What's new in IBM Datacap Version 9.1.7

New in 9.1.7 Datacap Version 9.1.7 has the following new features, functions, and enhancements.

New features

Application Deployment for custom applications

Datacap Application Copy Tool is enhanced. You can copy and move customized components such as Datacap DcDesktop Custom Panel, ICN Custom Panel, and Custom Actions, along with the customized application files to another environment by using the function. See the Datacap Application Deployment tool topic.

Dynamic web TWAIN v1.5.0924

Datacap Navigator web Solution is upgraded to use Dynamic web TWAIN SDK v1.5.0924. To upgrade Dynamic web TWAIN module from an old version to the new version, follow the steps in Installing Dynamic web TWAIN Module V15.2 topic.

Datacap supports TWAIN scanning. TWAIN has broad support for many scanner types including high speed scanners.

Microsoft SQL Server MSOLEDBSQL as a database type or provider name

In Datacap Application Manager, database type or provider name is enhanced to include Microsoft SQL Server MSOLEDBSQL as one its database connection strings. See Advanced database settings for Datacap Server topic for settings in other database types.

Regular Expression

RecognitionOCRA action is enhanced to specify a regular expression, which acts as a dictionary to help guide the engine to the correct recognition of characters during field level recognition. Read more for the action help.

OAuth authentication protocol support

The Datacap EWSMail component supports OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. You can connect to Microsoft Office 365 Outlook mail by using the OAuth protocol. For more information, see Email connector prerequisites.

New action libraries added

RuleRunnerLogic action library helps to control application logic within rulesets. Read more for the action help.

Barcode action library helps reading of bar codes from a page or field. Read more for the action help.

ImageUtilities action library helps you to adjust and convert images. Read more for the action help.

TiffMultipageMerge action library helps merging multiple images in to a single multiple-page TIFF image. Read more for the action help.

Line-item Pagination action library helps to handle large number of line-items (count around 10,000) in Datacap Desktop. See how to define the number of line items of an invoice to be displayed during verification and Read more for the action help.

ExportToDatabase action library helps exporting the page level and field level values into the table in database. Read more for the action help.

ContentAnalyzerSubmitRequestCreateMultipage action helps merging the tiff files in to single when called at document level and promote to page not used. Read more for the action help.

Deprecated, dropped in IBM Datacap V9.1.7

Table 1. Deprecated existing or old libraries replaced by new actions libraries
Deprecated existing or old action libraries New action libraries
rrunner RuleRunnerLogic
BarcodeP Barcode
ImageConvert ImageUtilities
ColorToBW ImageUtilities
DCClip ImageUtilities
Grayscale ImageUtilities
Equalize ImageUtilities
TifMerge TiffMultipageMerge

ICR/C engine was deprecated previously and is removed now (no longer function). The actions are still visible in Datacap Studio. You can review and move to use the RecognizeOCRA or OCR/SR actions.

IBM Knowledge Center enhancement: Increased clarity for developing applications

The Developing applications section of IBM Datacap V9.1.7 Knowledge Center is reorganized to enhance clarity of the application development process:
  • Topics are organized by application type (capture versus maintenance).
  • Topics are organized by processing steps.
  • A new capture-application planning section reinforces workflow concepts.
  • TravelDocs tutorial topics are consolidated into their own section and flow without interruption.

API topics are moved from the general Reference section into an API reference subsection of the Developing applications section.

Some Version 9.1.6 topics are deleted. A list of V9.1.7 replacement topic is available. For more information, see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/1135438