Upgrading Db2, Oracle, or SQL databases for Datacap applications

About this task

For Datacap standard applications that are not customized, Datacap provides scripts that create databases that have the appropriate schemas. For more information, see Defining the database structure.

For customized applications, you must preserve your database customizations and you must add database objects that make the database compatible with the new Datacap version.

You can upgrade old Db2, Oracle, or SQL databases to be compatible with the new version of Datacap. Datacap provides scripts that upgrade the schemas of existing databases. Run the scripts for your databases:
  1. Start IBM Data Studio.
  2. Connect to the application's databases.
  3. Run the scripts.
SQL Server
  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Connect to the application's databases.
  3. Run the scripts.
  1. Start SQL Plus or SQL Developer.
  2. Connect to the application's databases.
  3. Run the scripts.
All scripts are in the \Datacap\support\DBScript\ folder.
Tip: Save a copy of your old database tables before you run the scripts. Just in case.
If your version before migration is V9.0.0 or an earlier version and your target version is V9.0.1 or a later version run the following scripts:
Upgrade the Admin, Engine, and Fingerprint databases schemas. Run the scripts that apply to your databases.
  • DB2_Adm_Upd901.sql
  • DB2_Eng_Upd901.sql
  • DB2_FP_Upd901.sql
SQL Serve
  • SQL_Adm_Upd901.sql
  • SQL_Eng_Upd901.sql
  • SQL_FP_Upd901.sql
  • Oracle_Adm_Upd901.sql
  • Oracle_Eng_Upd901.sql
  • Oracle_FP_Upd901.sql
If your version before migration is V9.1.4 or an earlier version and your target version is V9.1.5 or a later version, run the following scripts:
Upgrade the Engine databases schemas. Run the scripts that apply to your databases.
  • DB2_Eng_Upd915on901.sql
SQL Server
  • SQL_Eng_Upd915on901.sql
  • Oracle_Eng_Upd915on901.sql
If your version before migration is V9.1.6 or an earlier version and your target version is V9.1.7 or a later version, run the following scripts:
Upgrade the Fingerprint databases schemas. Run the scripts that apply to your databases.
  • DB2_FP_Upd917on901.sql
SQL Server
  • SQL_FP_Upd917on901.sql
  • Oracle_FP_Upd917on901.sql