Datacap Accounts Payable actions

Use the Datacap Accounts Payable actions when you work with batches of invoices on APT.

Datacap Accounts Payable actions are divided into the following categories:

Category Description
Localization Detects the localization and decimal separator settings of a workstation and changes the rules execution and data for the documents that you are processing if needed.
Custom Customizes the fields in the invoice image to accommodate locale requirements and other things.
Concatenate line values Merges line item values into page variable and page field values into document variables.
Documents Creates and manages the documents in the batch.
FlexID Starts the FlexID panel to manually identify the pages in the document batch.
Intellocate learning Determines the new zones in the invoice image and adds these zones to the DCO.
Page ID Separates and processes the page objects in the documents.
PreVerify setup Sets the label variable that is used by Datacap Web Client and Datacap Desktop to display the label on each field.
Redaction Redacts selected information in your invoice image for security purposes.

Embedded help is provided in Datacap Studio for all of the Datacap Accounts Payable actions. To access the embedded help, select an action in the Actions Library tab and click information. For detailed information, including information about parameters, refer to the embedded help.