
This command sets the criticality of events to log to the system log.


loglevel priority


Specifies the type of events that are written to the system log and can be expressed as either keyword or integer. Events are characterized in descending order of criticality. The default value is notice or 5.
  • For emergency, enter emerg.
  • For alert, enter alert.
  • For critical, enter critic.
  • For error, enter error.
  • For warning, enter warn.
  • For notice, enter notice.
  • For information, enter info.
  • For debug, enter debug.


The loglevel command determines which events to log to the system log. The priority also functions as a filter and determines which events to forward to a remote syslog daemon. In contrast, syslog specifies the events to forward to a remote destination.

In the absence of an argument, the loglevel command displays the current log-level.

With an argument, the loglevel command indicates that all events of greater or equal criticality to the argument are logged.

Note: Use the loglevel, logsize, and syslog commands to configure the system log.


  • Set the priority to critical, which logs critical, alert, and emergency events.
    # loglevel critical
  • Set the priority to 2, which logs critical, alert, and emergency events.
    # loglevel 2
  • Display the current priority.
    # loglevel
    loglevel is 7 debug