requirement.
    • Enable advanced scope validation. To enable advanced scope validation, use the Enable advanced scope validation property.


  1. In the search field, enter oauth.
  2. From the search results, click OAuth provider settings.
  3. Click Add.

Define the general settings.

  1. Define the basic properties - Name, administrative state, and comments.
  2. From the Provider type list, select Third-party.
  3. In the Allowed scopes field, specify the scopes that the access token is valid to access.
    These scopes are a superset of defined scopes for the OAuth security requirement and the OAuth security definition. To specify multiple scopes, use a space between each scope. The order of scopes does not matter.
  4. From the Supported grant types list, select the supported methods to grant authorization.
  5. From the Supported client types list, select the client types that can obtain access tokens.

Define settings for the third-party provider.

  1. In the Authorization endpoint field, specify the URL to the authorization endpoint.
  2. In the Token endpoint field, specify the URL to the token endpoint.
  3. In the Introspection endpoint field, specify the URL to the introspection endpoint. The value can include one or more runtime context variables in the $(variable) format.
  4. From the TLS client profile list, select the name of the TLS client profile to secure connections to the introspection endpoint.
  5. From the Introspection endpoint security list, select how to secure connections to the introspection endpoint.
  6. When Basic authentication header is set to secure connections to the introspection endpoint. When both defined, authentication uses the header method.
    Username and password
    Specify the username and password alias for basic authentication.
    Specify the header name to send the encoded or nonencoded authentication string such as x-introspect-basic-authorization-header.
  7. In the Custom header pattern field, specify the name pattern of the headers to use for sending additional information.
  8. From the Token validation requirement list, select the requirement to indicate when a token is valid.
    200 OK
    Connect successfully to the third-party endpoint.
    200 OK + active:true
    Connect successfully to the third-party endpoint and the access token is valid.
  9. From the Cache type list, select the cache type to control whether and how to cache positive responses. When the cache type is TTL, specify the duration in seconds to keep responses in the cache in the Time to live field, The default value is 900.
  10. Set the Retain Authorization header property to determine whether to retain the Authorization header for a bearer token. The default behavior is to remove this header.
  11. Enable the Enable debug headers property to enable debugging.
  12. Optional: To enable and define advanced scope validation, click the Advanced scope tab.
    1. Enable the Enable advanced scope validation to enable advanced scope validation.
    2. Set the Use URL for API security definition property to control whether to use the URL from the API security OAuth or from the OAuth provider settings.
    3. In the Advanced scope URL field, specify the URL to send scope information for validation. This external endpoint is where the specified scope is verified. The value can include one or more runtime context variables in the $(variable) format.
    4. From the TLS profile to access metadata URL list, select the TLS client profile to secure connections to the advanced scope endpoint.
    5. Enable the Enable advanced scope endpoint security property to enable security on the advanced scope endpoint.
    6. When security is enabled, select how to secure connections to the advanced scope endpoint from the Advanced scope endpoint security list.
    7. When Basic authentication header is set to secure connections to the advanced scope endpoint. When both defined, authentication uses the header method.
      Username and password
      Specify the username and password alias for basic authentication.
      Specify the header name to send the encoded or nonencoded authentication string such as x-basic-authorization-header.
    8. In the Request headers field, specify the custom headers to send with the advanced scope validation request. Use a regular expression match to include headers from the initial request.
    9. In the Request context variables field, specify the custom context variables to save headers from the advanced scope validation request. Use a regular expression to include headers from the advanced scope endpoint response.
  13. Click Apply to save changes to the running configuration.
  14. Click Save to save changes to the persisted configuration.

What to do next

  • To apply the OAuth provider settings to protect an API or operation, create an API security OAuth definition from the OAuth provider settings configuration.
  • To apply the OAuth provider settings for OAuth processing, create an OAuth assembly action that references the OAuth provider settings configuration.