Creating the Datacap Desktop in Microsoft Visual Studio

After you generate and review the layout XML file, open the layout XML file in Microsoft Visual Studio. Then, you can convert the customized panel to the Datacap Desktop panel.


To create the Datacap Desktop form in Microsoft Visual Studio:

  1. In Visual Studio, open the Datacap Desktop project and press Ctrl+F5.
  2. From the Select User Control list, select the DotEditPanels.dotMaster.
  3. In the DCO Setup field, click Browse and select the application DCO XML file.
    For example, C:\Datacap\MyApp\dco_MyApp\MyApp.xml.
  4. In the Layout XML field, click Browse and select the XML file that you generated.
  5. In the Page Type field, select the page for which to create the custom panel.
  6. In the New name field, enter the name for the new C# class.
  7. Click Create.
    Datacap Desktop displays a message that indicates you must reload the project. You are prompted to do reload the project in the next step.
  8. Click OK to close the message box and then close the ‘dotmaster' UserControl TestContainer window.
  9. Click Reload.
  10. In the Solution Explorer, double-click the new .cs file to display the new custom panel that is generated from the XML file.